Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

A little pearl from Korea

Recently, while going through yet to be processed posters from diffferent Asian countries, we stumbled upon this little gem.

Although the subject of the poster is clear: 'Long live the labour code to improve the living standards of workers and clerks!' and the used symbolism too (militant figure, hammer), the dating of the poster was a bit more difficult.

The Korean flag in the background was developed late nineteenth century (1883, the Taegukgi) under the Chosun dynasty and remained in use also by the Korean government in exile in China, during the Japanese occupation. After the Second World War the flag remained in use in both the Southern and Northern parts of Korea. It was not until 1948 that the North developed it's own flag (from July 10, 1948, official 8 September) and the South claimed the Taegukgi (August 15, 1948, official October 1949)

In the lower-left corner the 'North Chosun Workers Union' or North Korean Federation of Trade Unions gives a more specific indicator. This union was established in early november 1945, and in June 1946 new labour laws were promulgated*. So this would most likely date the poster as being from the second half of 1946.

If someone would be able to determine a more exact date, as the text of the poster might be linked to a specific campaign for instance, don't hesitate to let us know.

With thanks to some Korean friends and Reading Room staff for the help.

*The North-Korean revolution 1945-1950 / Charles K. Armstrong. - Ithaca : Cornell UP, 2003. - p. 88