Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Dissatisfied Social Democrats

17 March 1946
BG B21/218

Malcontent members of the PvdA, the Dutch Labour Party, established the PvdA Social Democrat Centre (SDC) on 17 March 1946. Sam de Wolff, grand old man of the pre-war social democrats, initiated and chaired this SDC.
It comprised between 100 and 150 people – dissatisfied party members and those without any political affiliation. The SDC endeavoured to “repair the relationship between the party and the working class” and to ensure close collaboration with other left-wing parties. It aimed to secure an official status within the party similar to that of the Roman Catholic and the Protestant study groups.
The party leadership refused, and the first SDC perished in 1947. A second SDC followed in 1955.