Displaced Cultural Treasures as a Result of World War II and Restitution Issues: A bibliography of publications by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted.
See also Russia: archives and restitution.
“On the Trail of Looted Books from the Second World War, Too Many Still Far from Home.” Shortened version as delivered at the opening session of the conference “Where are the Books Looted by the Nazis,” Paris, 23 March 2017. Available at: http://www.enssib.fr/bibliotheque-numerique/index-des-auteurs?selecAuteur=Kennedy%20Grimsted%2C%20Patricia#haut
“Nazi-Looted Books Still Far from Home.” A seminar at the Library of Congress, European Division, 24 April 2016. Available at: https://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=7343
“French Libraries Seized by the ERR during Wartime Occupation.” http://www.errproject.org/looted_libraries_fr.php
“Les listes de saisies des bibliothèque françaises par: sources de l’histoire des actions de l’Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg en France.” PKG article in French translation, edited by Jean-Claude Kuperminc together with facsimile versions of ten original ERR lists of French libraries seized, and compendia charts of the French victims named in all ten lists. http://www.cfaj.fr/publicat/listes_ERR_France.html
* Returned from Russia: Nazi Archival Plunder in Western Europe and Recent Restitution Issues, Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, F.J. Hoogewoud, and Eric Ketelaar (Eds.). Paper edition with Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, “Afterword–2013” Institute of Art and Law (UK), Fall, 2013. (Original AAL edn, 2007). Flyer at: http://www.ial.uk.com/Russia.php
* Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder. A Survey of the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR). Research Paper 47 Amsterdam, IISG, 2011.
See full text and related issues at: www.iisg.nl/publications/errsurvey/.
Published in cooperation with the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam; sponsored by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (New York and Frankfurt).
See revised and updated Introduction and additional sections at: http://www.errproject.org.
* Spoils of War v. Cultural Heritage: The Russian Cultural Property Law in Historical Context. Patricia Kennedy Grimsted (Ed.). Published as: International Journal of Cultural Property 17, no. 2 (2010), PKG guest editor.
A collection of articles based on the proceedings of a Workshop at Harvard Law School, February 2008, with an introduction and several contributions by PKG.
Full text available at: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JCP&volumeId=17&issueId=02&iid=7901872
* Returned from Russia: Nazi Archival Plunder in Western Europe and Recent Restitution Issues. Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, F.J. Hoogewoud, and Eric Ketelaar (eds.) Institute of Art and Law (UK), 2007.
See the flyer at: www.ial.uk.com/RfRflyer.pdf
Updated paper edition with an ‘Afterword’ by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, September 2013.
* Vozvrashchenie "Smolenskogo Arkhiva" / The Return of the "Smolensk Archive". Bilingual edn, edited by Marianna Tax Choldin, Karina Aleksandrovna Dritrieva, Ekateriana Genieva, and Patricia Kennedy Grimsted.
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2005.
A collection of articles with an introduction and several contributions by PKG.
* "Praz'ki arkhivy" u Kyievi ta Moskvi. Povoienni rozshuky i vyvezennia emihratsiinoï arkhivnoï Ukraïniky [The "Prague Archives" in Kyiv and Moscow: Postwar Retrieval of Émigré Archival Ucrainica]. Translated with documentary appendices by Tetiana Boriak. Kyiv: Derzhkomarkhiv, 2005.
Table of contents with full electronic text in Ukranian (html): www.archives.gov.ua/Publicat/Grimsted_P_K/
* The Odyssey of the Turgenev Library from Paris, 1940-2002. Books as Victims and Trophies of War. Amsterdam, IISG, 2003. IISG Research Paper 42.
Full text at: http://socialhistory.org/en/publications/odyssey-turgenev-library-paris-... (pdf, 4,509 Kb).
Publication with appended bibliography, location information, images of book stamps, and several relevant documents.
For a version on cd-rom enquire at: irsh@iisg.nl
Only 119 volumes of the pre-1939 Turgenev Library have been returned to Paris out of over 100,000 volumes that were seized and taken to Berlin by the Nazis in 1940-1941. Several Soviet attestations alluded to its wartime destruction. To the contrary, as here revealed, a large part of the library was recovered by Soviet authorities in Silesia. Many books and the library archives are now located in Moscow and Minsk, but some were destroyed in Soviet library 'cleansing' operations, and others widely dispersed.
* U.S. Restitution of Nazi-Looted Cultural Treasures to the USSR, 1945-1959: Facsimile Documents from the National Archives of the United States. Compiled with an Introduction by P.K. Grimsted. Foreword by Michael J. Kurtz. CD-ROM edn. Washington, DC: GPO, 2001. Prepared in collaboration with the U.S. National Archives. Free copies can be ordered from the National Archives in Washington DC.
Table of contents and text of the introduction (PDF file, 2,24 Mb.). Presented with permission of NARA.
An article summarizing the introduction was published in the spring 2002 issue of Prologue (journal of NARA). Ten paper copies were prepared of an initial Special Presentation Edition for the Conference: 'Mapping Europe: Fate of Looted Cultural Valuables in the Third Millennium', 10-11 April 2000, All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature (VGBIL), Moscow. Three of those copies were presented in Moscow and two in Kyiv, but the Introduction to the CD-ROM edition has been updated and reedited.
* Trophies of War and Empire: The Archival Heritage of Ukraine, World War II, and the International Politics of Restitution. Foreword by Charles Kecskeméti.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press for the Ukrainian Research Institute, 2001. 'Harvard Papers in Ukrainian Studies.'
See the descriptive article by the Deputy Chief of the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine, Gennadii Boriak, in: Arkhivy Ukraïny (2001) no. 5/6
Summary and order information in English:
Summary and order information in Ukranian:
* Archives of Russia Seven Years After: 'Purveyors of Sensations' or 'Shadows Cast out to the Past.' Washington, DC: Cold War International History Project, 1998. 'Working Paper', no. 20.
Text, Part 1 (PDF file, 806 Kb.)
Text, Part 2 (PDF file, 244 Kb.)
Original edition: see below
* Archives of Russia Five Years After: 'Purveyors of Sensations' or 'Shadows Cast out to the Past.' Amsterdam: IISH, 1997. 'Research Paper,' no. 26.
Available at: http://socialhistory.org/en/publications/archives-russia-five-years-after
(Chapter 8 deals with 'trophy' archives and restitution issues: a condensed and updated version of that chapter was republished as an article in Problems of Post-Communism (see below)
A Russian translation was prepared in Moscow at Memorial, but never reedited for publication.
* The Odyssey of the Smolensk Party Archive: Plundered Communist Records for the Service of Anti-Communism. Pittsburgh: Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 1995. 'Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies' no. 1201.
Text (PDF file, 445 Kb.) Presented with permission of the Carl Beck Papers at the University of Pittsburgh, Center for Russian & East European Studies.
A shortened version appears as a three-part article in 1999: Zeitschrift für Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts, part 1: (1997), heft 4 71-91; part 2: (1998), heft 5; part 3: (1999), heft 6. See the updated publication after the archive was returned to Russia in December 2002 (above).
* Dolia skarbiv Ukrains'koi kul'tury pid chas druhoi svitovoi viiny: Vynyshchennia arkhiviv, bibliotek, muzeiv [The Fate of Ukrainian Cultural Treasures during the Second World War: Plundered Archives, Libraries, and Museums] (In Ukrainian).
Kyiv: Arkheohrafichna komisiia AN URSR, 1991 - 2d edition, Lviv, 1992. Ukrainian version with the collaboration and translation of Gennadi Boriak.
Abridged edition: in Pam'iatky Ukraïny 26(1994), nos. 3-6 pp.92-105.
Expanded with documentary appendixes from the article published in English in Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas (Winter 1991). See no.24 of this bibliography.
Articles (or Chapters of Monographs)
* Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder: A Guide to the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) and the Postwar Retrieval of ERR Loot
Chapter 2: “France” (June 2017). See the 2015 Introduction and other chapters listed below.
Online at: http://www.errproject.org/guide.php
* “Pan-European Displaced Archives in the Russian Federation: Still Prisoners of War on the 70th Anniversary of V-E Day.” In Displaced Archives, edited by James Lowry, with a preface by Eric Ketelaar (London: Routledge, 2017), pp. 130–57.
Online at: https://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/grimsted_ch9_displace...
* “Library Plunder in France by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg: Ten ERR Seizure Lists of Confiscated French Libraries.”
Online at http://www.errproject.org/looted_libraries_fr.php .
See the 2016 French version at http://www.cfaj.fr/publicat/listes_ERR_France.html
* Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder: A Guide to the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) and the Postwar Retrieval of ERR Loot:
Chapter 4: “Belgium” (December 2016). See other 2015 chapters listed below.
Online at: http://www.errproject.org/guide.php
* “Les listes de saisies des bibliothèque françaises: sources de l’histoire des actions de l’Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg en France,”
Online version at http://www.cfaj.fr/publicat/listes_ERR_France.html – PKG article in French translation by Ariella Ohana-Lugassy; edited by par Jean-Claude Kuperminc together with facsimile versions of ten original ERR lists of French libraries seized, and compendia charts of the French victims named in all ten lists.
See the 2017 English updated version at http://www.errproject.org/looted_libraries_fr.php .
* “Livres et archives pillés en France par l’Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR): La Bibliothèque Tourguéniev et les fonds français déplacés à Minsk.” Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, no. 10 (November 2016), pp. 90–111.
Online version (lacking images), at http://bbf.enssib.fr/matieres-a-penser/livres-et-archives-pilles-en-france-par-l-einsatzstab-reichsleiter-rosenberg-err_67074 .
* Displaced Pan-European Cultural Valuables on the Eastern Front: Seventy Years after the Second World War. Amsterdam: International Institute of Social History, 2016; “IISG Research Papers,” no. 53. Online at (free PDF file): https://socialhistory.org/en/publications/displaced-pan-european-cultural-valuables-eastern-front.
* “La spoliation des bibliothèques françaises par l’Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg: les sources disponibles.” Archives Juives, 49, no. 1 (2016), pp. 36–53.
Full version of printed online as part of the website presentation at: http://www.cfaj.fr/publicat/listes_ERR_France.html .
* “Tracing Pan-European Looted Art in Russia – The Case of the Erich Koch Collection.” In PLUNDERED – BUT BY WHOM? Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and Occupied Europe in light of Nazi Art Looting. Proceedings of an international academic conference held in Prague on 21–22 October 2015 (Prague: Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of Cultural Assets of World War II Victims, 2015 [2016]), pp. 180–99.
Available at: https://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/grimsted_ch9_displace...
* “Nazi-Looted Art from Kyiv Destroyed in East Prussia – New Hope for More Survivors?” In
Art Crime: Terrorists, Tomb Raiders, Forgers and Thieves, ed. Noah Charney, pp. 281–307 (chapter 20), pp. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
* ‘Nazi-Looted Art from East and West in East Prussia: Initial Findings on the Erich Koch Collection’, International Journal of Cultural Property 22 (2015) 7–60.
http://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/pkg-kochcollectionijcpapr15.pdf#overlay-context=nl/russia-archives-and-restitution/bibliography Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder: A Guide to the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) and the Postwar Retrieval of ERR Loot
Introduction: “Alfred Rosenberg and the ERR: The Records of Plunder
and the Fate of Its Loot” (last revised August 2015)
Chapter 4: “Israel” (last revised December 2015)
Chapter 6: “The Netherlands” (last revised December 2015)
Chapter 10: “United States of America” (last revised April 2015)
Online at: http://www.errproject.org/guide.php
* “Knigi v obmen na traktory? Rasseivanie i prodazhi knig iz byvshikh imperatorskikh dvortsov v period mezhdu dvumia mirovymi voinami.” In Istoriia bibliotek: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, vyp. 10 (St. Petersburg: Natsional’naia biblioteka Rossii, 2015), pp. 22–43.
(A Russian version of the earlier English article: “Books for Tractors? Interwar Dispersal and Sales of the Russian Imperial Palace Books,” in The selling of Russia's cultural heritage 1918-1938 (Washington DC: Hillwood Museum, 2009.)
* “Archival Revolution and ‘Intellectual Access’ in Russia: ArcheoBiblioBase in Moscow and Amsterdam.” In A Usable Collection Collection Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History, Aad Blok, Jan Lucassen, Huub Sanders (eds) (Amsterdam: University Press 2014), pp. 286–309.
* “Alfred Rosenberg and the ERR: The Records of Plunder and the Fate of the Loot.” Revised and updated ‘Introduction – 2014.’ For revised edition of Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder: A Survey of the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) (Amsterdam: IISH, 2011). Prepared for the Provenance Research Training Workshop in Athens, June 2014. Available at: http://www.errproject.org/survey.php.
* “Progress in Identification and Restitution of ‘Displaced’ Cultural Loot? Access to Archives East and West.” In “The West” Versus “The East“ or a United Europe? The different conceptions of provenance research, documentation and identification of looted cultural assets and the possibilities of international cooperation in Europe and worldwide. Proceedings of an international academic conference held in Poděbrady on 8–9 October, 2013; edited by Mečislav Borák (Prague Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of Cultural Assets of WWII Victims, 2014), pp. 120–43.
* “ ‘Trophy’ Archives in Moscow and the Art Scene in France and Germany under the National Socialist Regime, 1933-1945: A Brief Orientation.” In Echoes of Exile. Moscow Archives and the Arts in Paris 1933-1995, edited by Ines Rotermund-Reynard. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2014.
* “Turgenevskia biblioteka v Parizhe: Knigi kak zhertvy i trofei voiny.” In Russkaia obshchestvennaia biblioteka im. I.S. Turgeneva – perekpestok dukhovnoi zhizni Rossii i Frantsii, ed. N.Ia. Olesich et al. (St. Petersburg: Izd-vo “Znamenitye universanty,” 2014), pp. 89–96. Russian adaption of PKG 2005 article from 2003 Moscow conference proceedings.
* “Chabad Sacred Texts, Russian-American Art Loans, and a Tall Ship Named ‘Hope’: Beyond Cold War over a Restitution Claim?”, Art, Antiquity and Law, 16 (December 2013), pp. 345–405.
* “Return of Captured Archives from Russia: Progress but Still Hurdles Ahead: Afterword – 2013”, in Returned from Russia: Nazi Archival Plunder in Western Europe and Recent Restitution Issues (paper edition, UK: Institute of Art and Law, 2013. Announcement at http://www.ial.uk.com/Russia.php).
* “Alfred Rosenberg and the ERR: The Records of Plunder and the Fate of the Loot. Revised and updated ‘Introduction– 2013’.” from Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder: A Survey of the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) (Amsterdam: IISH, 2011). Prepared for the Provenance Research Training Workshop in Zagreb, March 2013. Available at: http://www.errproject.org/survey.php.
* ‘Art and Icons Lost in East Prussia: The Fate of German Seizures from Kyiv Museums’, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 61 (2013), Heft 1,pp. 47–91. Electronic version: http://www.huri.harvard.edu/images/pdf/grimsted_kyiv_loss_mar_13.pdf
* “L’ERR versus le RSHA: Les formes de pillage et de migration de livres et d’archives comme facteurs intervenant dans le processus de restitution.” In Saisies, spoliations et logiques de restitution. Archives et bibliothèques au XXe siècle (Actes du colloque international, Strasbourg, 22-23 octobre 2010), edited by A. Sumpf and V. Laniol (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2012), pp. 37–65.
* “Documenting Nazi Cultural Looting and Postwar Retrieval: Surviving Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR).”
Electronic version: https://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/pkg-amsterdam_present...
Expanded from the talk at the Amsterdam presentation for the PKG survey of ERR archives – above under Books – 2011.
* “Archival Transition in Russia and the Legacy of Displaced European Archives.” Solanus, N.S. 22 (2011), pp. 185–200.
Full text see: http://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/pkg_solanus-vol22.pdf
* “The Postwar Fate of Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg Archival and Library Plunder and the Dispersed ERR Records.” Journal of Art Crime, Issue 4 (Fall 2010), pp. 23-47.
Revised and updated (with illustrations added) from Holocaust and Genocide Studies 20, no. 2 (Fall 2006).
* 'Introduction,' In Spoils of War v. Cultural Heritage: The Russian Cultural Property Law in Historical Context. Edited by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, as guest editor for the issue: International Journal of Cultural Property 17, no. 2 (2010). pp.136-46. (a collection of articles base on the proceedings of a Workshop at the Harvard Law School, February 8-9, 2008. pp. 139-46
Full text (paid) available at: journals.cambridge.org/repo_A79v5jr3
* 'Legalizing "Compensation" and the Spoils of War: The Russian Law on Displaced Cultural Valuables and the Manipulation of Historical Memory,' Spoils of War v. Cultural Heritage: The Russian Cultural Property Law in Historical Context. Edited by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, as guest editor for the issue: International Journal of Cultural Property 17, no. 2 (2010), pp.291-334. (a collection of articles base on the proceedings of a Workshop at the Harvard Law School, February 8-9, 2008. pp. 217-56
Full text (paid) available at: journals.cambridge.org/repo_A79oVE2N
* 'Why Do Captured Archives Go Home?: Restitution Achievements under the Russian Law,' Spoils of War v. Cultural Heritage: The Russian Cultural Property Law in Historical Context. Edited by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, as guest editor for the issue: International Journal of Cultural Property 17, no. 2 (2010). (a collection of articles base on the proceedings of a Workshop at the Harvard Law School, February 8-9, 2008. pp. 291-334.
Full text (paid) available at: journals.cambridge.org/repo_A79s6YVA
* 'Federal Law on Cultural Valuables Displaced to the USSR as a Result of the Second World War and Located on the Territory of the Russian Federation', No. 64-FZ of 15 April 1998 (with amendments), translated by Konstantin Akinsha and Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Appendix 1: In Spoils of War v. Cultural Heritage: The Russian Cultural Property Law in Historical Context. Edited by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, as guest editor for the issue: International Journal of Cultural Property 17, no. 2 (2010) pp. 413-426.
A collection of articles based on the proceedings of a Workshop at the Harvard Law School, February 8-9, 2008.
Full text available at: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid...
* 'Russian Legal Instruments Relating to Cultural Valuables Displaced as a Result of the Second World War, 1990-2009,' compiled by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Appendix 2 In Spoils of War v. Cultural Heritage: The Russian Cultural Property Law in Historical Context. Edited by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, as guest editor for the issue: International Journal of Cultural Property 17, no. 2 (2010). (a collection of articles base on the proceedings of a Workshop at the Harvard Law School, February 8-9, 2008. pp. 427-91.
Full text available at: journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JCP&volumeId=17&issueId=02&iid=7901872
* 'Progress in the Return of Displaced Archives from Russia: Steps Forward and Hurdles Ahead.' Art, Antiquity and Law XV, issue 3 (October 2010), pp. 224-51.
* 'The Postwar Fate of Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg Archival and Library Plunder, and the Dispersal of ERR Records.' Journal of Art Crime IV (Fall 2010), pp. 23-47.
Revised and updated (with illustrations added) from the earlier version below (no. 61) Holocaust and Genocide Studies 20, no. 2 (Fall 2006), pp. 278–308.
* 'Documenting Looted Art: Perspectives from the Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR),' (Presented at the Archives Section of the Working Group on Looted Art, EU Holocaust Era Assets Conference 26 June, Prague, 2009).
Full text available at: www.holocausteraassets.eu/en/working-groups/looted-art/
* 'Perspectives from Remaining Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) and the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA),' (Presented at the Working Group on Judaica and Jewish Cultural Property, EU Holocaust Era Assets Conference, Prague, 2009).
Full text available at: www.holocausteraassets.eu/en/working-groups/judaica-and-jewish-cultural-property/
* 'Books for Tractors? Interwar Dispersal and Sales of the Russian Imperial Palace Bookss,'in The selling of Russia's cultural heritage 1918-1938, edited by Anne Odom and Wendy Salmond,(Washington DC: Hillwood Museum, 2009; distributed by U.of Washington Press), pp. 303-29.
* 'From Nazi Plunder to Russian Restitution: The international framework for the restitution of Archives,' In Witnesses to History: Documents and Writings on the Return of Cultural Objects, Lyndel Prott (ed.) (Paris: UNESCO, 2009), pp. 295-99.
Extracted and adapted from Returned from Russia: Nazi Archival Plunder in Western Europe and Recent Restitution Issues. Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, F.J. Hoogewoud, and Eric Ketelaar (eds.). (Institute of Art and Law (UK), 2007).
* '"Books for Tractors?": Interwar Dispersal and Sale of the Russian Imperial Palace Books' In Treasures into Tractors: The Selling of Russia's Cultural Heritage 1918-1938, Anne Odom and Wendy Salmond (eds.). Published as Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 2008-2009, vol. 43, no. 1-4 (see updated version above).
* 'Geplünderte jüdische Archive in Osteuropa: Kriegsbeute aus dem ehemaligen Sonderarchiv in Moskau.' In Raub und Restitution: Kulturgut aus jdischem besitz von 1933 bis Heute, edited by Inka Bertz and Michael Dorrmann (Berlin: Wallstein Verlag; Jüdisches Museum Berlin, 2008), pp. 179-87.
* 'Sudeten Crossroads for Europes Displaced Books: The "Mysterious Twilight" of the RSHA Amt VII Library and the Fate of a Million Victims of War. In Restitution of Confiscated WorksWish or Reality? Documentation, identification and restitution of Cultural property of the victims of World War II. Proceedings of the international academic conference held in Liberec, 24-26 October 2007 (Prague, 2008), pp. 123-80.
Full Text: (PDF file 4,52 Mb)
Also published in Czech edition.
* 'Pokhishchennye natsistami knigi vozvrashchaiutsia s voiny: zabytaia istoriia britanskoi i amerikanskoi bibliotechnoi restitutsii v SSSR' [Plundered Books that Came Home from the War: Forgotten U.S. and British Library Restitution to the USSR], In Istoriia bibliotek. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov 6 (St. Petersburg: Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka, 2006) 242-93.
Originally presented as a paper at the Russian Library Association, Section for the History of the Book, St. Petersburg conference (May 2005). Includes images and facsimiles of Russian documents regarding postwar American and British library restitution, which earlier has been omitted in Russian/Soviet accounts.
* 'Silesian Crossroads for Europe's Displaced Books: Compensation or Prisoners of War?' In The Future of the Lost Cultural Heritage: The documentation, identification and restitutionof the cultural assets of WW II victims. Proceedings of the international academic conference in Český Krumlov (22.-24.11. 2005), Mečislav Borák (ed.) (Prague: Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of he Cultural Assets of WW II Victims, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Tilia Publishers, 2006) pp. 133-69.
Full Text: (PDF file 1,23 Mb)
Also published in Czech edition.
* 'Soviet Retrieval of the "Prague Ukrainian Archives"' In Muzeum osvobozeneckého boje Ukrajiny: K 80. výročí založení. Sborník příspěvků z konference (Praha, 12.-14. října 2005)/ Muzei Vyzvol'noï Bort'by Ukraïny: Do 80-ï richnytsi zasnuvannia. Sbirnyk materialiv konferentsiï (Praha, 12-14 zhovtnia 2005 r.) / The Museum of the Struggle for Liberation of Ukraine. In commemoration of 80th anniversary. Proceedings of a Conference (Prague, October 12th to 14th 2005), Dagmar Petišková (ed.) (Prague: Národni knihovna, 2006) pp. 53-65.
* ''The Sárospatak Case: Rare Books Return to Hungary from Nizhnii Novgorod. A New Precedent for Russian Cultural Restitution?' Art, Antiquiy and Law 11, issue 2 (2006), pp. 215-49. [with Konstantin Akinsha].
Full Text: (PDF file 3,08 Mb)
* 'Postwar Fate of Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg Archival and Library Plunder and the Dispersed ERR Records,' Holocaust and Genocide Studies 20, no. 2 (Fall 2006) pp. 279-308.
Supplement to 'Roads to Ratibor,' in HGS (2005) listed below. Updated 2009 version in Journal of Art Crime, Fall 2010 (see above).
* 'Tracing Patterns of European Library Plunder: Books Still not Home from the War.' in: Jüdischer Buchbesitz als Raubgut. Zweites Hannoversches Symposium, Regine Dehnel (ed.) (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2006) 'Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie', vol. 88), pp. 139-67.
* ‘Trofeinye knigi iz Zapadnoi Evropy: Doroga v Minsk cherez Ratibor (Ratsibyzh). Ograblenie bibliotek ERR (Operativnym shtabom Reikhsliaitera Rozenberga)’ [Trophy Books from Western Europe: The Road to Minsk through Ratibor. Libraries plundered by the ERR (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg)]. In Matieryialy trietsikh mizhnarodnykh knihaznuchykh chytanniau “Kniha Belarusi: Poviaz' chasoi” (Minsk, 16–17 verasnia 2003 g.) (Minsk: Natsyianal'naia bibliatieka Belarusi, 2005), pp. 39–90.
From a presentation at the conferenceat the National Library of Belarus, Minsk, 16 September 2003. English version: ‘The Road to Minsk’ (2004) see below.
* 'Turgenevskaia biblioteka v Parizhe: Knigi kak zhertvy i trofei voiny' [The Turgenev Library in Paris. Books as Victims and Trophies of War]. In: Dokumental'noe nasledie po istorii russkoi kul'tury v otechestvennykh arkhivakh i za rubezhom. Materialy Mezhdunarodnooi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, Moskva, 29-30 oktiabria 2003 g. (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2005), pp. 322-42.
* 'Knigi iz Tsarskogo Sela vozvrashchaiutsia domoi s voiny' [Books from Tsarskoe Selo Return from the War]. In Kniga. Issledovaniia i materialy/ Book. Researches and Materials, Sbornik 84 (Moscow: Nauka, 2005), pp. 72-94.
* 'Roads to Ratibor: Library and Archival Plunder by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg,' Holocaust and Genocide Studies 19, no. 3 (Winter 2005), pp. 390-458.
Electronic version: Roads etc. (PDF file, 496 Kb.)
See sequel above “Postwar Fate of ERR Plunder…,” in HGS (Fall 2006) (see above and 2010 updated version).
* ‘“Dvazhdy zakhvachennye” ili “dvazhdy spasennye”? Rozysk rossiiskikh “trofeinykh” arkhivov i dobycha Glavnogo upravleniia imperskoi bezopasnosti.’ [Twice Plundered or Twice Saved? Russia’s ‘Trophy’ Archives and the Loot of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt]. In Sotsial'naia istoriia. Ezhegodnik 2004 (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2005), pp. 401–55.
Revised and updated from the English 2001 version listed below.
* 'The Fate of the Kyiv Archive of Early Acts in the Second World War: : A Triple Tragedy of Destruction, Plunder, and Propaganda,'
In Synopsis: A Collection of Essays in Honour of Zenon E. Kohut, ed. Serhii Plokhy and Frank E. Sysyn (Edmunton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 2005); also published serially as Canadian Journal of Ukrainian Studies 29 (Summer-Winter 2004), pp. 73-114.
Electronic version: Kyiv archives etc. (PDF file, 150 Kb.)
Updated from the Ukrainian 2004 version listed below.
* 'Tracing "Trophy" Books in Russia,' Solanus 19 (2005) 131-45.
Electronic version: PDF file, 291 Kb
Reprint version issued in English and Russian in: Seventh International Workshop Electronic Resources and International Information Exchange: East-West. Workshop Proceedings (Washington, New York, 2005; State Public Scientific and Technical Library/ Gosudarstvennaia publichnaia nauchno-tekhnicheskaia biblioteka), pp. 38-54.
Russian version: "Po sledam trofeinykh sobranii. Problemy v proslezhivanii sud'by 'trofeinykh' knig v Rossii," In 7-i Mezhdunarodnyi seminar "Elektronnye resursy i mezhdunarodnyi obmen: Vostok-zapad." Trudy Seminara (Moscow, 2005) , pp. 23-41.
* 'Flying Mercury Comes Home to Pavlovsk: Perspectives on the Return of Wartime Cultural Trophies in Austria and Russia.'
Art, Antiquiy and Law 10, issue 2 (2005), pp. 107-147.
Electronic version: PDF file, 215 Kb
Updated and revised from the German publication in Graz (see below)
* 'Vom "Fliegenden Merkur" zu den Büchern der Sammlung Esterhazy: Kulturelle Restitution an die UdSSR durch die westlichen Besatzungsmächte in Österreich und sowjetisches Beutegut österreichischer Herkunft.'
In Die Rote Armee in Österreich. Sowjetische Besatzung 1945-1955. Beiträge, eds. Stefan Karner and Barbara Stelzl-Marx (Graz/Vienna/Klagenfurt: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute für Kriegsfolgen-Forschung, 2005), pp. 363-90.
See the English published version, 'Flying Mercury' above.
* 'Dwukrotnie zrabowane i nadal z dala od ojczyzny. Losy trzech bibliotek słowiańskich przejętych przez nazistów w Paryżu.' [Twice Plundered, but Still Not Home from the War: The Fate of Three Slavic Libraries Confiscated by the Nazis from Paris].Archeion 106 (2003 [2005]) pp.47-84. See the much expanded Polish version: https://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/archeion2005pkgarticl...
Updated and expanded, especially with reference to the Polish Library from the English version in Solanus 16 (2002).
* ‘Displaced Archives on the Eastern Front: Reflections on Unresolved Legal, Political, and Humanitarian Issues.’ Comma, 2005, no. 3, pp. 1–15.
Electronic edition (paid): http://liverpool.metapress.com/content/m32g01361u01xg11/
A shortened summary version of the text prepared for the Congress of the International Council on Archives, Vienna, 25 August 2004 (below, no. 46), initially available in both English and Russian on the ICA website.
* 'Rare Books from Voronezh in Tartu and Tanzenberg: From Nazi Plunder and British Restitution to Russian "Lost Book Treasures".'
Solanus, 18 (2004) pp. 72-107.
* 'Von Bernsteinzimmer zu dem Büchern der Russischen Zarenpaläste: Identifikation und Rekonstruktion verbrachter Kulturschätze.'.
In Kulturgüter - Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven einer gesamteuropäischen Zusammenarbeit. Materialien der internationalen Konferenz "Kulturelle Zusammenarbeit in Europa: Fragen der Erhaltung und des Schutzes von Kulturgütern," St. Petersburg, 12. Mai 2003 (Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2004) pp. 208-29.
Russian version: 'Ot Iantarnoi komnaty k knigam iz russkogo imperatorskogo dvortsa. Identifikatsiia i rekonstruktsiia peremeshchennykh kul'turnykh tsennostei.' [From the Amber Chamber to books from the Russian imperial palaces: identification and reconstruction of displaced cultural treasures]
In Kul'turnye tsennosti: Vozmozhnosti i perspektivy obshcheevropeiskogo sotrudnichestva. Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii "Kul'turnoe sotrudnichestvo v Evrope: problemy sokhraneniia i okhrany kul'turnykh tsennostei, Sankt-Peterburg," 12 Maia 2003 g. (Moscow: Rudomino, 2004), pp. 230-52.
* 'Displaced Archives on the Eastern Front: Reflections on Unresolved Legal, Political, and Humanitarian Issues' Prepared for the International Congress on Archives, Vienna, 25 August 2004
Summary version published in Comma (2005) (see above), electronic edn (paid): http://liverpool.metapress.com/content/m32g01361u01xg11/ .
* 'The Road to Minsk for Western "Trophy" Books: Twice Plundered but Not Yet "Home from the War". Libraries & Culture, 30, no. 4 (Fall 2004), pp. 351-404.
Electronic version: PDF File 513 Kb.
Russian version: see above Minsk publication (2005, no. 45).
* 'Bach is Back in Berlin: The Return of the Sing-Akademie Archive from Ukraine in the Context of Displaced Cultural Treasures and Restitution Politics,' Spoils of War: International Newsletter, no.8 (June 2003), pp. 67-104.
Electronic version:www.lostart.de/cae/servlet/contentblob/9630/publicationFile/226/Spoils%20of%20War%208.pdf. Presented with permission of HURI
An earlier version was issued as a research report by the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, Washington, DC (see below).
* 'Dolia Kyiivskoho Tsentral'noho arkhivu davnikh aktiv: Potriina tragediia - nyshchennia, pohrabuvannia, propahandy' [The Fate of the Kyiv Central Archive of Early Acts: A Triple Tragedy of Destruction, Plunder, and Propaganda]
In: Arkhivy Ukrainy, 2002, no. 4-6 pp. 47-76.
Electronic version: Kyiv etc. PDF File of the complete issue 34,19 MB
English version see above.
* 'Problemy razgrableniia i vozvrashcheniia chastnykh kollektsii: Vostok i Zapad - Bakh vozvrashchaetsia v Berlin' = 'Probleme des Raubs und der Restitution von Privatsammlungen: Ost und West - Bach geht zurück nach Berlin.' In Trudnaia sud'ba kul'turnykh tsennostei: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii "Chastnoe pravo i problemy restitutsii peremeshcennykh kul'turnykh tsennostei," Moskva, 27 i 28 maia 2002 g.= Das schwierige Schicksal von Kulturgütern: Materialien der internationalen Konferenz 'Privatrecht und Probleme der Restitution von kriegsbedingt verbrachten Kulturgütern,' Moskau, 27. und 28. Mai 2002 (Berlin: BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag/ Moscow: Rudomino, 2002), pp. 200-15 (Russian); pp. 216-32 (German).
"[Patterns of Plunder and Restitution of Private Collections-East and West: Bach Goes Back to Berlin]." Published in Russian and German with the proceedings of the Conference at the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature (VGBIL): "Private Law and Issues of Restitution of Cultural Valuables,' Moscow, May 2002.
* 'Twice Plundered, but Still Not Home from the War: The Fate of Three Slavic Libraries Confiscated by the Nazis from Paris.' Solanus, 16 (2002) pp. 39-76.
https://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/pkg-presentation-err.... with permission of Solanus
Updated in Polish translation in Archeion (no.56 above)
Expanded from a lecture presented in French at the Institut des Etudes Slaves, Paris, October 2001. Updated and expanded in Polish translation in Archeion (see above).
* 'Spoils of War Returned. U.S. Restitution of Nazi-Looted Cultural Treasures to the USSR, 1945-1959.' Prologue. Quarterly of the National Archives and Records Administration 34(1), Spring 2002, pp. 27-41.
See: - Prologue' at the National Archives website
- http://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/2002/spring/spoils-of-war-...
See also: Text (DOC file, 102 Kb.)
- http://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/grimstedfinal-final.doc
Presented with permission of NARA.
A condensed version of the "Introduction" to the NARA-issued CD-ROM on U.S. postwar restitution to the USSR (see above).
* 'Russia's Trophy Archives: Still Prisoners of World War II?' Budapest: Open Society Archives, Central European University. Electronic publication February 2002.
Text (PDF file, 257 Kb.) Presented with permission of the Open Society Archives.
Updated from a Lecture at the Summer University, 17 July 2001.
Variant edition: Issued as a ‘Working Paper’ by the National Council for East European and Eurasian Research, Washington, DC; electronic edn: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/nceeer/2002-816-03g-Grimsted.pdf
* “U.S. Restitution of Nazi-Looted Cultural Treasures to the USSR, 1945–1959.” In Karta Evropy. Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Kul’turnaia karta Evropy: sud’ba peremeshchennykh kul’turnykh tsennostei v tret’em tysiacheletii,” Moskva, VGBIL, 10–11 apreli 2000 goda/ Mapping Europe: Materials of the International Conference “Mapping Europe: Fate of Looted Cultural Valuables in the Third Millennium,” Moscow, VGBIL, 10–11 April 2000 (Moscow: “Rudomino, 2002), pp. 272–83.
Russian translation: “Vozvrashchenie Soedinennymi Shtatami Sovetskomu Soiuzu v 1945–1959 gg. kul’turnykh tsennostei, pokhishchennykh natsistami.” In ibid., pp. 88–98.
See summary electronic version below.
* “Dvazhdy ukradennye ili dvazhdy spasennye? Identifikatsiia russkikh ‘trofeinykh’ arkhivov i natsistskikh uchrezhdenii, konfiskovavshikh ikh” [Twice Plundered or Twice Saved?: Russia’s ‘Trophy’ Archives and the Nazi Agencies That Confiscated Them]. In Karta Evropy. Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Kul’turnaia karta Evropy: sud’ba peremeshchennykh kul’turnykh tsennostei v tret’em tysiacheletii,” Moskva, VGBIL, 10–11 apreli 2000 goda/ MAPPING EUROPE: Materials of the International Conference “Mapping Europe: Fate of Looted Cultural Valuables in the Third Millennium,” Moscow, VGBIL, 10–11 April 2000 (Moscow: “Rudomino, 2002), pp. 73–87.
Electronic version: www.libfl.ru/restitution/conf/grimsted.html; or www.libfl.ru/restitution/conf/grimsted1_r.html.
* ‘Russia's Trophy Archives: An Update on Restitution Issues.’ Presented at a seminar at the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam), 24 September 2001.
Text (pdf, 114 Kb) http://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/projects/grimlez24sep.pdf
* ‘Twice Plundered or Twice Saved?: Identifying Russia's “Trophy” Archives and the Loot of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt.’ Holocaust and Genocide Studies 15 (2001), no. 2, pp. 191–244.
Electronic version (paid) at: http://hgs.oxfordjournals.org/content/15/2/191.abstract?sid=cfcc5e76-a0ee-44d2-b140-f612d1794f80
Updated Russian version published in Moscow in 2005 (see above).
* 'Zhesty dobroï voli ta deiaki nevyrisheni problemy pisliavoennykh restytutsii' [Gestures of Goodwill and Unresolved Problems of Postwar Restitution].
In Arkhivoznavstvo. Arkheohrafiia. Dzhereloznavstvo: Mizhvidomchyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats', vol. 4: Studiïi na poshanu Ruslana Pyroha, ed. H. V. Boriak et al. (Kyiv, 2001), pp. 285-299.
An expanded and updated Ukrainian-language version of the April 2001 VGBIL report. P.K. Grimsted has an unedited English-language text from which the Ukrainian version was prepared, being revised for publication on the HURI website.
* ‘Zhesty dobroi voli i nezakonchennoe delo poslevoennoi restitutsii.’ In Zhesty dobroi voli i zakonodatel'stvo / Gesten des guten Willens und Gesetzgebung, ed. E.Iu.Genieva, Klaus Michaletz, and Olaf Werner (Berlin: Verlag Arno Spitz; Moscow: Rudomino, 2001), pp. 126–131.
German version: ‘Die Gesten des guten Willens und die unbeendete Sache der Nachkriegsrestitution.’ In ibid, pp. 132–37.
English version at conference website: ‘Gestures of Goodwill and the Unfinished Business of Post-World-War II Restitution,’ 24–25 April 2001, Moscow, All-Russian Library of Foreign Literature (VGBIL)]; electronic edn: http://www.libfl.ru/restitution/conf01/grimsted-e.html.
* ‘Odisseia “Berlin – Ullersdorf – ? – Kyïv”: Do istorï peremishchennia arkhivu Akademiï spivu v Berlini pid Chas i pislia Druhoï svitovoï viiny’ [Odyssey “Berlin – Ullersdorf – ? – Kyiv”: Towards a History of the Displacement of the Berlin Sing Akademie's Archive During and After World War II], translated by H.V. Boriak. Arkhivy Ukrainy (2001), no. 3, pp. 26–39.
Text at: Archives of Ukraine http://www.archives.gov.ua/Publicat/AU/2001-3-1.php
* 'Les prises de guerre de l'Armée rouge: Témoignage de Patricia Kennedy Grimsted (interview by Pierre Mollier).' L'Histoire (2001), no. 256 (July-August), pp. 84-85.
* ‘Survivors of the Holocaust: Displaced Books and Archives Plundered from Enemies of the Nazi Regime.’ Published in the proceedings of the Vilnius International Forum on Holocaust-Era Looted Cultural Assets (October 2000).
Limited printed version. Forum website now closed.
* ‘U.S. Restitution of Nazi-Looted Cultural Treasures to the USSR, 1945–1959.’ Published in the proceedings of the International Conference “Kul'turnaia karta Evropy: sud'ba peremeshchennykh kul'turnykh tsennostei v tret'em tysiacheletii”, All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, 10–11 April 2000. Printed version above in 2002.
Electronic version (Eng): www.libfl.ru/restitution/conf/grimsted2_e.html.
* B-8A (now part of B-8). 'Holdings from the former Tsentr khraneniia istoriko-dokumental'nykh kollektsii (TsKhIDK)' [Centre for Preservation of Historico-Documentary Collections].
In Archives of Russia. A Directory and Bibliographic Guide to Holdings in Moscow and St.Petersburg (New York, M.E.Sharpe, 2000), Vol. 1 pp.225-30.
Updated at the IISH ArcheoBiblioBase website http://www.iisg.nl/abb/rep/B-8.tab1.php?b=B.php%23B-8.
Survey and bibliography of captured records from the former Special Archive (Osobyi arkhiv – TsGOA).
* ‘Dvazhdy ukradennye ili dvazhdy spasennye? Identifikatsiia russkikh “trofeinykh” arkhivov i natsistskikh uchrezhdenii, konfiskovavshikh ikh’ [Twice Plundered or Twice Saved?: Russia's “Trophy” Archives and the Nazi Agencies That Confiscated Them]. Published in the proceedings of the Moscow conference. Published in the proceedings of the Moscow Conference at the All-Russian Library for Foreign Literature (2000) – see 2002, above
Text - at website of the International Conference “Kul'turnaia karta Evropy: sud'ba peremeshchennykh kul'turnykh tsennostei v tret'em tysiacheletii”, All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, 10–11 April 200
Printed version above in 2002.
Twice Plundered or Twice Saved? Identifying Russia's 'Trophy' Archives and the Nazi Agencies of Their Plunder.
The English version was revised for the proceedings of the April 2000 Moscow Conference at the All-Russian Library for Foreign Literature (VGBIL). It is NOT being included in the printed version but is being prepared for the VGBIL conference website with updated notes (as of December 2001).
* 'The Odyssey of the Petliura Library and the Records of the Ukrainian National Republic (UNR) during World War II' [part 1]. Harvard Ukrainian Studies 22 (1998), pp. 181-208; [= Cultures and Nations of Central and Eastern Europe: Essays in Honor of Roman Szporluk, ed. Zvi Gitelman et al.]
Text (PDF file, 109 Kb.)
'The Postwar Fate of the Petliura Library and the Records of the Ukrainian National Republic' [part 2]. Harvard Ukrainian Studies 21 (1997 [2001]), pp. 393-461.
Text (PDF file, 239 Kb.)
Both articles presented here with the kind permission of Harvard Ukrainian Studies
* ‘Bach Scores in Kyiv: The Long-Lost Music Archive of the Berlin Sing-Akademie Surfaces in Ukraine.’ Spoils of War: International Newsletter, no. 7 (August 2000), pp. 22–35.
Published version at: www.lostart.de/cae/servlet/contentblob/9628/publicationFile/224/Spoils%2...
Text from ‘HURI Working Papers’ presented with permission of HURI: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~huri/workpaper/grimsted/SingAka.html.
Russian version: ‘Partitury Bakha v Kieve: Na Ukraine obnaruzheny davno propavshie noty Berlinskoi Zing-Akademii.’ Voennye trofei: Mezhdunarodnyi biulletin', no. 7 (August 2000), pp. 16–24.
* '"Trophy" Archives and Non-Restitution: Russia's Cultural "Cold War" with the European Community.' Problems of Post-Communism 45(1998), no. 3(May/June), pp. 3-16.
Based on Chapter 8 of Grimsted's monograph Russian Archives Five Years After, published by IISH, listed above.
* 'The Odyssey of the Smolensk Archive. Plundered Communist Records.' 1999: Zeitschrift für Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts (in 3 parts), (1997) heft 4 pp. 71-91; (1998) heft 5, pp. 190-201; (1999) heft 6 pp.134-151.
A condensed version of Grimsted's monograph The Odyssey of the Smolensk Archive listed above, published in Pittsburgh.
* 'New Clues in the Records of Archival and Library Plunder: The ERR and RSHA Amt VII Operations in Silesia.' In The Return of Looted Collections (1946-1996). An Unfinished Chapter - Proceedings of an International Symposium to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Return of Dutch Collections from Germany, ed. F. J. Hoogewoud, E.P. Kwaardgras et al. (Amsterdam: IISH, 1997), pp. 52-67.
* 'Displaced Archives and Restitution Problems on the Eastern Front from World War II and its Aftermath.' Contemporary European History 6(1997), no.1 pp. 27-74.
Electronic versions (paid): www.jstor.org/stable/20081612.
Updated and reedited from earlier versions in Janus (1996) (seee below) and IISG Research Paper (Amsterdam, 1995).
* 'Captured Archives and Restitution Problems on the Eastern Front: Beyond the Bard Graduate Center Symposium.' In The Spoils of War: World War II and Its Aftermath: The Loss, Reappearance, and Recovery of Cultural Property, ed. Elizabeth Simpson (New York: Henry N. Abrams, 1997), pp. 244-51, 270-71.
* 'Displaced Archives and Restitution Problems on the Eastern Front from World War II and its Aftermath.' Janus: Revue Archivistique / Archival Review (1996), no. 2 pp. 44-76.
German version: 'Verschleppte Archive im Bereich der Ostfront: Aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und seinen Folgen resultierende Rückgabeprobleme.' Quatuor Coronati Jahrbuch, (1996), no. 33, pp. 23-60.
* 'The Fate of Ukrainian Cultural Treasures during World War II: The Plunder of Archives, Libraries, and Museums under the Third Reich. ' Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 39(1991, )no. 1 pp. 53-80.
See also the expanded Ukrainian monograph with the collaboration and translation of Gennadi Boriak (Kyiv: Archeographic Commission, 1991). See above.
Research/Working Papers
* “Bach is Back in Berlin: The Return of the Sing-Akademie Archive from Ukraine in the Context of Displaced Cultural Treasures and Restitution Politics.” Washington, DC: National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, June 2003. Research Report.
Electronic version: available on the website of Center for International Studies of the University of Pittsburg: www.ucis.pitt.edu/nceeer/2003_816_03_Grimsted.pdf.
An updated version appeared as an article in Spoils of War: International Newsletter, no. 8 (May 2003), pp. 67–104 (above, no. 39 of this bibliography).
* “Russia’s “Trophy” Archives: Still Prisoners of World War II?” Washington, DC: National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, February, 2002. Research Report.
Electronic version: www.ucis.pitt.edu/nceeer/2002-816-03g-Grimsted.pdf. Updated version available on the website of IISH: http://socialhistory.org/sites/default/files/docs/rustrop.pdf
* “Cultural Restitution to the USSR from the United States Zones of Occupation in Germany and Austria, 1945–1957: The Record in Official Documents from the U.S. National Archives.” Edited with an Introduction by PKG. Foreword by Michael Kurtz. Washington, DC – College Park, MD: Prepared in collaboration with the U.S. National Archives, March 2000.
A special presentation edition prepared for the Conference: “Mapping Europe: Fate of Looted Cultural Valuables in the Third Millennium, 10–11 April 2000, All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, with a Foreword by Michael J. Kurtz, Assistant Archivist, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
* Displaced Archives on the Eastern Front: Restitution Problems from World War II and its Aftermath. Amsterdam: IISH, 1995. 36 p. - 'IISH Research Papers', no. 18.
Updated versions appeared as an article in Janus: Revue Archivistique / Archival Review (International Council of Archives) (see above) and Contemporary European History (see above).
Publications Related to Archival Rossica Repatriation / Restitution Problems (includes some coverage of World War II displaced archives and restitution issues)
* “Russian Attitudes Towards Archival Rossica Abroad: Cultural Reintegration or Political Agendas?” In Russian and East European Books and Manuscripts in the United States: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture, ed. Tanya Chebotarev and Jared S. Ingersoll (New York, 2004), pp. 107–39. Also published in a serial edition as: Slavic & East European Information Resources 4, no. 4 (2003), pp. 107–39.
* 'Tsel' vyiavleniia zarubezhnoi arkhivnoi Rossiki: Politika ili kul'tura?' [Rationalizing the Retrieval of Archival Rossica / Sovietica Abroad: Politics or Culture?]. In Zarubezhnaia arkhivnaia Rossika: Itogi i perspektivy vyiavleniia i vozrashcheniia. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, 16-17 noiabria 2000 g., Moskva, ed. V. P. Kozlov and E. E. Novikova. (Moscow, 2001); (Rosarkhiv, Rossiiskoe obshchestvo istorikov-arkhivistov), pp. 20-39.
An English version was published in 2003, see above.
* 'Arkhivnaia Rossika / Sovetika: K opredeleniiu tipologii russkogo arkhivnogo naslediia za rubezhom' [Archival Rossica /Sovietica: towards a typology of the Russian archival legacy abroad]
In Problemy zarubezhnoi arkhivnoi Rossiki: Sbornik statei, ed. V.P. Kozlov (Moscow: Russkii mir, 1997), pp. 7-43.
Variant edition in: Trudy Istoriko-arkhivnogo instituta 33 (Moscow, 1996), pp. 262-86.
Originally presented as a paper at a Rosarkhiv conference in Moscow, December 1993.
* 'Arkhivnaia Rossika za rubezhom: Mezhdunarodnye iuridicheskie problemy i arkheograficheskie usiliia' [Archival Rossica abroad: International legal problems and archeographic efforts]. In Kul'turnoe nasledie Rossiiskoi emigratsii, 1917-1940, edited by E.P. Chelyshev and D.M. Shakhovskoi (Moscow: Nasledie, 1994; RAN), vol. 2, pp. 409-11.
Conference version in: Mezhdunarodnaia nauchnaia konferentsiia 'Kul'turnoe nasledie Rossiiskoi emigratsii: 1917-1940-e gody. Sbornik materialov, Moskva, 8-12 sentiabria 1993 g., compiled by A.V. Lupyrev and A.S. Fedotov; edited by E.P. Chelyshev and A.N. Sakharov (Moscow, 1993; RAN, 'Kongress sootechestvennikov'), PP.148-51.
* 'Archival Rossica/ Sovetica Abroad - Provenance or Pertinence, Bibliographic and Descriptive Needs,' Cahiers du Monde Russe et Sovietique 34(1993), no. 3 pp. 431-80.
A Russian version appears in Otechestvennye arkhivy (1993), no. 1. (See below)
* 'Zarubezhnaia arkhivnaia Rossika i Sovetika. Problemy proiskhozhdeniia dokumentov i izkh otnoshenie k istorii Rossii (SSSR), potrebnost' v opisanii i bibliografii,' Otechestvennye arkhivy (1993), pp. no. 1 20-53.
An English version appears in Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviétique (1993) (See above)