The Dutch Neo-Malthusian Union was founded on 2 November 1881 as an 'Association for the intentional regulation of pregnancy'. In their early years they published many brochures on how to prevent pregnancy. A brochure from 1904 describes the latest developments in prophylactics. It advised against coitus interruptus (bad for the nerves) and introducing soft sponges. Better methods were to spray the vagina after coïtus and various types of condoms, especially those made from lamb's skin.
The illustration above shows the latest and best invention, the Atokos vagina powder injection, developed by Dr. Justus. It works 'on the same principle as the soluble pessarium, in which the sperm is killed by independent chemical methods before it reaches the uterus.' The writer considers this powder injection device as the most promising method for the future.
Preventing Pregnancy
2 November 1881
bro 3692/1