Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Galligenia, 1765

Galligenia is a republic founded by three shipwrecked French nationals – a father, daughter, and son. Given this situation, they were forced to engage in incestuous relationships, resulting in the Galligenian tribe.

The Galligenians are radical communists. They live in communes subdivided by age category, where every woman belongs to every man and vice versa. The elderly are the wisest and responsible for governing the state.

There is no ownership. Churches and religion are unknown to the Galligenians, and they forsake any kind of art.
But nature itself is a sublime work of art on this island, featuring plants that quiver and sigh when you touch them, a tissue light as a feather woven by an insect, and trees sucking up water from the ocean and transforming it into drinking water.

(reprint Geneva 1979, call no. 258/78).