We thank the heirs of prof. dr. John Munro and dr. Phil Slavin for making available the late-medieval data. Prof. dr. Eddy van Cauwenberghe and Lucy Verachten were very helpful throughout, providing the Southern Low Countries dataset and explaining how it had been created. Thanks is also due to Dr. Steve Quinn and Dr. Will Roberds for contributing the dataset they based on the PhD thesis of Dr. Menno Polak. Throughout Prof. dr. Herman van der Wee and Prof. dr. Joost Jonker were keen supporters of this project.
Coin production in the Low Countries, fourteenth century to the present received financial support from Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS). The GIS map has been created by Rombert Stapel (IISH) and its implementation was made possible with funding by CLARIAH (GeoTide).
The International Institute of Social History offered to host the front-end website. The Digital Infrastructure department of the IISH, Gordan Cupac, Arnab Sen and Jerry de Vries, have contributed to the web application, but some special thanks goes out to Kerim Meijer of the DI department who has developed the application and has been a great help throughout this project.