Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Swedish Model
The 1950s and 1960s in Sweden were a period of labour market peace. The Swedish social system was highly appreciated by many...
Solidarity with Solidariność
In 1980 there were at least 20.000 residents of Polish parentage living in Sweden. Sweden was one of Poland’s most important...
No Passports for Peace Conference
In 1917, the fourth year of the First World War, the International Socialist Bureau thought to hold a conference of Socialist...
Lecture by Malin Nilsson
Lecture: 'Female Labour Force Participation in Early 20th Century Sweden' by Malin NilssonAanvang: 15.00
Gendered Money
As economic citizenship was a pre-condition of full citizenship, the lack of economic autonomy was an important motivation during...
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