Lecture by Rana Behal
'Three Moments of Workers’ Struggle in their own Words: Oral History of Labour in post-Independence Amritsar city’In this paper...
AILH/NLI XII International Labour History Conference
The Future of Work in the Mirror of the PastOrganised byV.V. Giri National Labour Institute&Association of Indian Labour...
Lecture Sanjay Kumar Sharma
On November 1st Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Ambedkar University Delhi, will give a lecture on: Cooked Food as Deterrence: Managing...
"On Pauperism in Present and Past"
is the title of the new book by IISH’s honorary fellow Jan Breman. In this book Breman argues that the poor in India are getting...
Publication:'Colonising Plants in Bihar (1760-1950)'
Kathinka SInha-Kerkhoff's recent publication Colonising Plants in Bihar : Tobacco betwixt Indigo and Sugar Cane (1760-1900) stems...
Sweeping Solidarity
What marked the events of the strike in Lal Kanpur cotton factories, India, in June 1938 was the significant solidarity of women...
'Untouchability a Leper Wound'
On this day, Mahatma Gandhi started his epic fast to protest against the planned segregation of the untouchables from the Hindus...
Bone-crushing Mill
A boy of fifteen named Radhoo Saitoo began working at five in the evening at his place of employment, a bone-crushing mill in...
Fettered Workers
The construction of public works in India was brought under the supervision of the Military Board of the East India Company on 3...
Posthumous Promotion
Different forms of work make up the practice of war, one in which actual combat is only the most spectacular. In the British army...
Indian Soldier wins Victoria Cross
Indian troops arrived on the European continent at the end of September 1914 to fight in the Great War. They had been basically...
A Heavenly Spot
The Andaman Islands lie in the Bay of Bengal to the south of Kolkata. In 1858 a convict settlement was established on the...
Nonviolent Trade Union
The Indian Textile Labour Association TLA was founded as the outcome of a strike in the Ahmenabad textile industry which broke...
A Cup of Assam Tea
The first auction of Assam tea on January 10, 1839, in London created a lot of excitement. Connoisseurs described it as 'good,...
Gunpowder Manufacture
In the 1790s three wars against British rule in India were fought by Hyder Ali and his son Tipu (1750-1799), Muslim ruler of the...
Mail Runner attacked by a Tiger
The legendary Indian dak (mail) runner faced many dangers and he was armed with a spear to protect himself against wild animals....
Indigo Workers
'Nildarpan' or the 'Indigo Planting Mirror', a play on the Bengal indigo plantation written by Dinabandhu Mitra, was first...
Book Launch and Seminar 'Sugar Plantation'
Seminar VU University Economic and Social History DepartmentProgram:16.00-16.05 opening & welcome16.05-16.35 book launch:...
Conference: Labour History – A Return to Politics?
X International Conference on Labour History organized by the Association Of Indian Labour Historians and V.V. Giri National...
Ravi Agarwal - Down and Out
This is a exhibition of 53 photographs by Ravi Agarwal. Most of them were taken in the Indian state of Gujarat in 1997-1999, for...
Commemorating the Peasant Uprising of Telengana
The peasant rising in 1946 in Telengana (in Hyderabad, South India) was directed against forced labour and feudal oppression....
Vinoba Bhave Receives 100 Acres Land
In 1951 Vinoba Bhave, a follower of Ghandi, started his peace march on foot through the violence-torn region of Telangana (India...
Money changer
"Shroff, Money dealer, Hindoo, Delhi", sitting on his table in front of a Muslim customer. 'Their trade is the exchange of money...
Individual wage payments in India: Agaria's Pay Day (1)
Payday of salt pan workers at Kharaghoda on the Rann of Kutch (Gujarat, Western India), 1919. Under the tent to the right and the...
Agaria's Pay Day (2)
Individual wage payments in India. The same event as ill. 4, but now from a distance, showing the large tent under which the...
Maoist guerilla in India
Sedert 1967 zijn in India de Naxalieten actief, een maoistische guerillabeweging die het geweld niet schuwt en inmiddels ongeveer...
The Bengal Collections
Since 1996 the International Institute of Social History has been actively collecting material on the social history of Bengal,...
A Study of Industrial Labour in Post-Colonial India
A Study of Industrial Labour in Post-Colonial India - Jan Breman1. Constituting labour2. A Deficient Workforce3. Rejection of the...
Towards Global Labour History: New Comparisons
An International Workshop organized by Association of Indian Labour Historians (India) under the SEPHIS Programme and the...
Migration and Social Relations
Migration and Social Relations: an Annotated Bibliography on Temporary Migration for Rural Manual Work
"Birds of Passage"
"Birds of Passage"; Migration of South Indian Labour Communities to South-East Asia; 19-20th Centuries, A.D.