Henk Looijesteijn

Henk Looijesteijn (1973) studied early modern history at the University of Amsterdam. He worked as Assistant-Researcher on several projects at the Netherlands Economic-Historical Archive and the International Institute of Social History between 1998 and 2002, such as the project 'Risk, risk avoidance and insurance arrangements in the Netherlands since 1500', the History of Work website and the virtual exhibition 'Ondernemers geportretteerd'. Between 2004 and 2008 he was Ph.D.-researcher at the European University Institute in Florence, where he wrote a PhD thesis on the life and thought of the Dutch artisan Pieter Cornelisz Plockhoy (c.1620-?1664) (thesis defended 25 November 2009). He was awarded a short-term research grant by the Atlantic History Seminar of Harvard University in 2007 and he was co-organizer of the Florentine Winterschool 'Politics, Press and Public Debate in the 17th centuries. Anglo-Dutch Perspectives', 10-15 December 2007. From the end of 2008 until 1 may 2009 he was Assistant-Researcher at Leiden University in the project Civil Services and Urban Communities, 1500-1800.
Currently, he is working at the IISH in the project Giving in the Golden Age, investigating the founding of almshouses by private benefactors in the early modern age. In this capacity he organized the international, comparative, conference Almshouses in Europe from the late Middle Ages to the present – Comparisons and Peculiarities, Haarlem, the Netherlands, 7-9 September 2011, and attended conferences in Long Beach, Ghent, Canterbury, Antwerp, Glasgow and Prato.
Selected publications
Academic papers relating to the GIGA-project
Founding Dutch Almshouses c.1400-c.1800 - the current state of research. Paper for the 34th Social Science History Association, Long Beach, 12-15 November 2009.
Founding Dutch Almshouses c.1400-c.1800 - the current state of research (Revised version). Paper for the Seventh European Social Science History Conference 2010, Ghent, 13-16 April 2010.
'Charity seems to be very National among them'. Motives for Founding of Almshouses in the Netherlands c.1350-c.1800. Paper for the Voluntary Action History Society Research Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, 14-16 July 2010 (won a shared second place for the New Researchers' Prize sponsored by the Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy (CGAP) for the best paper) (pdf attached).
‘The land of Almshouses’. Almshouses in the Netherlands, ca.1350-1800. Paper for ‘Almshouses in Europe from the late Middle Ages to the present – Comparisons and Peculiarities’, Haarlem, the Netherlands, 7-9 September 2011.
Funding and Founding Private Charities in the Netherlands. A case study of Leiden almshouses and their founders, 1450-1800. Paper for the Sixth Low Countries Conference, Economic and Social History of the Pre-Industrial Low Countries in a Comparative Perspective, Antwerp, Belgium, 1-2 December 2011.
Accounting for charity? Charitable entries in Dutch account-books, 1600-1800. Paper for the Eighth European Social Science History Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 11-14 April 2012.
(with Marco H.D. van Leeuwen) Almshouses and Guilds. Welfare and the Middle Classes in the Netherlands c. 1300-1800. Paper for the 44th Datini Conference on Social assistance and solidarity in Europe from the 13th to the 18th centuries, Prato, Italy, 22-26 april 2012.
Other academic papers
Proposals for a Better World. Pieter Plockhoy's Transatlantic Quest for Patrons and Partisans, Florentine Winterschool 'Politics, Press and Public Debate in the 17th Century', European University Institute 11 December 2007.
Between Sin and Salvation. The Seventeenth-century Dutch artisan Pieter Plockhoy and his Ethics of Work. Paper Fifth Workshop of the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations, Düsseldorf, 13-14 November 2009.
Petitioning, colonial policy, constitutional experiment and the development of Dutch political thought. Paper for the 10th International Conference on Urban History, Ghent, 1-5 September 2010.
(with Marco H.D. van Leeuwen) Identity Registration in the Dutch Republic during the Early Modern Period. Paper for the Workshop on the Comparative History of Civil Registration, St John's College, Cambridge, 7-10 September 2010 (pdf attached).
Settling the South River. Amsterdam’s settling policy, egalitarian democracy and liberty of conscience, 1657-1664. Paper for the 34th New Netherland Seminar, New Castle, Delaware, 16-17 September 2011.
For the Love of God? A Dutch Mennonite Merchant as Book Collector. Paper for 'Early Modern Merchants as Collectors', Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, 15-16 June 2012.
(with Frans Blom) A Brave New Amsterdam. Plans and Propaganda for settling New Netherland's South River. Paper for 'The Capacities of Ordinary People', La Bretesche, 25-26 June 2012.
(with Marco H.D. van Leeuwen) Establishing and Registering Identity in the Dutch Republic. Paper for the WISER workshop Beyond Governmentality and the Developmental State, Johannesburg, 7 July 2012.
(with Marco H.D. van Leeuwen) Establishing and Registering Identity in the Dutch Republic. Paper for the XVIth World Economic History Congress, Stellenbosch, 9-13 July 2012.
Journal articles (refereed, academic)
'Between Sin and Salvation. The Seventeenth-Century Dutch Artisan Pieter Plockhoy and his Ethics of Work', in International Review of Social History 56 (2011), Special Issue 19, Karin Hofmeester & Christine Moll-Murata (eds.), 'Global Perspectives on Work: Ethics, Norms, Valuations, Ideologies 1500-1650', 69-88. (pdf attached)
(with Nigel Goose) ‘Almshouses in England and the Dutch Republic circa 1350-1800: a comparative perspective’, Journal of Social History 45:4 (Summer 2012), 1049-1073
Read article at website Oxford Journals - full text or download as pdf-file.
‘Funding and Founding Private Charities in the Netherlands. A case study of Leiden almshouses and their founders, 1450-1800’, Continuity & Change 27.2 (Summer 2012), 199-239
Journal articles (popularizing)
'De Zeeuwse jaren (ca. 1620-1654) van Pieter Corneliszoon Plockhoy 'Van Zierick-zee'. De achtergrond van een wereldverbeteraar uit de Gouden Eeuw' in Kroniek van het land van de zeemeermin (Schouwen-Duiveland) 35 (2010), 35-46.
(with Frans Blom), 'A Land of Milk and Honey: Colonial Propaganda and the City of Amsterdam, 1656-1664', in De Halve Maen. Magazine of the Dutch Colonial Period in America 85(3), 47-56.
'Armoede in de Gouden Eeuw. De dreiging van gebrek en hoe die werd bestreden' in Hermes. Tijdschrift voor leraren geschiedenis 17 (2013), 12-21.
(with Anne Doedens) (eds.), De Kroniek van Henrica van Erp, abdis van Vrouwenklooster (Hilversum 2010).
(with Anne Doedens) (eds.), Spaans Zilver. Het scheepsjournaal van Willem van Brederode, kapitein der mariniers in de Nassause Vloot (1623-1626) (Hilversum 2008).
Book chapters
'Botanisch klatergoud. Opkomst en ondergang van de tulp als beleggingsobject' in: H.W. van den Doel & G. van Boom (ed.), In het verleden behaalde resultaten. Bijdragen tot de Nederlandse beleggingsgeschiedenis (Amsterdam 2002), 41-75, 214-215.
(with Marco H.D. van Leeuwen) ‘Establishing and Registering Identity in the Dutch Republic’ in: Keith Breckenridge & Simon Szreter (eds.), Registration and Recognition. Documenting the Person in World History (Proceedings of the British Academy 182, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012), 211-251.
(with Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, 'Ospizi e corporazioni: assistenza alla classe media nella Repubblica olandese' in: Francesco Ammanati (ed.), Assistenza e solidarietà in Europa. Secc. XIII-XVIII/Social Assistance and Solidarity in Europe from the 13th to the 18th Centuries (Atti della "Quarantaquattresima Settimana di Studi" 44 (Florence 2013), 363-383.
(review of) Govert Snoek, De Rozenkruisers in Nederland; voornamelijk in de eerste helft van de zeventiende eeuw: een inventarisatie (Haarlem 2006) in: Doopsgezinde Bijdragen. Nieuwe reeks 34 (2009), 267-271
(review of) John Gurney. Brave Community: The Digger Movement in the English Revolution. [Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain.] Manchester University Press, Manchester [etc.] 2007 in International Review of Social History 55 (2010), 135-137.
(review of) Frans Thuijs, De ware Jaco. Jacob Frederik Muller, alias Jaco (1690-1718), zijn criminele wereld, zijn berechting en zijn leven na de dood (Hilversum: Verloren, 2008) in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 7.1 (2010), 145-146.
(review of) Ingrid van der Vlis, Ondersteuning in voor- en tegenspoed. 250 jaar Weduwenbeurs Doesburg (Doesburg 2009) in Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis 7.4 (2010), 87-89.
(review of) Asta Bredsdorff, The Trials and Travels of Willem Leyel: An Account of the Danish East India Company in Tranquebar, 1639–1648 in European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire 18:4 (2011), 584-586.
(review of) Sjoerd Bijker, Mechteld Gravendeel, Bonny Rademaker-Helfferich, Rineke Verheus-Nieuwstraten en Piet Visser (red.), Wezen en weldoen. 375 jaar Doopsgezinde wezenzorg in Haarlem (Hilversum, Verloren 2009) in Historisch Tijdschrift Holland 43 (2011), 127-128.
(review of) Albert Buursma, 'Dese bekommerlijke tijden'. Armenzorg, armen en armoede in de stad Groningen 1594-1795 (Groninger Historische Reeks 37; Van Gorcum, Assen 2009), in Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 124 (2011), 409-410.
(review of) O. Boonstra & A. Schuurman, Tijd en ruimte. Nieuwe toepassingen van GIS in de alfawetenschappen (Utrecht 2009) in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 8.2 (2011), 139-140.
(review of) J. Ehmer & C. Lis, The idea of work in Europe from antiquity to modern times (Farnham 2009) in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 8.2 (2011), 145-146.
(review of) H. Brand & E. Knol, Koggen, kooplieden en kantoren. De Hanze, een praktisch netwerk (Hilversum/Groningen 2009); B. Koene, De Caeskopers. Een Zaanse koopmansfamilie in de Gouden Eeuw (Hilversum 2011); M. van Gelder, Trading Places. The Netherlandish Merchants in Early Modern Venice (Leiden/Boston 2009) in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 8.3 (2011), 117-121.
(review of) Janny Venema, Kiliaen van Rensselaer (1586-1643). Designing a New World (Hilversum 2010) in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 8.4 (2011), 136-137.
(review) Egmont da capo - eine mythogenetische Studie. By Rengenier C. Rittersma (Munster/New York/Munich/Berlin: Waxmann 2009), in The European Legacy. Toward New Paradigms 17.6 (2012), 842-843.
(review of) M. Ebben & H. den Heijer (red.), Alle streken van het kompas. Maritieme geschiedenis in Nederland (Walburg Pers, Zutphen 2010) in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 9.1 (2012), 114-116.
(Review of) Armando Ello & Griselda Molemans, Zwarte huid, oranje hart. Afrikaanse KNIL-nazaten in de diaspora (d'Jonge Hond, Zwolle 2011) in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 9.4 (2012), 79-80.
(Review of) Conrad Gietman, Republiek van adel. Eer in de Oost-Nederlandse Adelscultuur (1555-1702) (Van Gruting, Westervoort 2010) in De Zeventiende Eeuw 28.1 (2012), 91-93.
Other publications
(unpublished thesis) 'Born to the Common Welfare'. Pieter Plockhoy's Quest for a Christian Life (c.1620-1664) (Florence, 25 November 2009)