Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Call for Volkskrant-IISG Thesis Award 2016

For the seventh time, de Volkskrant and the International Institute of Social History are organizing the annual Volkskrant-IISH Thesis Award. Therefore we are looking for students who have written an outstanding thesis on a historical subject. Students of disciplines other than history are also cordially invited to apply for this award.
The IISH has a cash prize of € 1500 available for the winning thesis. The Volkskrant will publish an interview with the laureate.


Eligible are MA theses about a national or international historical subject that have been written between 1 August 2015 and 11 September 2016 and assessed at a Dutch university. In her assessment the jury will look at theses that have a clear innovative approach. This could be a new subject or an innovative approach to an already frequently researched topic. See for previous winners.


• The thesis must be submitted digitally as well as two hard copies
• The deadline is September 12, 2016
• The thesis must be accompanied by a brief recommendation of the teacher, either digital or as hard copy.
• The thesis may be written in Dutch or English.
• In the thesis the contact information (name, postal address, email address and telephone number) of the student and the teacher must be clearly stated

The ceremony will take place in Spui 25,  Amsterdam on 7 December 2016.


The two hard copies of the thesis can be sent to:
International Institute of Social History
Attn: Jacqueline Rutte
P.O. Box 2169
1000 CD Amsterdam

Please send the digital copy to:

For more information, please contact:
Aukje Lettinga,, 020-6685866


28 April 2016