This project is a pilot project to see whether the HSN data can shed light on questions raised within the context of the IISH research program on 'living strategies'. The goal of the IISH program is to find a number of 'coping repertoires' of the working class and to determine the role of labour movement organization within these repertoires.
Textile workers outside the gates of 'Kremersmaten', Enschede, May 1924. (Coll: IISH, Amsterdam)
Floris Vermeulen did the pilot project. It focussed on living strategies of textile workers in Twente around 1920. The positions of a number of active members of textile labour organizations were compared to a control group of textile workers. Data were gathered from such sources as civil registers, tax files and land registers. The analysis, which was presented at the Third European Social Science History Conference in 2000, by Floris Vermeulen and Lex Heerma van Voss, in the paper 'Back to the country. Living Strategies of Twente Textile Workers ca. 1920', showed interesting differences between the active members and the control group. HSN is now searching for funds to apply this research layout to a bigger sample.