This is a pioneer project under the supervision of dr. L.A.J.C. Lucassen. It is financed by NWO, the University of Amsterdam and the Centre for Migration History (CMG).This project consists of two partial surveys. The first survey will examine how four groups of immigrants integrate with their new environment. These immigrant groups are Germans, Italians, and migrants from Noord-Brabant and Zeeland. The other survey will take a look at how these immigrants were accepted by their new societies. Attention is focused on the labour market, immigration policy and social integration.
Italian migrants
The HSN plays a role in the first survey. Family reconstructions will be carried out for three generations of the four groups of immigrants, divided into four cohorts arriving in Rotterdam in the period 1870-1880 and 1920-1930. For the Italians additional sampling has been carried out in Amsterdam. The total number of families investigated is about 1100. The research will result in two dissertations (Margaret Chotkowski for the Italians and Gerard van der Harst for the people from Brabant and Zeeland.
The research is unique, because the sample is not taken from birth certificates, but from lists of incoming migrants and population registers. The number of researched families is about 535 for each cohort. From the year 2000 on, data sets has been released on regular intervals. In 2002 the release of the final data set took place.
In numerous lectures and publications Leo Lucassen, Margaret Chotkowski and Gerard van der Harst presented the results and the progress of the project.