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Home > About IISH > Staff - by department > Staff - alphabetical > Marco H.D. van LeeuwenMarco H.D. van Leeuwen
- GIGA: Giving in the Golden Age in the Netherlands
- National Campaigns for Good Causes
- Historical Social Mobility (HISMA)
- Towards Open Societies
- Origins of the Modern Career
- History of Work, with occupational titles, images of work, recode facilities in HISCO, HISCLASS and HISCAM, as well as a discussion list and Collaboratory
- Russian working group on the History of Occupations
- Latin American working group on the History of Occupations
- INCHOS: International network for the comparative history of occupational structure
- Department of Sociology, Utrecht University
- National Graduate School for Sociology (ICS)
- National Graduate School for Social and Economic History (N.W. Posthumus)
- European Social Science History Conference
- Historical Demography (WOG-HD)
- Historical Sample of the Netherlands
- Chair Social Inequality Network, European Social Science History Conference
- Codirecting Phd training programme section Social History of Communities, N.W. Posthumus Institute, Graduate School for Economic and Social History, 2001 to 2011
- Member Working group on historical demography, 2006 to present
- Member board of the Historical Sample of the Netherlands, 1993 to present
- Member International Advisory Board of the European Social Science History Conference, 2012 to present

I studied history and sociology, and research and teach in these disciplines. I am honorary research fellow at the International Institute of Social History, and professor of historical sociology in Utrecht.
My chosen field is social inequality world wide from 1500 to the present.
My research on welfare deals with philanthropy, charity, mutual aid, private and social insurance, and the history of risks.
My research on social structure and mobility deals with residential segregation, occupational change, intergenerational mobility, career mobility and partner choice. I am interested in comparative historical studies of work, status and class. I currently hold the ERC Advanced Investigator Grant: `Towards Open Societies? Trends, Variations and Driving Forces of Intergenerational Social Mobility in Europe over the Past Three Centuries”. Towards Open Societies
Welfare: charity, philanthropy, mutual aid, insurance
(2016) - ‘Church, State and Citizen: Charity in the Netherlands from the end of the Dutch Republic to the Welfare State’, in: L. van Molle, ed., Social Reform. The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Church, State and Society in Northern Europe, c. 1780-1920. Leuven University Press. (with H.D. van Leeuwen)
2016 - 'Fashioning the self after death. The case of eighteenth-century philanthropist Maria Duyst van Voorhout”, De Achtiende eeuw. (with H. Looijesteijn)
2015 - 'Een gulle gever in de Gouden Eeuw: Henricus Popta, Fries filantroop'. in E. Venema & Ch. Groenhuijsen (eds), De Dikke Blauwe. Filanthropium jaargids 2015-2016 Van Lenthe, 174-185. (with H. Looijesteijn) [pdf]
2014 - ‘Provisions for the elderly in North-Western Europe: an international comparison of almshouses, sixteenth-twentieth centuries’, Scandinavian Economic History Review 62, 1-16. (with L. Heerma van Voss and E. van Nederveen Meerkerk) [pdf]
2014 - ‘Almshouse founding and community building in the Dutch Republic, c. 1600-1800’, Scandinavian Economic History Review 62, 17-34 (with Henk Looijesteijn). [pdf]
2013 – ‘Overrun by hungry hordes? Migrants’ Entitlements to Poor Relief in the Netherlands, 16th-20th centuries’, 173-203. in: S. Hindle and A. Winter, Migration, settlement and belonging in Europe, 1500-2000: Comparative Perspective. Berghahn Publishers. [pdf]
2013 - ´Picturing Generosity. Explaining success of national campaigns in the Netherlands”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ) 42, 262-284 (with P. Wiepking) [pdf]
2013 - ´National campaigns for charitable causes: a literature review´, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ) 42, 219-240. (with P. Wiepking) [pdf]
2012 - `Giving in Early Modern History: Philanthropy in Amsterdam’s Golden Age”, Continuity and Change. 27, 301-343. [pdf]
2012 - 'Charity in the Dutch Republic: an introduction', Continuity and Change 27, 175-197 (with L.H. Heerma van Voss) [pdf]
2012 - `Guilds and middle-class welfare 1550-1800: provisions for burial, sickness, old age, and widowhood', Economic History Review 65.1, 61-90. [pdf]
2007 - Filantropie in Nederland. Voorbeelden uit de periode 1770-2020 [Philanthropy in the Netherlands. Examples from the period 1770-2020] (edited with V. Kingma). Aksant Publishers. 219 pp.
2007 - Historical Welfare Economics in the Nineteent Century: Mutual Aid and Private Insurance for Burial, Sickness, Old Age, Widowhood, and Unemployment in the Netherlands, in B. Harris and P. Bridgen (eds), Historical Perspectives on Charity and Mutual Aid: European and American Experiences since 1800. Routledge , 89-130. [pdf]
2002 - `Histories of risk and welfare in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries’, 32-66, in O.P. Grell, A. Cunningham and R. Jütte eds., Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th century Northern Europe: History of Medicine in Context. Ashgate. [pdf]
2000 - De eenheidsstaat: onderlinges, armenzorg en commerciële verzekeraars 1800-1890 [The nation state: mutual aid, poor relief, and insurance 1800-1890] NEHA (Netherlands Economic History Archives) Publishers. 419 pp.
2000 - De rijke Republiek. Gilden, assuradeurs en armenzorg 1500-1800 [The Rich Republic: guilds, insurance brokers, and poor relief 1500-1800] NEHA (Netherlands Economic History Archives) Publishers. 480 pp.
2000 - Logic of Charity. Amsterdam,1800-1850. Macmillan Press. 242 pp.
1999 - `Armenzorg en charitas, ca. 1800-2000. Een historische erfenis’ [Poor Relief and Charity, c. 1800-2000. A Historical Heritage], 159-178, in R. van der Bie and P. Dehing (eds), Nationaal Goed. Feiten en cijfers over onze samenleving ca. 1800-1999. Central Bureau of Statistics. The Hague.
1998 - Studies over zekerheidsarrangementen. Risico's, risicobestrijding en verzekering in Nederland vanaf de Middeleeuwen [Five centuries of security in the Netherlands, 1500-present] Amsterdam. NEHA. (Netherlands Economic History Archives) Publishers (edited with J. van Gerwen). 1059 pp. with chapters on:
I Armenzorg 1800-1912: erfenis van de Republiek [pdf]
II Armenzorg 1912-1965: van centrum naar periferie [pdf]
III Opbloei van de charitas na 1965 [pdf]
1997 – `Trade Unions and the Provision of Welfare in The Netherlands 1910-1960'. Economic History Review , 764-791. [pdf]
1996 - `Liefdadige giften in Amsterdam tijdens de achttiende eeuw’ [`Charitable Gifting in Amsterdam during the Eighteenth-Century’], Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis 22, 417-442. [pdf]
1996 - `Amsterdam en de armenzorg tijdens de Republiek’ [`Amsterdam and the charity of the Dutch Republic’], NEHA-Jaarboek 95, 132-161. [pdf]
1994 - 'Logic of Charity: Poor Relief in Preindustrial Europe'. Journal of Interdisciplinary History xxiv, 589-613. [pdf]
1994 - Sociale zorg. Cahier regionale en lokale geschiedenis [Social Welfare. Regional and local history] Walburg Pers. 64 pp. [pdf]
1993 - 'Surviving With a Little Help. The Importance of Charity to the Poor of Amsterdam 1800-1850, in a Comparative Perspective'. Social History 18, 319-338. [pdf]
1992 - Bijstand in Amsterdam, ca. 1800-1850. Armenzorg als beheersings- en overlevingsstrategie.Waanders Publishers. 420 pp.
1991 - 'Les assistés catholiques d'Amsterdam, 1750-1850. Un example d'application particulière de la methode de reconstitution des familles'. Annales de Démographie Historique 1991, 239-253. (with J.A. Faber).
Social structure :
social stratification and mobility, social homogamy, careers, residential segregation
2016 - 'Social Mobility in France 1720-1986: Effects of Wars, Revolution and Economic Change', Journal of Social History 49:3. ( M.H.D. van Leeuwen, I. Maas, J-P. Pélissier and D. Rébaudo)
2015 - “Modernization and social fluidity in Hungary, 1870-1950', European Sociological Review 31, 103-114.( Z. Lippenyi, I. Maas and M.H.D. van Leeuwen)
2015 - 'Occupational career attainment during modernization. A study of Dutch men in 841 municipalities between 1865 and 1928', Acta Sociologica 58, 5-24. (W. Schulz, I. Maas and M.H.D. van Leeuwen)
2014 - 'Trabajo, títulos y códigos de profesiones, clase y rango en una perspectiva comparativa. Notas introductorias para un número especial sobre el uso de HISCO' Revista de Demografía Histórica 3, 25-34. (M.H.D. van Leeuwen and I. Maas)
2014 - 'Sources of sibling (dis)similarity: total family impact on status variation in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century', American Journal of Sociology 120, 11-40.( A. Knigge, I. Maas, and M.H.D. van Leeuwen)
2014 - 'Digital humanities and the history of working women: a cascade', History of the Family 19, 411-425.( M.H.D. van Leeuwen and R.L. Zijdeman) [pdf].
2014 - 'When women disappear from the labor market? Occupational status of Dutch women at marriage in a modernizing society, 1865-1922', History of the Family 19, 426-46. (W. Schulz, I. Maas and M. H.D. van Leeuwen) [pdf].
2014 - 'Employer's choice - Selection through job advertisements in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries', Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 36, 49-68. (W. Schulz, I. Maas and M.H.D. van Leeuwen) [pdf].
2014 - 'Working women in France, 19th-20th centuries. Where, when and which women worked at marriage'. History of the Family 19, 537-563. (R. Zijdeman, M.H.D. van Leeuwen, J-P. Pélissier, and D. Rébaudo)
2014 - 'Status Attainment of Siblings during Modernization', American Sociological Review 79, 549-574. (A. Knigge, I. Maas, M.H.D. van Leeuwen, and K. Mandemakers)2013 - ‘Intergenerational class mobility in Hungary between 1865 and 1950. Testing models of change in social openness’, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 33, 44-55. (with Z. Lippenyi and I. Maas). [pdf].
2013 - ‘Creating the Hungarian Historical Social Mobility File: Historical social structure and mobility beyond the Leitha’, Istoritcheskaya Informatika [Journal for Historical Informatics]. (with Z. Lippenyi and I. Maas).
2013 - ‘The construction of HISCAM: A stratification scale based on social interactions for historical comparative research’, Historical Methods 46, 77-89 (with P. S. Lambert, R. L. Zijdeman, I. Maas and K. Prandy) [pdf].
2013 - ‘Residentiële segregatie in een vroegmoderne grootstad. Amsterdam in de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw’, TSEG 10, 71-101. (with C. Lesger and B. Vissers) [pdf].
2012 -`Desigualdades sociais e econômicas na história. [Social and economic inequalities in history] Belo Horizonte: Veredas & Cenários (with T. Botelho)
2012 -`História social: perspectivas metodológicas. [Social History: methodological perspectives] Belo Horizonte: Veredas & Cenários (with T. Botelho)
2011 - 'Residential Segregation in the Sixteenth to Nineteenth centuries: overview, examples, theory and conjectures', Journal of Interdisciplinary History. (with C. Lesger). [pdf].
2011 - `Economic development and parental status homogamy: a study of 19th century France ', History of the Family 16, 371-386. (with I. Maas, J-P. Pélissier and D. Rébaudo) [pdf].
2011 - HISCLASS: A Historical International Social Class Scheme. Leuven University Press. (with I. Maas).
2010 - Desigualdade social na América do Sul em perspectiva histórica [Social mobility in South-America in historical perspective]. Fapemig. (ed. with T. Bothelho).
2010 - 'Occupations and social class in rural France 1680-1820', 61-80 in: M.-P. Arrizabalaga, I. Bolovan, M. Eppel, J. Kok, M. L. Nagata (eds), Many Paths to Happiness? Studies in Population and Family History A Festschrift for Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux. Amsterdam, Aksant. (with I. Maas)
2010 - `Soziale Mobilität', Enzyklopaedie der Neuzeit Band 12 ,250- 256. Stuttgart/Weimar. Verlag J.B. Metzler. (with C. lesger)
2010 - 'Historical studies of social stratification and mobility', Annual Review of Sociology 36, 429-451. (with I. Maas). pdf].
2009 - 'The next generation of historical studies on social mobility: some remarks', Continuity and Change 24.3, 547-560. [pdf].
2009 - 'Social Inequality and Mobility in History', Continuity and Change, 24.3, 399-419. [pdf].
2009 - Istoricheskoe professiovedenie: sozdaniye HISCO i issledovaniya professional'noi i mobil'nosti [Historical occupational studies: The creation of HISCO and the study of occupations and occupational mobility in Russia]. Barnaul University Press. (ed. with V. Vladimirov)
2009 - Mobilidade Social em Sociedades Colonais e Pós-Coloniais: Brasil e Paraguai, séculos XVIII e XIX. [Social Mobility in Colonial and Post-Colonial Societies: Brazil and Paraguay, 18th and 19th centuries]. Fapemig. (ed. with T. R. Botelho).
2008 - 'HISCO (Historical International Standard Classification of Occupation): construindo uma codificação de ocupações para o passado brasileiro', Revista da ABET [Brazilian Journal of Labour Studies], VI. 2, p. 166-181. (with T. R. Botelho, I. Maas, and A. Miles) [pdf]
2008 - Honderdvijftig jaar levenslopen. De Historische Steekproef Nederland. [Hundred fifty years of lifecourses. The Historical Sample of the Netherlands] Amsterdam University Press & Themanummer Mens en Maatschappij. (ed, with I. Maas and K. Mandemakers). With the chapter 'Van een dubbeltje een kwartje? Beroepsloopbanen van de Nederlandse bevolking' ['From rags to riches? Occupational careers of men and women in the Netherlands 1865-1940']', (with I. Maas).
2008 - `Izuchenie social’nojj mobilnosti v proshlom' [“The study of social mobility in the past”], 101-148 in V. Vladimirov and M.H.D. van Leeuwen (eds), Istoricheskoe professiovedenie: istochniki, metody, tekhnologii analiza [Studies on historical occupations: sources, methods, technology of analysis]. Barnaul, Barnaul University Press.
2008 - Istoricheskoe professiovedenie: istochniki, metody, tekhnologii analiza. [Studies on historical occupations: sources, methods, technology of analysis]. Barnaul University Press. (ed. with V. Vladimirov). 255 pp.
2005 - `Total and Relative Endogamy by Social Origin: A First International Comparison of Changes in Marriage Choices during the Nineteenth Century’, International Review of Social History 50, 275-295. (with I. Maas). [pdf]
2005 - 'Migration and Endogamy According to Social Class: France, 1803-1986', International Review of Social History 50, 219-246.(with J-P. Pélissier, D. Rébaudo and I. Maas). [pdf]
2005 - 'Endogamy and Social Class in History: An Overview', International Review of Social History 50, 1-24. (with I. Maas). [pdf]
2005 - 'Marriage Choices and Class Boundaries: Social Endogamy in History', special issue International Review of Social History 50 (edited with A. Miles and I. Maas). Book version Cambridge University Press. 295 pp
2005 - Genegenheid en gelegenheid. Twee eeuwen partnerkeuze en huwelijk [Two centuries of partner choice and marriage] Aksant. 335 pp. (edited with J. Kok)
With the chapter:
`Genegenheid, gelegenheid en dwang: Twee eeuwen partnerkeuze in Nederland en Vlaanderen’ [`Preference, Opportunity and Constraints. Two Centuries of Marriage and Partner Choice in the Netherlands and Flanders’], 1-28 (with J.Kok).
2005 - `Berufsmobilität’, in Enzyklopaedie der Neuzeit Band 2, 65-72, Verlag J.B. Metzler. (with C. Lesger).
2004 - `Occupational careers of the total male labour force during industrialization: the example of Nineteenth-Century Sweden’, 227-258, in D. Mitch, J. Brown, and M.H.D. van Leeuwen (eds), Origins of the Modern career. Ashgate. (with I. Maas). [pdf]
2004 - `Sozdanie HISCO” [“Creating HISCO”], 16-56, in V. Vladimirov (ed.), Istoricheskor professiovedenie. Sbornik nauchnikh statie’, Barnaul. University Press. (with I. Maas and A. Miles)
2004 - `The history of the modern career: an introduction’, 3-41, in D. Mitch, J. Brown, and M.H.D. van Leeuwen (eds), Origins of the Modern career. Ashgate. (with J. Brown and D. Mitch). [pdf]
2004 - `Creating an Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations (HISCO): an exercise in multi-national, interdisciplinary co-operation’, Historical Methods 37, 186-197. (with I. Maas and A. Miles). [pdf]
2002 - HISCO: Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations. Leuven University Press. (with I. Maas and A. Miles). 441 pp. USA: Cornell Press
2002 - 'Industrialization and intergenerational mobility in Sweden', Acta Sociologica 45 179-194. (with I. Maas). pdf]
2002 - `Partner choice and homogamy in the nineteenth century: Was there a sexual revolution in Europe?’ , Journal of Social History, 101-121. (with I. Maas). [pdf]
1998 - `Residentiële segregatie in Hollandse steden, 16e-19e eeuw’ [`Residential Segregation in Urban Holland, 16th-19th Centuries’], Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis 24, 402-441. (with W. van der Berg and C.G.M. Lesger).
1997 – 'Social Mobility in a Dutch Province, Utrecht 1850-1940'. Journal of Social History 30, 619-644. (with I. Maas).[pdf]
1996 - 'Long Term Social Mobility: Research Agenda and a Case Study (Berlin, 1825-19)', Continuity and Change 11, 399-433.(with I. Maas). [pdf]
1991 - 'Log-linear Analysis of Changes in Mobility Patterns. Some Models with an Application to the Amsterdam Upper Classes in the Second half of the Nineteenth Century'. Historical Methods 24 (1991), 66-79. (with I. Maas). [pdf]
2012 'Global Social Science History', Scandinavian Economic History Review 60, 225-253, as part of a special issue entitled “The future of Economic, Business, and Social History”, jointly written with G. Jones and S. Broadberry [pdf].
2012 “Identity Registration in the Dutch Republic”, Chapter 8, 211-251, in K. Breckenridge and S. Szreter eds., Registration and Recognition. Documenting the Person in World History. Proceedings of the British Academy. The British Academy. (with H. Looijesteijn) [pdf]
1993 - 'Reconstructing the Demographic Regime of Amsterdam 1681-1920'. In: Economic and Social History in the Netherlands, 61-104. (with J.E. Oeppen).