Lecture: Labour-Intensive industrialization: a concept too many? By Peer Vries
Labour-intensive industrialization: a concept too many?Peer Vries is currently writing a book on Japan and the Great Divergence,...
Rōmusha is a Japanese word meaning "an unskilled laborer who carries out temporary contruction work". In Japanese-occupied...
Red Purge
In 1950, during the Allied occupation of Japan after World War II, members of the Japanese Communist Party and other alledgedly '...
Comfort Women
On January 8, 1992, the first 'Wednesday Demonstration' was held by surviving comfort women and sympathizers in front of the...
Industrializing Japan
The Treaty of Peace and Amity between the US and Japan, ratified on 21 February 1855, opened up Japanese ports to the United...
Gentlemen's Agreement
Almost a thousand Japanese immigrant workers arrived monthly in California in the early 1900's. Tension grew over the Japanese...
Monthly Leave
The Labour Standards Law was enacted on 7 April 1947 under Allied Occupation of Japan. According to its first article, it...
6.5 Million Japanese Repatriates
At the end of World War II, 6.5 million Japanese were scattered throughout the islands in the Western Pacific and on the Asiatic...
A Russian in Japan
On 8 February 1904 the Japanese attacked the Russian fleet in southern Manchuria, beginning the Russo-Japanese War.Many letters...
The Dutch in Japan
"De Liefde" (Love) was the first Dutch ship to reach Japan on 19 April 1600. This was the beginning of an intensive trade...
Russian Pows in Japan
Chokugen, 'the sole publication of the Japanese socialists' was stored in Russia before it came to the IISH. This issue dates...
Postcolonial Migrants and Identity Politics
These transfers of sovereignty resulted in extensive, unforeseen movements of citizens and subjects to their former countries....
Labour Contracts and Labor Relations
Based on a collection of labour contracts and other documents, this book examines the legal, economic and social relations of...