Provo celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2015. The Provo archives are preserved at the IISH.
App and creation
The Amsterdam Museum has created a free app that takes you along to typical Provo locations in the city, including the IISH. On 5 June Annemarie de Wildt from the Amsterdam Museum launched the English version of the iProvo-App. The free app, developed by the Amsterdam Museum, takes you along typical Provo spots in the city, one of them being the IISH. The launch took place in the IISH during the Unofficial Histories conference in which the central theme was ‘an alternative view on historiography’. A theme that might have been very appealing to the Provo movement.
Specially for the Provo-app a creation by Robert Jasper Grootveld is put on display in the IISH window until 31 August. Those who visit the IISH, can see floating in the adjacent canal, the knotted 'islands' made by the same eccentric artist.
Download de Izi travel app voor Iphone, Android or Windows Phone. Open the app and look for iProvo.
26 June: Provo-tour behind the scenes
Willing to find out more about the Provo collection at the IISH? A special 'Provo tour' is organized behind the scenes of the IISH on 26 June. The tour (in Dutch) takes you through stockrooms that are normally closed to the public and unique Provo archival material will be shown.