On Wednesday, February 16, I was invited to participate in the opening of the exhibition GOEDE HOOP. Zuid-Afrika en Nederland vanaf 1600 in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. The exhibition deals with the complicated history of the relations between both countries from the establishment of the Cape of Good Hoop colony until the present. Naturally, also the period of the anti-apartheid campaigns in the second half of the 20th century is included in the exhibition, for which extensive use was made of the anti-apartheid and Southern Africa collection of the International Institute of Social History. Hence, the exhibition features some 30 posters from our collection (see the photo below) as well as a banner, photographs and other items. In the selection and description of these items I played an advisory role. The exhibition runs until May 21, 2017 in the Rijks.
See also the news item on the IISH-website: https://socialhistory.org/en/news/many-iish-posters-south-africa-exhibition-rijksmuseum