As of 1 August the IISH has a new Academic Advisory Board. The Board is appointed every five years by the KNAW.
The main tasks of the Board include: advising IISH Management and KNAW Board on the strategy, future policy and activities of the Institute and providing feedback on external evaluation reports.
The Board Members are:
- Prof. Jan Luiten van Zanden (chair), Utrecht University
- Kurt de Belder MA, Leiden University Libraries
- Prof. Ewout Frankema, Wageningen University
- Prof. Frank van Harmelen, VU University Amsterdam
- Maria Heijne MA, Library University of Amsterdam
- Dr Johan Oomen, Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid
- Dr Dennie Oude Nijhuis, Leiden University
- Prof. Pál Nyiri, VU University Amsterdam
- Prof. Hilde de Weerdt, Leiden University
- Prof. Anne Winter, Free University of Brussels
1 August 2014