The disastrous fires in the Kader Factory (Thailand, 1993) and Zhili Toy Factory (China, 1993), that killed more than 250 workers led to a campaign to improve health and safety rights of workers and victims in Asia. As a result, in 1997 the Asian Network for the Rights of Occupational Accident Victims, ANROAV was constituted. ANROAV is a coalition of victims' groups, trade unions, and other labour groups across Asia (thirteen countries are represented), all committed to the rights of victims and striving for overall improvement of health and safety at the workplace. The secretariat is currently held by the Peoples Training and Research Centre (PTRC) in India.
The ANROAV collection at IISH contains documents from the period 1996-2004, mainly dating from the time when the secretariat was based in Bangkok.
The latest additions are the participants' files for the annual meeting in 2007 in Hong Kong (August 29-31, 2007)