Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Here you will find web presentations that are intended to highlight a special collection, a particular aspect of a collection, or a new acquisition.
'Clean Clothes' with Dirty Labels
The Clean Clothes Campaign is a global network whose objectives are to end sweatshops and to support garment workers in the...
'At work in Mozambique', photos by Ernst Schade
For this collection highlight we made a selection from Ernst Schade’s photos, based on the theme 'Labour' in Southern Africa...
Naked Utopia
Apart from their naked bodies, today’s recreational nudists have little in common with the nudist of a hundred years ago.The...
Harry Verheij, Resistance Fighter and Amsterdam Alderman
On 30 June 2014 former CPN Amsterdam alderman Harry Verheij passed away at the age of 97. Just over a year later, the...
Revolutionary Author under the Tsar
In May 2015 the IISH received the modest but interesting papers of Nikolaj Vasilévič Šelgunov and several of his relatives....
Jef Last and Jan Nijholt
In early 2015 the IISH acquired the papers of  Jan Adam Nijholt. Nijholt, born in Almelo in 1903, was a member of the...
Solidarity with the People of the Western Sahara
The inventory of the archives of the Polisario Komitee was recently completed. This archive, transferred to the IISH in 2014...
Wouter Gortzak, Journalist and Politician
The inventory of the papers of Wouter Gortzak was recently completed.Wouter Gortzak grew up in a communist milieu. His...
Shipped to Suriname, 1683
In 1683 the Suriname Society, a subsidiary of the Dutch West India Company and the City of Amsterdam,* was established to...
Next 5 minutes
Video and Documentation CollectionThis is a guide to the collection of videotapes and related material collected at the Next...
