The project 'European Migration to and from the Dutch East Indies' (MNI) is a post doctorate research, partly financed by NWO (file nr. 355-53-004). Research is carried out by dr. U.T. Bosma and supervised by prof. dr. J.M.W.G. Lucassen.
Aim of the project is a quantitative and qualitative reconstruction of migration between colony and metropolis. Attention is focused on Dutch migrants, but also their parents and offspring, and in particular on the character and structure of this 'scene'. Secondary literature is consulted to put these reconstructions in a broader perspective of colonial and migration history. This way, contributions to new theories considering migration history can be made.
Data-design of the MNI-project is based on the existing HSN-sample of 78,000 persons born in the period 1812-1922. Migration trajectories to the Dutch East Indies or Indonesia are reconstructed (where did they live, with whom and for how long?). All sorts of historical sources (militia registers, shipping lists) are being screened for HSN-research persons. This way, it is expected to locate approximately 800 persons from whom the life courses will be reconstructed. The HSN-database will serve as a control group. In 2002, the Personal Cards of the HSN research persons were screened for Dutch East Indian addresses. Research in the archives was only started in 2003. Here, a database was constructed containing all persons who were admitted in the Dutch East Indies during the period 1815-1880. The database was completed in 2004. In total, about 10,000 persons were found and entered into the database. At the beginning of 2005, digitalizing the registers of Indian officers and officials was started.
In 2005, the paper 'Het cultuurstelsel en zijn buitenlandse ondernemers. Java tussen oud en nieuw kolonialisme' was published by Ulbe Bosma in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis. At the conference Zeeuwen in beweging in May 2005, he gave a lecture entitled 'De migratie van Zeeuwen naar Oost-Indië'.