Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Catalogue - what's new

The interface of the IISH-catalogue has been renewed. Besides a fresher look there are some new features.
We are interested in your experience using the catalogue, please send your remarks to Monique van der Pal -

New features are:

  • Create a free account, this gives you the possibility to save your resources from both the search results page and from the record view page to your own customizable lists.
    You can add commentary to your saved records. The lists can be retrieved at any time and will always be there for you when you login on your account. 
    Off course this is optional, you don’t need to create an account to search the collections and request items to consult in the reading room.
  • Browse archival collections by alphabet or country.
  • Special interface for the use of the catalogue on tablet or smart phone.
  • The search system allows for the user to search from a basic search box and then to be able to narrow down the results by clicking on the various facets of the results.
    The facets can be sorted alphabetically or on count.
    It was already possible to refine your search to one single facet, for instance search for Marx, limited to only archival records. Now it is also possible to exclude one or more facets, for instance search for Marx in all kind of records, except books and brochures.
  • Choose for a presentation of 20 or 50 results per page.
  • Toggle between presentation of records in grid or list, especially nice for viewing images.
  • To see what records were recently added to the catalogue view heading ‘Recently Added Items’.
  • See what are the most popular searches in the IISH catalogue on the homepage  'Popular Searches'.