Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

New Arrivals

Read more about the new collections acquired or arranged in the second trimester of 2012:


  • the Dutch communist Daan Goulooze set up a network of underground liaisons between communist parties in western European countries and Moscow (1933-1943) and was accused of being a double agent later.
  • Victor de Bruijn, nicknamed Jungle Pimpernel, was a government official on Dutch New-Guinea, explored terra incognita and in 1943 marched through the jungle with a group of Papuans to escape from the Japanese.
  • the German professor of political science Wolfgang Abendroth was a soldier in the Wehrmacht on the Greek island of  Lemnos, went over to the partisans and lived in both Germanies after his release from British was captivity.
15 October 2012