Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

United Kingdom - Library, Image & Sound

The IISH library contains dissertations and monographs on the social history of Great Britain. In addition to archives, publications of the social movement itself, such as periodicals (e.g. Justice, The Clarion) and leaflets are available for research.
In addition, unique printed material relating to British social, economic, and political history from the seventeenth century onwards was acquired by the IISH in 1937. This collection was named 'Kashnor', for the London collectors from whom the material was purchased.

Leon Kashnor had owned the Museum Book Store in London that specialized in social and economic history, and he was among the first booksellers to gather a large collection around a movement or person. The Kashnor collection comprises nearly 4000 publications from 1650 to 1880, ranging from laws promulgated by Oliver Cromwell to discussions on the Corn Law, Indian currency and other colonial issues. This collection can be traced under a special collection code ('Kashnor') in the IISH catalogue.

The Image and Sound collection includes posters, photos, cartoons, badges, textiles, and historical objects. The photographs mainly come from archives and collections such as the Pankhurst archive. This included the banners, logos, and scarves from the 'Women's Social and Political Union' that were designed by Sylvia Pankhurst. Most of the British posters come from the peace and human rights movement, as does the beautiful badges collection that was presented to the IISH by Mr Martyn Lowe. Insignia, commemoration tiles and other historical objects have been given the place they deserve. The Image and Sound collection also contains video and sound tapes and gramophone records.