Programme and Participants
Session I : Navigating Zeeland and the Sont
- Arne Van Eessen (UGent): The Nine Years Privateering War (1688-1697): the cases of Flanders and Zeeland compared
- Sofie Taverniers (UGent): The maritime trade of Zeeland in a changing political and economic context of the Anglo-Dutch Wars during the 17th century
- Erik Göbel (Rigsarkivet, Copenhagen): The Sont Toll registers: an important source for trade and shipping in the Northern seas
Session II : Navigating Zeeland and the Oceans
- Tom Vlaeminck (UGent): Multi-purpose men in the harbour. The master attendants in 18th century Zeeland, a closer picture of their profession and social environment
- Peter Hamer & Gerrit Zomer (Stichting 'Behoud Hoogaars', Middelburg): The Hoogaars, icon of the fishery industry in Zeeland
- Ivo van Loo (Zeeuws Archief, Middelburg): Exploring Eldorado. Early Dutch contacts with Guyana, 1590-1630
- Katrien De Vleesschauwer (UGent): The South Sea expeditions of the 'Middelburgse Commercie Compagnie' , 1724 - 1727
Session III : Navigation
- Gloria Clifton (Royal Observatory, Greenwich) : The History of the Sextant
- George Huxtable (Abingdon (UK)): Tobias Mayer's repeating reflecting circle of 1752, and its role in the development of the sextant
- Otto van Poelje (Amsterdam): Plain Scales and Gunter Rules in Navigation, 17th -19th century
Session IV : Cartography
- Gillian Hutchinson (National Maritime Museum, Greenwich): Mercator's rejection: the strange persistence of English errors in navigation
- Steve Philips (UGent): The Northern European Declination Tables, 16th -17th century
- Jason Harris (University College, Cork): Ortelius' maps and the "Art" of Navigation
Session V : Fishery and Smuggling
- Jeroen ter Brugge (Nationaal Visserijmuseum, Vlaardingen) : An Encyclopedia of the Dutch Sea Fishery
- Christine Overgaard (University of Odense) : Interdependance in early modern fishery, 19th century
- Jan Parmentier (UGent) : The maritime smuggle network in the continental North Sea ports during the 18th century
- Hilde Greefs (UAntwerpen) : To make the most of an unstable situation: merchants and the supply of Antwerp during the Continental Blockade (1806 - 1814)
Session IIIbis : Navigation
- Irene Jacobs (Maritiem Museum, Rotterdam): Instrument makers for the Dutch East India Company in the 18th century
- Alex Werner (Museum of London, London): Jonathan and Jeremiah Sisson and London's 18th century instrument making trade
- Andrew Cook (The British Library, London): Sailing directions, 18th -19th centuries
- Alston Kennerly (University of Plymouth) : The Introduction and Development of Licensing for British Merchant Marine Engineers, 1862 to 1914
Session IVbis : Cartography
chair: Lex Heerma van Voss (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam)
- Alistair Maeer (University of Texas): The Genesis of England's nautical cartography: The Thames School, 1590 - 1720 - Jan Werner (UAmsterdam): Adriaen Gerritsz' nautical chart of Western Europe, 1587
- Alison Morrison-Low (National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh): 'For those in Peril on the Sea': marking and mapping of the Scottish seas, 16th - 18th centuries
- Diana Webster (National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh): 'He who has Mackenzie's charts needs no pilot': charting the north and west coasts of the British Isles, 1740 - 1780
Session IIIter : Navigation
- Nick Baxter-Moore (Brock University, St. Catherines (Canada)): 'Reaching for the Beaufort Sea' - The Search for the North West Passage and the Canadian Immagination
- Ilya Vinkovetsky (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby (Canada)): Russian navigation in the North Pacific and the Bering Sea, 18th -19th centuries
- David Williams (University of Liverpool) & John Armstrong (Thames Valley University, London): The Steamship as an Agent of Modernity, 1812 - 1840
Session VI : Mercantile and Naval Shipping
- Stefan Deconinck (UGent / Catholic University Brussels): 'I'll sail to make good fortune' : The Dutch East India Company, labour and the Southern Netherlands, 17th century
- Ulrica Söderlind (University of Stockholm): Consumption aboard Swedish naval vessels during the 17th century
- Christian van Bochove (IIHS, Amsterdam) & Jelle van Lottum (IIHS, Amsterdam): Navigating between the Dutch Republic and France. Trade relations between Dutch and French ports during the 18th century
- Stephane Hoste (UGent): The Bunge-group: new insights on port competition in the Low Countries, 1870 - 1990
AHNS Executive Board Meeting
The conference has been supported by grants from:
- Professor Van Winter Fund
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research - Division Humanities
- Zeeland Cultural Historical Fund
- Unger-Van Brero Fund