Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

'Beyond Marx'

Traditional labour history focuses at just one segment of workers: wage earners in industry, agriculture, mining and transport. Other segments, however, like domestic servants, soldiers, housewives and unfree workers are ignored. Hence, this volume investigates the theoretical implications of a broader view of the working class.

The book – which was originally published in German - comprises twenty essays by authors from heterodox leftist analytical traditions who explore to what extent Marx’s analysis of global capitalism may still be of use for a critical theory of the capitalist world system and its recent crisis. Nine contributions focus on the major findings of recent global labour history research in this respect; another nine essays offer critical theoretical and conceptual discussions focusing on Marx’s labour value theory. In the concluding contribution, the editors bring the criticisms together in advancing a suggested new critique of political economy.

Beyond Marx was edited by IISH Research Director Marcel van der Linden and  Karl Heinz Roth. The volume was published in the Historical Materialism Book Series of Brill Publishers. It is an English translation of Marcel van der Linden and Karl Heinz Roth (eds) Über Marx hinaus (2009)

Contributors include: Riccardo Bellofiore, Sergio Bologna, C. George Caffentzis, Silvia Federici, Niklas Frykman, Ferruccio Gambino, Detlef Hartmann, Max Henninger, Thomas Kuczynski, Marcel van der Linden, Peter Linebaugh, Ahlrich Meyer, Maria Mies, Jean-Louis Prat, Marcus Rediker, Karl Heinz Roth, Devi Sacchetto, Subir Sinha, Massimiliano Tomba, Carlo Vercellone, Peter Way, Steve Wright.

21 January 2014