The sole remaining archive of a respectable size of the Spanish Civil War is housed at the IISH. It concerns the papers of the anarchist trade union CNT/FAI (1934-1939), that had a large following. In Spain and in all countries, like the Netherlands, from where volunteers joined the International Brigades, many surviving relatives are searching for their lost family members.
In Spain collective efforts are being undertaken to come to terms with the history of the civil war. Therefore, there is always a high demand for this archive. The IISH is particularly happy with the decision of Metamorfoze, a Program for Preservation of Paper Heritage, to award a grant of no less than 4.5 tons to partly digitize and restore this archive, so it can be consulted worldwide.
After Franco's victory in April 1939, the archives of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) and its political branch, "the Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI) were secured by the IISH. In Spain, the archives of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) and the Unión General de Trabajadores were preserved (UGT), but greatly decimated. In Spain none of the archives of the communist movement have survived. See also: Spanish Civil War Collections at the IISH.
Boxes ("De Spaanse kisten") in which the collection CNT was transported to the IISH, BG X1/11