The IISH possesses a small archive regarding this religious sect. The 1949 annual report mentions:
"Separate mentions deserve a small archive, comprising about 250 documents related to the emigration of Duchobors to Canada. These Duchobors are one of many sects representing the richness of Russian religious life, and are of importance to social history on account of their social beliefs: their communism and strongly rejective attitude towards the state. [...] In 1895, Duchobors conscripted to military service refused to take arms and every Duchobor burnt their weapons in a solemn show of resistance. The Russian government responded with persecutions and reprisals. And hence we arrive at our Russian collection, since the persecutions to which the Duchobory were subjected, spurred L. N. Tolstoy and his followers to unleash a protest against the action by the Russian government. This resulted in their granting authorisation to the Duchobors to emigrate; the money to finance the emigration could be accumulated, as Tolstoy himself offered the proceeds of his novel 'Resurrection'. Between 1898 and 1899, 8200 men, women and children, split up in three groups, voyaged to Canada, after an unsuccessful attempt at establishing themselves in Cyprus. In our small archive, we have now found several letters of correspondence of persons involved in the emigration, including 4 letters by L. N. Tolstoy, copies of letters from and to him, letters by his son S. L. Tolstoy, and by his followers Chertkhov and Sulleržickij, amongst others. Several letters by Duchobors are also included."
The inventory of the Duchobory Archives can be found at