Huub Sanders

MA Leiden University 1980. IISH research staff member for collection development. Responsible for International Organizations. Involved in the restitution of Dutch archives from Russia.
From 2000 up to 2010 responsible for collection development Image and Sound archives in the Institute. From 2004 up to 2010 Editorial secretary Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis.
Interested in the history of the archives of social movements, in particular the history of the IISH collection development. Involved in the project on the historical background of the Institute's collections ('The Memory of the IISH'). In this framework preparing a PhD thesis on the history of collection development within the field of Social History, in particular within the IISH. As of 2014 chairman of the 'Friends of the IISH'.
Selected publications
- 'Deutsche Archivalien in Nachlässen und Sammlungen deutscher und internationaler Provenienz im Internationalen Institut für Sozialgeschichte in Amsterdam', IWK Internationale wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, 29.Jhrg, Sept. 1993 Heft 3, 348-362 [met E.J.Fischer]
- A list of lists of serials - A catalogue of bibliographies and catalogues at the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam, listing serial publications. Amsterdam: Stichting Beheer IISG. 1994. (IISG-Werkuitgaven = IISG Working Papers ; 23). 64 pp.
- 'Social Movements on Microfilm: The case of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam'. Microform & Imaging Review, Vol.25 no.1 winter 1996, 22-37
- 'The collections of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, with special reference to Switzerland', In: Brigitte Studer ; François Vallotton (eds) Histoire sociale et mouvement ouvrier : Un bilan historiographique 1848-1998. Lausanne : Editions d'en bas, 1997. 283-302
- 'Bronnen en Beelden. Het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis = Sources and Images. The International Institute of Social History', RKD Bulletin 2002 nr.2 1-10
- Images of aspiration. A documentary on social movements based on images from the collection of the International Institute of Social History = Beelden van streven. Een documentaire over sociale bewegingen aan de hand van beelden uit de collectie van het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Aksant, 2005. [met Els Hiemstra-Kuperus]
- 'Een sterk wapen in de strijd. Film en de internationale vakbeweging 1953-1973', Onvoltooid Verleden nr.24 maart 2008, 37-45.
- ‘Internationalism, Social Movements and Archives’, in: G. Janssens, K.M. Pompe & H. van Engen (Eds.), Archives without Borders/Archivos sin Fronteras. Proceedings of the international Congress in The Hague, August 30-31, 2010/Actas del Congreso Internacional en La Haya, 30-31 de agosto, 2010, 10, (Antwerpen, 2012). 329-339.
- ‘Looking for Traces of Huizinga. His Relation with N.W.Posthumus, Based on Unpublished Letters and a Text’, in: Aad Blok, Jan Lucassen and Huub Sanders (Eds.), A Usable Collection. Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2014) 66–82.
- ‘The Founder of the IISH, as Experienced by his Daughter. Interview with Claire Posthumus’, in: Aad Blok, Jan Lucassen and Huub Sanders (Eds.), A Usable Collection. Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2014) 56–65.
- ‘Social History Sources, Knowledge and Research. Introduction to A Usable Collection’, in: Aad Blok, Jan Lucassen and Huub Sanders (Eds.), A Usable Collection. Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2014) 12–22. [with Aad Blok en Jan Lucassen].
- Finding an Anchorage. Change and Continuity in an Academic Institution: The International Institute of Social History in the Nineteen-seventies’, Review (Fernand Braudel Center) XXXVII (2014):1 39–59.