It's there, the 4th edition of our Asia Collections Guide!
This 4th edition (PDF 234 p., 1.3Mb) is an update of the 2007 edition and offers a rough survey of all IISH collections with a substantial Asian interest.
Notable new arrivals include:
Sri Lanka
- the Diaries of Ben Bavinck, a relief and rehabilitation officer, cover the period 1988-2004 and mostly deal with the North and East of Sri Lanka during the war years
- Commissions of Inquiry into Disappearances of Persons in Sri Lanka archive
- the archive of the Trotskyist Nava Sama Samaja Party
- Social Movements and Counterinsurgency in Negros Occidental, the sugarcane plantation region and hotbed of the Maoist guerilla movement
- the Communist Party of the Phillippines archive 1981-1989
- many other documents on CP of the Philippines 1992-1998 and the Peasant Question in the collections Alice San Pedro Raymundo and Luzviminda Santos
Papua (formerly Dutch New Guinea)
- the archive of government official and adventurer Jean de Bruijn alias Jungle Pimpernel
- the papers of the Papua leader Viktor Kaisiëpo msn
- the records of the relief organization Hulp aan Papoea’s in Nood (HAPIN)
More on the activities of the IISH South East Asia Desk.
23 January 2013