The theme of Dutch History Month, October 2012, is The Poor and the Rich. As a matter of course, the IISH joins in the various cultural events and presents (in Dutch):
- a selection of collections and research activities at the IISH on the theme The Poor and the Rich
- a debate on 26 October: 'Why is Africa poorer than the rest of the world?' Debaters: Peter Geschiere, Mirjam de Bruijn, Ewout Frankema. Location; Spui 25, Amsterdam.
- Arm in Zeeburgerdorp - (Poor in Zeeburgerdorp): a housing project for the poor in the Zeeburg district (in Dutch)
IISH staff members present their research:
- a column about the Poor and the Rich in the Golden Age by Henk Looijesteijn on the Kennislink website (in Dutch)
- a lecture by Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk on 18 October in the Utrecht Geldmuseum: Giving money in the Dutch Golden Age (in Dutch).
- a lecture by Daniëlle Teeuwen on 8 October in the Municipal Library of Den Bosch: Deugd of plicht? Liefdadigheid in de Republiek (1588-1795) (in Dutch).
2 October 2012