- 41th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Montréal, USA, 2-5 November 2017, with the following contributions:
- Kees Mandemakers & Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘LINKS. Linking Dutch Marriages into Pedigrees over Five Generations, 1795-1938’, session ‘Linking Records. Theory and Method’.
- Luciana Quaranta, Göran Broström, Ingrid van Dijk, Robyn Donrovich, Sören Edvinsson, Elisabeth Engberg, Kees Mandemakers, Koenraad Matthijs, Paul Puschmann & Hilde Sommerseth, ‘Intergenerational transfers of infant mortality in historical contexts: a comparative study of five European populations’, session ‘The Influence of Health, Childhood Living Conditions and Spatial Disparities on Mortality and Longevity’. - IUSSP XXVIII International Population Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 October-3 November 2017, with the following contributions:
- Luciana Quaranta, Göran Broström, Ingrid van Dijk, Robyn Donrovich, Sören Edvinsson, Elisabeth Engberg, Kees Mandemakers, Koenraad Matthijs, Paul Puschmann, Hilde Sommerseth, ‘Intergenerational transfers of infant mortality in historical contexts: a comparative study of five European populations’, session ‘Biodemography and historical populations’.
- Ingrid van Dijk, Niels van den Berg, Rick Mourits, Angelique Janssens, Eline Slagboom & Kees Mandemakers, ‘Families in Comparison: An exploration of results of family reconstitutions using population registers and vital event registrations’.
- Ingrid van Dijk, Angélique Janssens & Ken Smith, ‘Robust survivors? Life expectancy of adult survivors of high mortality families’, session ‘Now and then: health over the life course’.
- Rick Mourits, Ken Smith & Angélique Janssens. ‘Wealthier and healthier? SES and later-life mortality in two 19th-century cohorts’ (paper). - Kim Stienstra & Antonie Knigge, ‘Three-generational mobility and social homogamy: The influence of maternal and paternal grandfathers on occupational status attainment’, Invited paper presented at Multi-generational mobility workshop, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK, 21-22 September 2017.
- Kim Stienstra & Antonie Knigge, ‘Three-generational mobility and social homogamy: The influence of maternal and paternal grandfathers on occupational status attainment’, Paper presented at ISA RC28 Summer meeting, New York, USA, 7-10 August 2017.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, David Onland, Martin Reynaert, Katrien Depuydt, Mathieu Fannee & Jauco Noordzij, ‘Structuur in varianten van voornamen en achternamen’, Naamkundedag, Utrecht, 6 August 2017.
- Kim Stienstra & Antonie Knigge, ‘Three-generational mobility and social homogamy: The influence of maternal and paternal grandfathers on occupational status attainment’, Poster (invited) at UNITRAN Workshop, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 5–6 July 2017.
- Kees Mandemakers & Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘LINKS, the HSN Linking System for Historical Family Reconstruction, the case of Zeeland 1795-1965’, Workshop The Systematic Linking of Historical Records, University of Guelph, Canada, 11-13 May 2017.
- Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Chicago, USA, 27-29 April 2017, with the following contributions:
- Luciana Quaranta, Göran Broström, Ingrid van Dijk, Robyn Donrovich, Sören Edvinsson, Elisabeth Engberg, Kees Mandemakers, Koenraad Matthijs, Paul Puschmann & Hilde Sommerseth, ‘Intergenerational transfers of infant mortality in historical contexts: a comparative study of five European populations’, session ‘Health and Mortality 3’.
- Ingrid van Dijk, Angelique Janssens & Ken Smith, ‘Robust survivors? Life expectancy of adult survivors of high mortality families’, session ‘Health and Mortality 3’.
- Rick Mourits, Ken Smith & Angélique Janssens, ‘It runs in the family: Intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic status and longevity in 19th-century cohorts from Utah and the Dutch province of Zeeland’. - Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘Names: a Dutch corpus of person name variants’ (poster), Language Science Day, UiL-OTS, Utrecht, 2 February 2017.
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘International Institute of Social History and Structured Datasets: HSN, LINKS, CLIO-INFRA, Labour Hub and CLARIAH’, First general LONGPOP Meeting, IISH, Amsterdam, 1 December 2016.
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Sources of Sibling (Dis)similarity: Total Family Impact on Status Variation in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century’, 16th Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Sociology, Paris, France, 22 October 2016 (invited).
- 41th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, USA, 17-20 November 2016, with the following contributions:
- Ingrid van Dijk & Kees Mandemakers, ‘Like Mother, like Daughter. The Intergenerational Transmission of Mortality Clustering in Zeeland 1833-1900’, session ‘Decease and Mortality’.
- Kees Mandemakers & Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘Linking and Geographical Space. The Consequences of Linking Decisions based on Geographical Distance’, session ‘Metrics to Assess the Quality of Record Linking’. - Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘A Historic Person Registration’ (poster), Digital Communities Event, Utrecht, 7 October 2016.
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Status Differences between Siblings. The Effect of Birth Order Reconsidered’, ECSR Conference, Oxford, UK, 22-24 September 2016 (paper).
- Biennial Meeting of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD), KU Leuven, Belgium, 21-24 September 2016, with the following contributions:
- Ingrid van Dijk & Kees Mandemakers, ‘Like mother, like daughter: intergenerational transmission of mortality clustering in Zeeland 1833-1900’.
- Rick Mourits, ‘Populations where men outlived women: The gender gap in later-life mortality and longevity in the 1812-1862 Zeeland cohort’.
- Adriana Santacroce, Ewout Depauw & Mariska Meints, ‘Trajectories after widowhood. Life-course pathways of widows and widowers in the Netherlands, 1873-1934’. - Summer Meeting of RC28, Bern, Switzerland, 29-31 August 2016, with the following contributions:
- Nigel Kragten, Ineke Maas, Marco H.D. van Leeuwen & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, ‘Long-term trends in intergenerational social mobility in the Netherlands, birth cohorts 1760-1980’.
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Status Differences between Siblings. The Effect of Birth Order Reconsidered’ (paper). - Gerrit Bloothooft & Kees Mandemakers, ‘The Zeeland Challenge’, document for benchmark, presented at workshop Data Linkage: Techniques, Challenges and Applications at Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematics, Cambridge, UK, 15 September 2016.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, Jelte van Boheemen & Marijn Schraagen, ‘Historical life cycle reconstruction by indexing’, workshop Data Linkage: Techniques, Challenges and Applications, at Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematics, Cambridge, UK, 12 September 2016, http://www.newton.ac.uk/seminar/20160912113012001.
- Ingrid van Dijk, ‘Death and the family. Early-life mortality clustering in high mortality families’, ANARCHIE Seminar Summer term 2016, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany, 13 June 2016.
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Status Differences between Siblings. The Effect of Birth Order Reconsidered’, Dag van de Sociologie, Tilburg, 9 June 2016 (paper).
- Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘De grenzen van verwantschapsreconstructie’, Tresoar Grutte Pier Famyljelezingen, Kimswerd, 3 April 2016.
- 11th European Social Science History Conference, Valencia, Spain, 30 March-2 April 2016, with the following contributions:
- Ingrid van Dijk, ‘Death and the Family’.
- Ineke Maas & Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, ‘Partner choice in the Netherlands 1812-1914: the importance of ascribed and achieved status’.
- Rick Mourits, ‘Later-life mortality and the environment: Geographic clustering of mortality in 1812-1862 cohorts’. - Kees Mandemakers, ‘HSN en LINKS’, Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging (NGV) & Genealogysk Wurkferbân Fryske Akademy, Historisch Centrum Leeuwarden, 12 March 2016.
- Kees Mandemakers & Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘Record linkage with the LINKS project: From Marriage Certificates to Pedigrees’, EHPS-Net workshop ‘Databases’, Umeå University Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR), Sweden, 16-18 February 2016.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘De wet van Zipf voor eigennamen’, Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, 6 February 2016.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘Who’s who in the Netherlands’, pecha kucha presentation at the Language Science Day, UiL-OTS, Utrecht, 4 February 2016.
- Rick Mourits, ‘Populations where men outlived women: A study of the gender gap in survival after age 50 for the 1812-1862 cohort from Zeeland’, ESDG-seminar, Radboud University Nijmegen, 20 January 2016.
- 40th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Baltimore, MD, USA, 12-15 November 2015, with the following contributions:
- Kees Mandemakers & Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘Record linkage with the LINKS project: From Marriage Certificates to Pedigrees’, session ‘Challenges, Methods and Solutions in Record Linkage of Micro-data’.
- Rick Mourits, ‘Later-life mortality and the living environment’.
- Ingrid van Dijk, ‘Hundred Years of Repeated Bereavement: Childhood Mortality Clustering in The Netherlands 1812 – 1912’. - Antonie Knigge, ‘Sources of Sibling Similarity. Status Attainment in the Netherlands during Modernization’, dissertation presented at Department of Sociology’s colloquium, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands, 15 October 2015 (invited).
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Sources of Sibling Similarity. Status Attainment in the Netherlands during Modernization’, dissertation presented at Family and Population Studies (FaPOS) seminar, Centre of Sociological Research, Leuven University, Leuven, Belgium, 5 October 2015 (invited).
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Sources of Sibling Similarity. Status Attainment in the Netherlands during Modernization’, dissertation presented at Department of Sociology’s colloquium, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 8 June 2015.
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Competition and Sharing among Siblings: Status Differences between Brothers in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century’, The Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA), Tilburg, 28-30 May 2015 (paper).
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Competition and Sharing among Siblings: Status Differences between Brothers in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century’, Dag van de Sociologie, Amsterdam, 27 May 2015 (paper).
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Sources of Sibling Similarity. Status Attainment in the Netherlands during Modernization’, dissertation presented at Centre for Economic Demography, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 7 May 2015 (invited).
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘CLARIAH: HLZ. Integratie van de HSN database met de LINKS database, demonstrator: Zeeland’, Poster session, Clariah Kick-Off Meeting, Beeld en Geluid, Hilversum, 13 March 2015.
- Expert meeting ‘Using Genealogical Data in Scientific Research’, Utrecht University, 12 February 2015, with the following contributions:
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘LINKS project and the EHPS’.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘Towards a historic person identifier’. - Gerrit Bloothooft (with David Onland), ‘260 jaar verandering in het aantal voornamen’, Taalkunde in Nederland, Utrecht, 7 February 2015.
- Marijn Schraagen, openbare verdediging dissertatie Aspects of Record Linkage, Leiden, 11 november 2014.
- Marijn Schraagen, demonstratie kwartierstaten, Famillement, 8 oktober 2014, Leiden.
- Nies Huijsmans, ‘De 3 G's automatisch persoonskoppelingen leggen tussen akten van de Burgerlijke Stand’, Famillement, Leiden, 8 oktober 2014.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘Namen: echte varianten en fouten’, Famillement, Leiden, 8 oktober 2014.
- Marijn Schraagen, ‘Algorithms for Historical Record Linkage’, Gaenovium Workshop, Leiden, 7 oktober 2014.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘Large-scale harvesting of variants of proper names’, 25th International Conference of Onomastic Sciences, Glasgow, UK, 26 augustus 2014.
- Marijn Schraagen, ‘Record Linkage Using Graph Consistency’, International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, Sint-Petersburg, 21 juli 2014.
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘Het LINKS project’, Famillement, Leiden 2014
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘LINKS. LINKing System for historical family reconstruction’, CATCH Event, Digital Cross-over in humanities, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 6 juni 2014.
- Kees Mandemakers, Discussant round table Longitudinal Databases and Life Sciences: New Challenges and Novel Perspectives, 10th European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, 23-26 april 2014.
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘Standardizing, classifying and disseminating Dutch 19th and 20th century occupational titles’, CEDAR minisymposium, KNAW e-Humanities, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, 31 maart 2014.
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘
- Gerrit Bloothooft, ‘Learning name variants from true person resolution’, International Workshop Population Reconstruction, Amsterdam, 20 februari 2014.
- Marijn Schraagen, ‘Historical record linkage using event sequence consistency’, International Workshop 'Population Reconstruction, Amsterdam, 19 februari 2014.
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘Opening’, International Workshop Population Reconstruction, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, 19-21 februari 2014.
- Rob van Drie & Kees Mandemakers, ‘WieWasWie en LINKS’, Kick Off Catch Valorization, NWO The Hague, 31 januari 2014.
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘Occupational titles, Netherlands, 19-20th century: standardization and classification’, Combined MISS LINKS meeting, Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum, Den Bosch, 6 december 2013.
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Beyond the parental generation: the influence of grandfathers and great-grandfathers on status attainment’ (paper), 38th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, USA, 21-24 november 2013.
- Wiebke Schulz, Ineke Maas & Marco.H.D. van Leeuwen, ‘What happens if women disappear from the labor market? Occupational status of women at marriage in a modernizing society’, Swedish Economic History Meeting, Lund, Zweden, 4-5 oktober 2013.
- Wiebke Schulz, Ineke Maas & Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, ‘Status attainment of women in the Netherlands, 1811-1925’ (paper), ISOL, Utrecht, 2 oktober 2013.
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘CLARIAH: HLZ. Integratie van de HSN database met de LINKS database, demonstrator: Zeeland’, Clariah Demonstrator Bijeenkomst, Amsterdam, 11 september 2013.
- Antonie Knigge, ‘Extending family influence to three generations: effects of grandfathers and uncles on status attainment in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century’ (paper), ISA RC28 on Social Stratification and Mobility meeting, University of Trento, Italië, 16-18 mei 2013.
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘Extending the Intermediate Data Structure with data processed by statistical and logical operations’, EHPS-Net workshop on extended IDS, Lund, 15 mei 2013.
- Kees Mandemakers, ‘CLARIAH HLZ. Extending and combining the HSN database with the LINKS database, demonstrator: Zeeland’, Clariah Kick off Meeting, Amsterdam, 11 maart 2013.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Identificeren in het verleden', Historisch Centrum Overijssel, Zwolle, 17 december 2012.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'LINKS. Linking Genealogical Data from Large Databases', Invited Lecture Frontiers in Genealogy and Heraldry XXXth International Congress for Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences, Maastricht, 25 september 2012.
- Antonie Knigge, 'Extending family influence to three generations: effects of grandfathers and uncles on status attainment in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century'. Paper presented at Social Stratification Research Seminar, Cambridge, 14 september 2012
- Kees Mandemakers and Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Linking the Dutch Certificates from 1812-1932: Methodological Issues and Challenges of the LINKS project', Conference Historical Inequality and Mobility: New Perspectives in the Digital Era, University of Guelph, 25-27 mei 2012.
- Antonie Knigge, Ineke Maas & Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, 'Sources of sibling (dis)similarity: the total family impact on status variation in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century'. Paper presented at the Spring 2012 Meeting of ISA RC28, Hong Kong, 10-13 mei 2012.
- Antonie Knigge, Ineke Maas & Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, 'Sources of sibling (dis)similarity: the total family impact on status variation in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century'. Paper presented at the ESSHC, Glasgow, 11-14 april 2012.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'Latest Developments in the World of Large Historical Databases with Micro Data', Invited lecture Demography Today. Ciclo de Conferencias y Curso Postgrado, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC), Madrid, 30 januari 2012.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'Linking System for historical family reconstruction', LINKS meeting with Scottisch Longitudinal Sample (SLS), IISG, Amsterdam, 18-19 januari 2012.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Alle namen van Nederland', Stichting EXPO, Berkel-Enschot, 30 november 2011.
- Antonie Knigge, Ineke Maas, Marco H.D. van Leeuwen & Kees Mandemakers, 'Status attainment of siblings in the Netherlands from 1842-1922 – explaining temporal and spatial openness'. Paper presented at the 36th annual SSHA conference, Boston, USA, 17-20 november 2011.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Naamkunde en genealogie', Twentse voorouderdag, Hengelo (Ov), 13 november 2011.
- Marijn Schraagen, 'Complete coverage for approximate string matching in record linkage using bit vectors', ICTAI 2011, Boca Raton, USA, 9 november 2011.
- Marijn Schraagen, 'Predicting record linkage potential in a family reconstruction graph', BNAIC, Gent, 4 november 2011.
- Marijn Schraagen, 'Predicting record linkage potential in a family reconstruction graph', Poster CATCH Meeting HiTIME: e-History, IISG, Amsterdam, 1 november 2011.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Namen in de burgerlijke stand in Friesland vanaf 1811', 13e Friese Genealogische contactdag, Leeuwarden, 1 oktober 2011.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Hoe populair is mijn voornaam', Klantendag van het Agentschap BPR, Hilversum, 27 september 2011.
- Gerrit Bloothooft & Kees Mandemakers, 'Exploring co-variates with names in the (historic) Dutch civil registration', XXIV International Conference of Onomastic Sciences, University of Barcelona, 9 september 2011.
- Marco van Leeuwen, 'Occupations, social class and social status in history', History department, Barnaul State University, Rusland, 11 augustus 2011.
- Hilde Bras, Jan van Bavel & Kees Mandemakers, 'Unraveling the intergenerational transmission of fertility in a historical population', International Seminar “The intergenerational transmission of reproductive behavior: comparative perspectives, Scientific Research Community Historical Demography, Leuven, 9-10 juni 2011.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'Large Historical Databases with Longitudinal Micro Data: New Developments in the Netherlands and International Perspectives', MOSAIC Conference Reconstructing the Population History of Continental Europe by Recovering Surviving Census Records, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, 26-27 mei 2011.
- Antonie Knigge, Ineke Maas, Marco H.D. van Leeuwen & Kees Mandemakers, 'The total influence of family background on status attainment in the Netherlands from 1842-1922 – a multilevel sibling model', Dag van de Sociologie 2011, Gent, 26 mei 2011.
- Kees Mandemakers, Gerrit Bloothooft & Frank Bosmans, 'LINKS: LINKing System for Historical Family Reconstruction', Poster session International Symposium Catch to eCatch, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, 20 mei 2011.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Voornamen en Familienamen in Nederland', Streek-historisch Centrum, Stadskanaal, 20 maart 2011 (interview hierover in de NRC van 14 maart 2011/ NRC Next 16 maart 2011).
- Antonie Knigge, Ineke Maas, Marco H.D. van Leeuwen & Kees Mandemakers, 'The total influence of family background on status attainment in the Netherlands from 1842-1922 – a multilevel sibling model', 8th International Amsterdam Multilevel Conference, Amsterdam, 17-18 maart.
- Marijn Schraagen, 'Essentials of person names' (peer-reviewed), 21st conference on Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands, University College Ghent, 11 februari 2011.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'New Developments with Longitudinal Historical Databases: The Intermediate Data Structure (IDS)', Invited lecture Workshop on Longitudinal Databases, Centre for Economic Demography, Lund University, Sweden, 2 February 2011.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'LINKS. Linking Historical Registrations into Families and Pedigrees', Bijeenkomst Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap (WOG), Historische Demografie, Leuven, 19 januari 2011.
- Kees Mandemakers & Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Strategy for the Reconstruction of the Population Registers of Middelburg, 1850-1899', 35th Social Science History Conference, 18-21 November 2010, Chicago.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, Kees Mandemakers & Frank Bosmans, Poster 'LINKS koppeling van historische persoonsgegevens', Najaarssymposium van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Humane Genetica, AMC, 19 November 2010, Amsterdam.
- Marijn Schraagen, 'Syllable-based Blocking for Historical Record Linkage', Poster session SIREN [Scientific ICT Research Event Netherlands], Conference Next level, organized by ICT Research Platform Netherlands (IPN), 2 November 2010, NH Conferentiecentrum Koningshof, Veldhoven.
- Kees Mandemakers, Gerrit Bloothooft & Frank Bosmans, 'LINKS: LINKing System for Historical Family Reconstruction', Poster session SIREN [Scientific ICT Research Event Netherlands], Conference Next level, organized by ICT Research Platform Netherlands (IPN), 2 November 2010, NH Conferentiecentrum Koningshof, Veldhoven.
- Govert E. Bijwaard, Frans van Poppel & Kees Mandemakers, 'Correlation of sibling deaths in the Netherlands: Changes over time, social and regional variation', Workshop Death Clustering. Towards new explanations for infant and child mortality in the European past, 22-23 October 2010, University Umeå Sweden.
- Marijn Schraagen, 'Complete Similarity Blocking for Record Linkage using Bit Vectors', Herfstdagen van het Instituut voor Programmatuurkunde en Algoritmiek (IPA), 1 November 2010.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'Large Historical Databases with Longitudinal Micro Data: International Perspectives and New Developments', Conference Supporting Digital Humanities (first conference organized jointly by CLARIN and DARIAH), 19-20 October 2010, Vienna, Austria.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, 'De namen van alle Friezen', AlleFriezen, Historisch Centrum Friesland, 20 September 2010, Leeuwarden.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Population Onomastic Databases', Virtual Knowledge Studio, IISG, 23 September 2010, Amsterdam.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'Large Historical Databases with Longitudinal Micro Data: International Perspectives and New Developments', Centre Rouland Mousnier, Université de Paris IV, Workshop Phénomènes de Parenté et Informatique: Nouvelles Perspectives, 20 September 2010, Paris.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'International Perspectives and New Developments with Longitudinal Historical Databases', Norwegian Historical Population Register, Workshop on Data Structures, 10-11 June 2010, Tromsø.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'Parsing data from several sources in the Netherlands with LINKS', Workshop Longitudinal Analysis, Historical Sources and Generational Change, 24-25 May 2010, University of Guelph, Canada.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'Gathering student data from the perspective of existing databases (HSN and LINKS)', Symposium Digitale Databases en Universiteitsgeschiedenis, 19 May 2010, Utrecht.
- Kees Mandemakers, Peter Ekamper, Frans van Poppel & Coen van Duin, 'Heat Waves and Cold Spells and their Effect on Mortality: An Analysis of Micro-Data for the Netherlands In the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century', Session 65: Global Climate Change and Health/Mortality Consequences, Population Association of America Conference, 15-17 April 2010, Dallas, USA.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'LINKing System for Historical Family Reconstruction', Poster session Symposium HiTiME - "Capturing History & Time", 26 March 2010, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.
- Gerrit Bloothooft, 'Voornamen, familienamen en een historische basisadministratie', NVG afdeling Flevoland, 18 March 2010, Lelystad.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'Grote historische databases en computational humanities', KNAW-symposium Computational Humanities: Bridging the gap between the Humanities and the Computational Sciences, 4 June 2009, Amsterdam.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'LINKing System for Historical Family Reconstruction', Workshop Recordlink: Longitudinal Data from Historical Sources, 6-7 April 2009, University of Guelph, Canada.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'LINKing System for Historical Family Reconstruction', Kick-off meeting CATCH Plus, 20 February 2009, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'LINKS: linken van GENLIAS en andere indexen van de Nederlandse Burgerlijke Stand', Bijeenkomst Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap (WOG), Historische Demografie, 13 January 2009, Leuven.
- Kees Mandemakers, Interview about LINKS 'Pluizen in oude stambomen', published in: Experiment NL: Wetenschap in Nederland, 2. Diemen: G+J Uitgevers (2009), 38-39.
- Hilde Bras, Jan Kok & Kees Mandemakers, 'Birth Order, Family Size and Social Mobility: Evidence from the Netherlands, 1840-1920', Workshop Social Mobility and Demographic Behaviour: a Long Term Perspective, organized by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Scientific Panel on Historical Demography, 11-13 December 2008, Los Angeles (USA).
- Christel Faes, Peter Ekamper & Frans van Poppel, Paper 'Tijd en ruimte-effecten in de afstand tussen huwelijkspartners', Dag van de Historische Demografie, 4 December 2008, Gent.
- Hilde Bras, Jan Kok & Kees Mandemakers, 'Sibling Structure and Status Attainment Across Contexts: Evidence from the Dutch Past', Social Science History Conference, 23-26 October 2008, Miami (USA).
- Peter Ekamper, Frans van Poppel, Coen van Duin, Joop de Beer & Joop Garssen, '150 Years of temperature-related excess mortality in the Netherlands', Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, 29 September-3 October 2008, Amsterdam.
- Frans van Poppel & Kees Mandemakers, 'The clustering of fetal deaths: evidence from Zeeland, The Netherlands in the nineteenth century', Workshop on Fetal and Neonatal Mortality: Historical Perspectives on the Borderline between Life and Death organized by the Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, 10-11 June 2008, Madrid.
- Kees Mandemakers, 'GENLIAS, familie reconstructie en wetenschappelijk onderzoek', GENLIAS bijeenkomst 'MijnVoorouders', 1 April 2008, Utrecht.
- Hilde Bras, Frans van Poppel & Kees Mandemakers, 'Kin marriages in the Netherlands: Trends and determinants in the nineteenth century', 7th European Social Science History Conference, 26 February-1 March 2008, Lisbon.
- Peter Ekamper, Frans van Poppel, Coen van Duin & Joop de Beer, The development of temperature-related mortality in the Netherlands over the nineteenth and twentieth century', 7th European Social Science History Conference, 26 February-1 March 2008, Lisbon.
- Kees Mandemakers, Frans van Poppel & Robert Woods, 'The clustering of fetal deaths: evidence from Zeeland, The Netherlands, in the nineteenth century', 7th European Social Science History Conference, 26 February-1 March 2008, Lisbon.
- Maarten Oosten & Kees Mandemakers, 'Linking with the Dutch GENLIAS index of marriage certificates', 7th European Social Science History Conference, 26 February-1 March 2008, Lisbon.
- Kees Mandemakers & Maarten Oosten, 'GENLIAS en het linken van huwelijksakten', VISIEDAG van MijnVoorouders.nl, 29 January 2008, Goudriaan (ZH).
- Kees Mandemakers, 'Prospects and contents of Dutch databases with 19th and 20th century micro-data: HSN and GENLIAS', The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, 26 November 2007, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge.
- Kees Mandemakers & Frans van Poppel, 'Who did and who did not? Remarriage in Netherlands during the 19th and beginning of the 20th century', 32nd Annual Meeting van de Social Science History Association Conference, 15-18 November 2007, Chicago.
- Bart Van de Putte, Frans Van Poppel, Sofie Vanassche, Maria Sanchez, Svetlana Jidkova, Mieke Eeckhaut, Michel Oris & Koen Matthijs 'The Evolution of Age Homogamy in Belgium and the Netherlands in the 19th Century', 32nd Annual Meeting van de Social Science History Association Conference, 15-18 November 2007, Chicago.
- Hilde Bras, Frans van Poppel & Kees Mandemakers, 'Kin marriage in the Netherlands: trends and determinants in the nineteenth century', De Nederlandse Demografiedag 2007, 10 October 2007, Utrecht.
- Kees Mandemakers & Maarten van Oosten, 'GENLIAS en het linken van huwelijksakten', Beheerraad GENLIAS, 26 June 2007, Utrecht.
- Hilde Bras, Jan Kok & Kees Mandemakers, Paper 'Familie en sociale mobiliteit in Nederland (1850-1920): Effecten van drie generaties verwanten', Workshop Methodologische aspecten van de analyse van tijd en ruimte, Werkgemeenschap Historische Demografie, 11 June 2007, Leuven.
- Hilde Bras, Frans van Poppel & Kees Mandemakers, 'Kin marriages in the Netherlands: Trends and determinants in the nineteenth century', Conference The Transmission of Well-Being: Marriage Strategies and Inheritance Systems in Europe from the 17th-20th centuries, Gender and Well-Being: Work, Family and Public Policies programme (COST A 34) of the European Science Foundation, 25- 28 April 2007, Minho, Portugal.
- Hilde Bras, 'Kinship and social networks: A regional analysis of sibling relations in twentieth-century Netherlands', Conference of Cost Action A 35 Social networks and institutional change: pathways and limits of state intervention in rural societies, 30-31 March 2007, Münster.
- Kees Mandemakers & Maarten Oosten, 'Intergenerational linking of 5.000.00 marriage records from the Netherlands, 1812-1922', Workshop The Next Generation of Record Linkage from Systematic Sources, 5-6 March 2007, University of Guelph, Canada.
- Frans van Poppel, Roel Jennissen & Kees Mandemakers, Paper 'Social class and adult mortality: indirect estimation of time trends for the Netherlands (1820-1920)', 31th Social Science History Association Conference, 2-5 November 2006, Minneapolis, USA.
- Peter Ekamper, Frans van Poppel & Kees Mandemakers, Paper 'Widening horizons? Social class and the extension of the geographic horizon in nineteenth-century Netherlands', IUSSP Workshop 'Space and Time in Historical Demographic Research- New Methods and Models', 31 October-1 November 2006, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
- Frans van Poppel, Christiaan Monden & Kees Mandemakers, 'Intergenerational transmission of age at marriage, Netherlands 1812-1920', Seminar Inherited Dimensions of Human Populations in the Past: Exploring intergenerational dimensions of human behavior, 19-21 May 2005, Mahón, Menorca.