Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Shortlist Thesis Award

The Shortlist for the Volkskrant-IISH Thesis Award is known.
Shortlisted are (in random order): 

  • Jon Verriet,  Culturele ‘mentaliteiten’ en de kant-en-klaarmaaltijd. Een cultuurhistorische analyse van het Nederlandse voedselpatroon (1950-1970)
  • Floris Keehnen, Trinkets (f)or Treasure?The role of European material culture in intercultural contacts in Hispaniola during early colonial times
  • Henrieke Buit, God spends the day elsewhere but He sleeps in Rwanda

On 6 December 2012 the winner will be announced. 

The ceremony will take place from  5 to 7 pm at the International Institute of Social History, Cruquiusweg 31,  1019 AT Amsterdam. (address)

If you would like to attend  please register with Jacqueline Rutte:

More about the prize and past years' winners.


20 November 2012