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Irish Women Workers Union

5 September 1911
Members of the Irish Women Workers Union c 1914
Wikimedia Commons

The Irish Women Workers Union was launched on 5 September 1911 for women, 'whatever you are or wherever you work'. Women workers were concentrated in a narrow range of industries, as domestic workers, in clothing or food production. Many were single women, contributing to their family's household budget. Others were breadwinners. A typical member of the Union: 'is 33 years old and has five children. Her husband went to America four years ago, but for the last year she has heard nothing from him, nor has she received money from him. She earns 7s a week at sack repairing. She spends 1s and 6d on rent, gives 4s6d to a sister to look after and feed the five children while she is at work, and she pays 2d a week to the Union.'

Read more? Theresa Moriarty, Households and Collective Action during the Dublin Lockout, 1913' in: Rebellious Families, ed. by Jan Kok (New York 2002)