Archives and Collections of Spanish Participants
Alcoy - collection (Levante, libertarian movement)
Documents on strikes and collectivization; circular letters concerning the CNT and other organizations; printed material
Ramon Alvarez Palomo - Archive (CNT/FAI)
Correspondence with Acracio Bartholomé, Avelino García Entrialgo, Onofré García Tirador, José Peirats and many others; documents on the regional sub-committee of the CNT in Asturia, León and Palencia in exile; the national sub-committee in exile; the internal national committee in Spain; plenaries and other meetings of the Asturian CNT.
Luis Andrés Edo (CNT) - Archive
Barbastro - collection (Aragón, libertarian movement)
Documents re the Consejo Municipal de Barbastro
José Berruezo - Archive (CNT)
Correspondence with a.o. Ginés Alonso, Ramón Álvarez, José Berruezo Romera, Jacinto Borrás, Juan Ferrer, Lola Iturbe, Ramón Liarte, Bernardo Merino, Juan Manuel Molina, Helenio Molina, Manuel Rico, and Pastor Sevilla; file on Manuel Morey Blanch; minutes of the plenary meetings of the National Committee in France 1944-1945; and of the National Sub-Committee 1945-1947; typescripts of 'Contribución a la historia de la CNT de España en el exilio'.
José Blanco - Archive (CNT)
- archive deposited in Gomez Pelaez archive, nrs 924-926: Documentos concernientes a la Federación Nacional de Navegación Marítima y Fluvial de CNT-MLE en Francia y a CNT-MLE en Francia 1945-1947.
Segundo Blanco Gonzalez - Archive (Minister of Education 1938-1939)
- archive deposited in CNT archive, nrs 29A-32C: official correspondence with various persons and organizations; personal documents
Antonio Campos Crespo - Archive (Columna Durruti)
Typescript of 'Guerra y cárcel en España: 1936-1975 memorias del comandante Antonio Campos Crespo' (published Barcelona, 1999); typescript of 'Antologia poetica de un condenado a muerte. poesia militante'
José Ester Borrás (FEDIP, CNT)
FEDIP papers on congresses and meetings, correspondence by Ester and José Doménech and others, files on various persons, documents concerning the indemnifications for Spaniards in German concentration camps; CNT in Exile papers: minutes of meetings, correspondence with various general secretaries and other correspondence, files on various persons, reports and other documents. Also included are documents concerning Ester's activities in the Comisión de Relaciones of the MLE-CNT Intercomarcal del Alto Llobregat y Cardoner, and his activities in the CICRC and OFPRA.
Manuel Buenacasa Tomeo - Archive (CNT)
Buenaventura Durruti - collection (CNT)
Documents received from Abel Paz: letters and postcards (photocopies) of Durruti addressed to his parents, sisters and brothers in the period 1926-1932; membership card of the CNT (photocopy) 1912; press clipping commemorating the nineteenth anniversary of the death of Durruti; typescript of a biography of Durruti by Abel Paz 1965.
Antonia Fontanillas Borras - Archive (CNT-FAI))
Bulletins of the 'Servicio de Informacion' in Valencia on the situation during the Spanish Civil War in the period January-October 1937.
Juan Garcia Oliver - Archive (CNT-FAI)
- archive deposited in CNT archive, nr. 75bisA
Fernando Gómez Peláez - Archive (CNT)
Documents on congresses and meetings of Spanish libertarian organizations and groups in exile, including the Secretariado Intercontinental of the CNT de España en el Exilio, the FAI, local and regional organizations and other anarchist groups; correspondence, including some with José García Pradas, Cipriano Mera and others in his capacity of editor of Solidaridad Obrera; documents on the CNT and its members both in exile and from 1977 also in Spain.
Miguel Gonzáles Inestal - Archive (FAI)
- archive deposited in CNT archive, nrs 13A-17C, 27B-28B, C9, C28, C69
Graus collection (Aragón, libertarian movement)
Files on the activities of the collectives; conferences of the municipal council of Graus and the conference of the Asamblea General of the Comité del Frente Popular 1938.
Manuel Grossi Mier - Archive (POUM)
Copy of typescript 'Notas de mi carné: Vida de un Partido, POUM'
Pedro Herrera - Archive
- archive deposited in Gómes Peláez archive, nrs 927-988 Correspondence with: Abad de Santillán, Benet Goitia, Delso de Miguel, Diezhandino, Esgleas, Antonio García Birlan (seudónimo: Dionysos), José García Pradas, José González y Adolfo Gil, Ildefonso González Gil, Enrique Marco Nadal, Pablo Partos (Polgare), José Pérez Burgos, José María Puyol, José Queralt, Facundo Roca, Juan y Solita Salgado, Demetrio Sánchez, Manuel Soto, Josep Tarradellas.
Domingo Lera Ortiz - Archive (Consejo Regional de Defensa de Aragón):
- archive deposited in CNT archive, nr 96A: general correspondence and financial records concerning the Consejo de Aragón.
Manuel Llàtser - Archive (FIJL)
Memories of the Spanish Civil War
Cipriano Mera - Archive (UGT, CNT)
Memories of the Spanish Civil War
Juan Manuel Molina Archive (CNT)
Francisco Olaya Morales - collection (CNT)
(photocopies) documents on the first Congreso Extraordinario de Colectividades of the Confederación Regional del Trabajo de Aragón, Rioja y Navarra (CNT), February 1937; José Cazorla, the Federación Nacional de las Industrias del Papel y Artes Gráficas; letters addressed to Juan Negrín received from an agent of the FAI.
José Peirats Valls - Archive (CNT in exile)
Correspondence with Diego Abad de Santillán, Ramón Alvarez, José de Amo, Federico and Pura Arcos, Francisco Botey, Noam Chomsky, José and Odette Ester, Fontaura (Vicente Galindo), Antonia Fontanillas, Ramón Fortich Camps, Juanita and Arthur Fried, Telesforo Fuentes Súarez Juan Gómez Casas, Fernando Gómez Peláez, Daniel Guérin, Jesús and Sara Guillén, Conrado Lizcano, Benito Milla Navarro, Fidel Miró, Jaime Padros, Juan Panisello, Pasamar, Julio Patán, Mariano Puente, Carlos and Judith Rama, Acracio Ruiz, Jorge Semprún, José Torremocha and many others; correspondence with CNT sections 1949, 1963-1989; correspondence with editors 1964-1989; typescripts of his memoirs 'Mi paso por la vida' and 'Recuerdos de un militante libertario' 1976-1988;
Melchor Rodriguez Garcia - Archive (director of prisons; CNT)
- archive deposited in Gomez Pelaez archive, nrs 989-994: Correspondence, manuscripts y and other documents re his sentence and defense. Poems and songs, dedicated to various persons including Melchor Rodríguez