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Birth control

Inferior Help for Poor Women
The Dutch Neo-Malthusian League propagated contraception. Given the shortage of doctors willing to work for the NMB, the League...
Amateurs Help with Contraception
Founded in 1881, the Dutch Neo-Malthusian League (NMB) promoted contraception both at an ideological and a practical level. Its...
Neo-Malthusianism in France
A new web exhibition presents the story of contraception in France in the 19th and 20th centuries. The anarchists Paul Robin and...
Le Néo-malthusianisme en France
L'ExpositionCette exposition virtuelle sur le néo-malthusianisme français – le mouvement pour le contrôle des naissances en...
Preventing Pregnancy
The Dutch Neo-Malthusian Union was founded on 2 November 1881 as an 'Association for the intentional regulation of pregnancy'. In...
Merry Condoms
Eugène Humbert and his partner Jeanne were advocates of free love and birth control. They spread these ideas not only in writing...
Ministry of Justice Raids Abortion Clinic
By order of the Dutch minister of Justice Dries van Agt, on May 18, 1976, the police raided the abortion clinic Bloemenhove, and...
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