The attack on the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo in Paris on January 7, 2015 caused a worldwide wave of anger and protest.
The Dutch Persmuseum immediately organized an homage to Charlie Hebdo, with many original editions from the IISH collections. Because cartoons are an manifestation of political and social protest, and an appealing way to poke illiterate communities, the IISH has always been collecting them. The IISH is the right place for whoever wants to gain more in-depth knowledge on the history of the French cartoons.
Charlie Hebdo 1971-1981 and 1992 until today, Hara-Kiri Hebdo, Hara-Kiri and la Grosse Bertha are predecessors of Charlie Hebdo.
Very famous are Le Canard Enchainé, l'Endehors and l'Assiette au Beurre. But even minor magazines like Le Grelot, le Trombinoscope, le Triboulet, le Sifflet, just to mention a few, can be found at the IISH.