Chinese Posters IISH to Munich
Das Haus der Kunst in Munich has a number of Chinese posters from the IISH collection on loan for the exhibition:"Postwar: Art...
Support! Vote! Strike!
150 Dutch posters from the IISH collectionThe International Institute of Social History (IISH) has about 30,000 posters from the...
Bangladesh Posters: Rights
This is a selection of posters about rights from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by the IISH and Heritage –...
Posters from Bangladesh
Posters are important as visual chronicles of history.In Bangladesh, a country with an extremely volatile recent past, posters...
Bangladesh Posters: Public Issues
This is a selection of posters about public issues from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by the IISH and Heritage...
Bangladesh Posters: Elections
This is a selection of posters about elections from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by the IISH and Heritage –...
Bangladesh Posters: Labour Relations and Trade Unions
This is a selection of posters about labour relations and trade unions from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by...
Bangladesh Posters: Left-wing Political Organisations
This is a selection of posters about left-wing political organisations from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by...
Bangladesh Posters
Messages of Hope and OutragePosters are important as visual chronicles of history. In Bangladesh, a country with an extremely...
Posters from Mozambique
The IISH holds a fine collection of Mozambican posters from the archives of the Nederlands instituut voor Zuidelijk Afrika (Dutch...
Posters from Mozambique
On 25 June 1962 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, several indigenous Mozambican liberation movements united in the Frelimo (Frente de...
Russian Triumph during the Great War
Germany declares war on Russia on 1 August 1914. Within two weeks an extensive military confrontation between the Russians and...
Azerbaijan Apart
Stalins new Constitution in 1936 made Azerbaijan a separate soviet republic. In 1922 it had been forged together with Georgia and...
The Little Green-Red Book
The Chinese Little Red Book (1966) was published in 33 translations. In other countries people were particularly intrigued by the...
Killing a model soldier
After the death of model soldier Lei Feng, Chairman Mao called upon the nation to "learn from Lei Feng." There are many myths...
Your Country Needs You!
This recruitment poster from World War I with Lord Kitchener pointing his big finger, exclaiming "Your country needs YOU", must...
Communist Manifesto
It took Marx and Engels six weeks to write the Communist Manifesto, since, by the end of December 1847, the London...
Little Red Books
Although tens of millions of this publication were distributed in China and its contents had to be known by heart, the name of '...
IISH in Dutch Poster Project
Almost 52,000 posters have been made available in the Poster project of the Memory of the Netherlands. Seven institutions...
Posters from Bangladesh
Many posters from Bangladesh at the IISH cover issues of crucial importance to this youthful nation's history. Formerly a part of...
Your Country Needs You!
This recruitment poster from World War I with Lord Kitchener pointing his big finger inspired numerous imitations in war time...
The Chairman Smiles
The former Soviet Union, Cuba, and China: three countries where posters played an important political role and received a large...
Posters From Vietnam
In 2001 the IISH received a collection of 26 Vietnamese posters, an important addition to its current collection.Interesting to...
Russian ROSTA posters
OKNA ROSTA posters, also known as ROSTA, were designed between late 1919 and late 1921 during and immediately after the Russian...
Posters uit Vietnam
De Koude Oorlog en de strijd in Vietnam hebben een enorme hoeveelheid propaganda-posters opgeleverd. China, Sovjet-Rusland en...
'Protest!' in Amsterdam
An exhibition of Dutch protest posters as of 1965 in the Amsterdam Verzetsmuseum (until 29 March 2009) chronicles the time of...