Bas van Leeuwen
- Editor of the Quantitative History of China series (i.e. historical statistics).
- Project leader of a 5-year ERC project on regional industrialization in Northwestern Europe and China, ca. 1800-present.
- Fields of interest: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, price volatility, markets, human capital, national accounts, industrialization between ca. 500 BC and the present.
- van Leeuwen, B., Plopeanu, A. & Foldvari, P. (2018). 'Publishing ideas: The factors determining the number of book titles'. Acta Oeconomica, 68(3), 443-466.
- Xu, Y., van Leeuwen, B. & van Zanden, J.L. (2018). 'Urbanization in China, ca. 1100-1900'. Frontiers of Economics in China, 13(3), 639-664.
- Broadberry, S., Campbell, B., Klein, A., Overton, M. & van Leeuwen, B. (2018). 'Clark's Malthus delusion: response to ‘Farming in England 1200–1800'. The Economic History Review, 71(2), 639-664.
- van der Spek, R. J. & van Leeuwen B. (eds.) (2018). Money, Currency and Crisis: In Search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000. Oxon and New York: Routledge. 378 p.
- van Leeuwen, B, Iossif, P. & Foldvari, P. (2018). The introduction of coinage in the Seleucid Empire and the Euro in the European Union: A comparison of stock and velocity. In: van der Spek, R.J. & van Leeuwen, B. (eds.). Money, Currency and Crisis: In Search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000. Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 149-164.
- van Leeuwen, B. & Xu, Y. (2018), 中国工业转型需要新红利 (The key for the structural transformation of Chinese industry is the change from labour to human capital). 财经国家周刊/Cai Jing Guo Jia Zhou Kan/China Financial Weekly, 5(214), 2 p.
- van der Spek, R. J. & van Leeuwen B. (2018). Money and Trust, In: van der Spek, R.J. & van Leeuwen, B. (eds.). Money, Currency and Crisis: In Search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000. Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-12.
- Xu, Y. & van Leeuwen B. (2018). Stagnation is Silver, but Growth is Gold: China's Silver Period, circa 1430-1935, In: van der Spek, R.J. & van Leeuwen, B. (eds.). Money, Currency and Crisis: In Search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000. Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 267-284.
- Mooring, J. A., van Leeuwen, B. & van der Spek, R. J. (2018). Introducing coinage: Comparing the Greek World, the Near East and China. In: van der Spek, R.J. & van Leeuwen, B. (eds.), Money, Currency and Crisis: In Search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000. Oxon and New York, p. 132-148.
- van Leeuwen, B. & van der Spek, R. J. (2018). Conclusion: In search of Trust. In: van der Spek, R.J. & van Leeuwen, B. (eds.), Money, Currency and Crisis: In Search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000. Oxon and New York: Routledge, p. 346-357.
- Xu, Y., Shi, Z., van Leeuwen, B., Ni, Y. & Ma, Y. (2017). Chinese National Income, ca. 1661-1933. Australian Economic History Review, 57(3), 368-393.
- Van Leeuwen, B., Van Leeuwen-Li, J. & Foldvari, P. (2017). Human Capital in Republican and New China: regional and long-term trends. Economic History of Developing Regions, 32(1), 1-36.
- Van Leeuwen, B., & Foldvari, P. (2017 [2016]). The development of Inequality and Poverty in Indonesia, 1932-2008. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 52(3), 379-402.
- Xu, Y. & Van Leeuwen, B. (2016). China in World Industrialization. China Economist, 11(6), 98-109.
- Xu, Y., Ni, Y. & Van Leeuwen, B. (2016). Calculation China's Historical Economic Aggregate: A GDP-centered Overview. Social Sciences in China, 37(2), 56-75.
- Van Leeuwen, B. & Xu, Y. (2016). Silverization of China during the Ming-Qing Transition (ca. 1550-1700) and the Consequences for Research into the Babylonian Economy. In Kristin Kleber & Reinhard Pirngruber (Eds.), Silver, Money and Credit. : A Tribute to Robartus J. van der Spek on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday on 18th September 2014 (pp. 119-132). PIHANS. Uitgaven van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten te Leiden.
- Van Leeuwen, B., & Foldvari, P. (2016). Economic Mobility in a Colonial and Post-Colonial Economy: the Case of Indonesia. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 47(2), 171-191.
- Van Leeuwen, B., & Xu, Y. (2016). Zhongguo Gongye de Changqi Biaoxian jiqi Quanqiu Bijiao:1850-2010Nian-Yi Zengjiazhi Hesuan wei Zhongxin. Zhongguo Jingjishi Yanjiu (Journal of Chinese Economic history research), 39-50.
- Broadberry, S., Campbell, B., Klein, A., Overton, M., & van Leeuwen, B. (2015). British Economic Growth 1270-1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Foldvari, P., van Leeuwen, B., & Didenko, D. (2015). Capital formation and economic growth under central planning and transition: A theoretical and empirical analysis, ca. 1920–2008. Acta Oeconomica, 65(1), 27-50.
- Van Leeuwen, B., Didenko, D., & Foldvari, P. (2015). Inspiration vs. Perspiration in Economic Development of the Former Soviet Union and China (ca. 1920–2010). economics of transition, 23(1), 213-246.
- Van Leeuwen, B. (2015). Nongye Geming De Lianghua: Ping Shi Zhihong <Qingdai Nongye Shengchan Zhibiao De Guji>. Zhongguo Jingjishi Yanjiu (Journal of Chinese Economic history research), (5), 31-37.
- Ni, Y., Xu, Y., & van Leeuwen, B. (2015). Zhongguo Lishi Shiqi Jingji Zongliang Guzhi Yanjiu: Yi GDP De Cesuan Wei Zhongxin. Zhongguo Shehui Kexue (Social Science in China), (5), 187-202.
- van der Spek, R.J., van Leeuwen, Bas & van Zanden, Jan Luiten (2014). A History of Market Performance - From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World. (547 p.). Oxford: Routledge.
- Hassink, Wolter & van Leeuwen, Bas (2014). A Note on Height and Surnames: The Role of Networks. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 19 (4), (pp. 579-587).
- van Leeuwen, Bas & Li, Jieli (2014). Education since 1820. In Jan Luiten van Zanden, Joerg Baten, Marco Mira D'Ercole, Auke Rijpma, Conal Smith & Marcel Timmer (Eds.), How Was Life? Global Well-Being Since 1820 (pp. 87-100) (13 p.). Paris: OECD Publishing.
- Foldvari, Peter & van Leeuwen, Bas (2014). Educational and income inequality in Europe, ca. 1870–2000. Cliometrica, 8 (3), (pp. 271-300).
- Foldvari, Peter, van Leeuwen, Bas & van der Spek, R.J. (21-08-2014). Growing silver and changing prices - the development of the money stock in ancient Babylonia and medieval England. In Robartus Johannes van der Spek, Jan Luiten van Zanden & Bas van Leeuwen (Eds.), A History of Market Performance - From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World (pp. 489-505). Routledge.
- Moatsos, Michail, Baten, Joerg, Foldvari, Peter, van Leeuwen, Bas & van Zanden, Jan Luiten (2014). Income inequality since 1820. In Jan Luiten van Zanden, Joerg Baten, Marco Mira d'Ercole, Auke Rijpma, Conal Smith & Marcel Timmer (Eds.), How Was Life? Global Well-being since 1820 (pp. 199–215). OECD Publishing.
- van Leeuwen, Bas, Foldvari, Peter & van Zanden, Jan Luiten (2014). Long-run patterns in market performance in the Near East, the Mediterranean and Europe from Antiquity to c. AD 1800. In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen & Jan Luiten van Zanden (Eds.), A History of Market Performance - From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World (pp. 506-525). Oxon: Routledge.
- Foldvari, Peter & van Leeuwen, Bas (21-08-2014). Market performance in early economies: concepts and empirics - With an application to Babylon. In Robartus Johannes van der Spek, Jan Luiten van Zanden & Bas van Leeuwen (Eds.), A History of Market Performance - From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World (pp. 19-44). Routledge.
- van der Spek, R.J., van Leeuwen, Bas & van Zanden, Jan Luiten (2014). Markets from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World - An Introduction. In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen & Jan Luiten van Zanden (Eds.), A History of Market Performance - From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World (pp. 1-16). Oxon: Routledge.
- van der Spek, R.J., van Leeuwen, Bas & van Zanden, Jan Luiten (2014). Markets from Babylon to Belfast - Some concluding remarks. In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen & Jan Luiten van Zanden (Eds.), A History of Market Performance - From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World (pp. 529-544). Oxon: Routledge.
- van der Spek, Robartus & van Leeuwen, Bas (2014). Quantifying the integration of the Babylonian economy in the Mediterranean world using a new corpus of price data, 400-50 BC. In F. de Calatay (Eds.), Long-term quantification in ancient history (pp. 73-92) (20 p.). Bari: Edipuglia.
- de Zwart, Pim, van Leeuwen, Bas & Li, Jieli (02-10-2014). Real wages since 1820. In Jan Luiten van Zanden, Joerg Baten, Marco Mira D'Ercole, Auke Rijpma, Conal Smith & Marcel Timmer (Eds.), How was life? global well-being since 1820 (pp. 73-86) (14 p.). Paris: OECD Publishing.
- Foldvari, Peter & van Leeuwen, Bas (21-08-2014). Risk aversion and storage in autarkic societies - from Babylonian times until the era of globalization. In Robartus Johannes van der Spek, Jan Luiten van Zanden & Bas van Leeuwen (Eds.), A History of Market Performance - From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World (pp. 473-488). Routledge.
- van Zanden, Jan Luiten, Baten, Joerg, Foldvari, Peter & van Leeuwen, Bas (2014). The Changing Shape of Global Inequality 1820--2000; Exploring a New Dataset. Review of Income and Wealth, 60 (2), (pp. 279-297) (19 p.).
- Plopeanu, Aurelian, Foldvari, Peter, van Leeuwen, Bas & van Zanden, Jan Luiten (2014). Where Do Ideas Come from? The Relation between Book Production and Patents from the Industrial Revolution to the Present. European Journal of Science and Theology, 10 (3), (pp. 131-147) (17 p.).
- Foldvari, P., Gall, J., Marks, D. & van Leeuwen, B. (2013). Indonesia’s regional welfare development, 1900-1990: new anthropometric evidence. Economics & Human Biology, 11 (1), (pp. 78-89) (11 p.).
- Didenko, D., Foldvari, P. & van Leeuwen, B. (2013). Inspiration and Perspiration Factors in Economic Growth: The Former Soviet Union Area versus China (ca.1920-2010). Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series, 283.
- Foldvari, P., van Leeuwen, B. & van Zanden, J.L. (2013). The Contribution of Migration to Economic Development in Holland 1570–1800. De Economist, 161 (1), (pp. 1-18) (18 p.).
- Didenko, D., van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2013). The spread of human capital in the former Sovjet Union aresa in a comparative perspective:Exploring a new dataset. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 4 (2), (pp. 123-135) (13 p.).
- Broadberry, S.N., Campbell, B.M. & van Leeuwen, B. (2013). When did Britain industrialise? The sectoral distribution of the labour force and labour productivity in Britain, 1381-1851. Explorations in Economic History, 50 (1), (pp. 16-27) (12 p.).
- Földvári, P. B. van Leeuwen & J. van Leeuwen-Li (2012), How did women count? A note on gender specific age heaping differences in the 16th-19th century. Economic History Review , 65 (1), (pp. 304-313).
- van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2012). Capital accumulation and growth in Hungary, 1924-2006. Acta Oeconomica (online), 61 (2), (pp. 143-164) (21 p.).
- van Zanden, J.L. & van Leeuwen, B. (2012). Persistent but not Consistent: The Growth of National Income in Holland 1347-1807. Explorations in economic history, 49 (2), (pp. 119-130) (12 p.).
- Földvári, P. & van Leeuwen, B. (2011). Comparing per capita income in the Hellenistic world: the case of Mesopotamia. Review of Income and Wealth (19 p.).
- Van Leeuwen, B., Foldvari, P. & Pirngruber, R. (2011). Markets in pre-industrial societies: storage in Hellenistic Babylonia in the medieval English mirror. Journal of Global History, 6 (2), (pp. 169-193) (25 p.).
- van der Spek, R.J. & van Leeuwen, B. (2011). Quantifying the integration of the Babylonian economy in the Mediterranean world using a new corpus of price data, 400-50 BC. In F de Callatay & A Wilson (Eds.), Long-term quantification in ancient history Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Foldvari, P. & Van Leeuwen, B. (2011). Should less inequality in education lead to a more equal income distribution?. Education Economics, 19 (5), (pp. 537-554) (18 p.).
- Austin, G., Baten, J. & van Leeuwen, B. (2011). The biological standard of living in early nineteenth-century West Africa: new anthropometric evidence for northern Ghana and Burkina Faso. Economic history review
- van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2011). What can price volatility tell us about market related institutions? Conditional heteroscedasticity in historical commodity price series,. Cliometrica, 5 (2).
- Foldvari, P. & Van Leeuwen, B. (2009). An Alternative Interpretation of "average years of education" in growth regressions. Applied Economics Letters, 16 (9), (pp. 945-949) (5 p.).
- van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2009). Average years of education in Hungary: annual estimates 1920-2006. Eastern European Economics, 47 (2), (pp. 5-20) (15 p.).
- Foldvari, P. & van Leeuwen, B. (2009). Teljes termelési tényezo hatékonyság Magyarországon: történeti idosorok empirikus elemzése. In J Kapás (Eds.), Technológiai fejlodés és intézmények. Competitio könyvek (pp. 71-81) (11 p.). Debrecen: DE KTK.
- Foldvari, P. & Van Leeuwen, B. (2009). Teljes termelési tényezo hatékonyság Magyarországon: történeti idosorok empirikus elemzése. In J. Kapas (Eds.), Technológiai fejlodés és intézmények. Debrecen: Competitio.
- van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2008). A magyar lakosság átlagos iskolázottságának becslése, 1920-2006. Statisztikai Szemle (Hungarian Statistical Review), 86 (10-11), (pp. 995-1010) (16 p.).
- van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2008). How much human capital does Eastern Europe have? Measurement methods and results. Post-Communist Economies, 20 (2), (pp. 189-201) (13 p.).
- Van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2008). How much human capital does Eastern Europe have? Measurement methods and results. Post-Communist Economies. Post-Communist Economies, 20 (2), (pp. 189-201) (13 p.).
- van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2008). Human Capital and Economic Growth in Asia 1890-2000: a time-series analysis. Asian Economic Journal, 22 (3), (pp. 225-240) (16 p.).
- van Leeuwen, B. (14-06-2007). Human capital and economic growth in India, Indonesia, and Japan. A quantitave analysis, 1890-2000.
- van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2006). An Estimation of the Human Capital Stock in Eastern and Central Europe. Eastern European Economics, 43 (6), (pp. 53-65) (13 p.).

Born in 1978, masters in Dutch Law, European and International Law, Economic History and Russian History at Utrecht University. Obtained his PhD on human capital and growth in the 19th and 20th century Southeast Asia at the International Intsitute of Social History/Utrecht University.