The 6th Southeast Asia Update is organized by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), and supported by the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) and the International Institute of Social History (IISG).
Throughout the Netherlands, a large number of scholars are involved in research projects dealing with Southeast Asia. Whereas those working on comparable subjects or in the same countries know each other well, the general academic exchange on Southeast Asia in The Netherlands and elsewhere remains rather limited. Therefore, the Southeast Asia Update brings researchers working on the region together on a yearly basis.
KITLV are presently putting together a programme that comprises presentations of new and ongoing research projects, book presentations, and poster presentations. Moreover, the programme provides time for discussion and get-togethers. As always, presentations should be sharp and succinct. The maximum time for presentation and discussion is 15 minutes, to allow for as diverse and interesting a programme as possible.
The explicit aim is to include young researchers and Ph.D. candidates in the programme. Anyone with an interest in giving a presentation on ongoing research, planned projects, or recent fieldwork results, in presenting a poster on research projects or introducing a newly published book should contact the organisers in advance (see below) .
Students with an interest in Southeast Asia are also encouraged to attend.
If you are planning to attend this update, please send an email to Yayah Siegers for registration:
If you want to give a presentation, please contact Gerben Nooteboom: