Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Spanish Civil War - Collections of Related Interest


Acción Comunista Archive
E; Documents [1966]-1974 relating to the Frente de Liberación Popular (FLP), and Federación exterior of the FLP, Agencia de Prensa España Libre (APEL) 1960-1965, Movimiento Español 1959 (ME `59) 1960-1963, Euzkadiko Sozialisten Batasuna (ESBA), Força Socialista Federal (FSF), Frente Revolucionario Antifascista y Patriota (FRAP), Partido Comunista de España (PCE) 1962-1970, Ediciones del Proletaria de Español (EPE) and Partido Comunista de España Internacional (PCE-Internacional) 1968-1970, Comunas Revolucionarias de Acción Socialista and Unios Hermanos Proletarios (UHP) 1971-1973, Partido Comunista de España (Marxista-Leninista) (PCE (M-L), Comisiones Obreras

Amnesty International, International Secretariat Archive
INT; Country research files, closed case files 1961-1995

Association de Prisonniers Politiques du Franquisme en France Archive
E; Founded 1990 as follow-up on new laws adopted by the Cortes, which made it possible to claim compensations for the political prisoners during the years of the Franco-regime; documents 1990-1995

Comissiones Obreras CCOO
E; Documents collected by Bernard Pöter for his dissertation 'Selbstgesteuerte politische Arbeiterbildungsprozesse an spanischen Beispielen. Zur Entwicklung der Comisiones Obreras in der Provinz Barcelona' 1983, consisting of documents relating to the CCOO 1964-1976; documents on the workers' agitation for democracy 1969-1976; documents on various plants 1967-1977; documents on mainly communist political groups 1970-1973; texts of interviews 1978-1979.

Comité Vrij Spanje Archive
NL; Founded 1975 by former militants, solidarity committee; documents files 1975-1994

Commissie Huisvesting Spaansche Kinderen Archive
NL; Non-political aid aiming to temporarily house Spanish children in France; documents 1936-1938

International Workingmen's Association/Association Internationale des Travailleurs
- in Rudolf Rocker archive;
- in Albert de Jong archive

Labour and Socialist International Archive
INT; File on the international conference on Spain held in London, 1937

José Martinez Guerricabeitia Archive / Ruedo Ibérico
E; Founded 1960, published books forbidden in Spain, including historical and contemporary studies on the political and social situation in Spain as well as poems, and the review Cuadernos de Ruedo Ibérico; these publications circulated clandestinely in Spain in the 1960s and 1970s and were very influential among students and intellectuals and in circles of the opposition; published works by Gerald Brenan, Hugh Thomas, Yesus Infante, Blas de Otero and Juan García Oliver and many others.

Novela Ideal and Novela Libre web presentation, library collection
Lists of the IISH's holdings (569 titles) of these two fiction series published by La Revista Blanca; many titles by Federica Montseny

Solidariteitskomitee Salvador Puig Antich Archive
NL; Solidarity Committee for the anarchist Salvador Puig Antich who was executed 1974; documents 1973-1974

"Spanish Resistance" collection
INT; Documentation on the Spanish Civil War and the Spanish resistance: three letters from Pío Baroja addressed to Conchita Martí 1936; documents and printed material on the political situation in Spain during and after the war; on the military; on Spanish refugees in France; on political parties; on syndicalism and collectivization; on the Junta de Compras of the Ministry of War; on fascism and the Falange; on the Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT), the Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI) and the Solidaridad Internacional Antifascista (SIA); on Catalonia and the ETA; on the students' movement in Spain etc. Documentation concerning Holland and the Spanish Civil War collected by W. Moolhuysen.

West-Europese Conferentie voor Amnestie in Spanje Archive
NL; Dutch secretariat of an international solidarity committee, founded 1961, aid to political prisoners in Spain; documents 1961-1979


Diego Abad de Santillán (E; FAI) Archive
Editor of Tierra y Libertad and Tiempos Nuevos 1935-1936; secretary of the FAI in 1935; after July 19, 1936 he organized as a member of the Comité de Milicias Antifascistas the militias in Catalonia; Minister of Economy of CataloniaPeriod 1940-1982; correspondence with Nicolás Bernal, Fidel Miró, Juan Molina, Helmut Rüdiger and others and with organizations (CNT, FORA, IWMA etc.); manuscripts, documents and printed material on the Spanish exile movement

Victor Alba (E; POUM) Archive
Photocopies of some letters received from Joaquín Maurín, (secretary of the Bloque Obrero y Campesino and the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista in the 1930s), with notes and corrections relating to Alba's book `El Marxisme a Catalunya, 1919-1939' Barcelona 1974 and to a biography of Andres Nin.

Stuart Christie (GB; anarchist) Microfilmed archive
1964 arrested by the Spanish police and sentenced to twenty years for planning an attack on Franco; file on his trial and imprisonment

Joaquina Dorado Pita (E; anarchist) Archive
Participated in reconstructing the anarchist organiszations in France, together with Liberto Sarrau; conducted anti-francoist agitation in Spain; caught and imprisoned;
- archive deposited in Liberto Sarrau archive: correspondence 1958-2001

José Martínez Guerricabeitia (E; libertarian) Archive
Records of the exile publishing house Ruedo Ibérico; Correspondence with authors, friends and sympathizers, published and unpublished manuscripts 1932-1985; clandestine periodicals, handwritten in prison 1940-1950; documents relating to the Acción Comunista 1968-1976, CNT 1956-1963, 1977-1985, CNT-AIT 1931-1983, Frente de Liberación Popular 1962-1969, Frente Revolucionario Antifascista y Patriota 1968-1979, Liga Comunista Revolucionaria 1971-1979, 1981, Partido Comunista de España 1962-1981, Partido Comunista de España (Marxista-Leninista) 1962-1984, Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista 1939, 1946-1977, Partido Socialista Obrero Español 1949-1977, 1979-1983, Partit Socialista Unificat Catalunya 1965-1980, 1983, 1985 and many other groups; files on the Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) 1964-1979, 1985-1986, the position of workers, students movement and torture and repression under the Franco regime 1960-1976.

Liberto Sarrau Royes (E; CNT in Exile) Archive
Correspondence (indexed), manuscripts and articles; documents concerning the Movimento Popular de Resistencia (MPR); theatre and film projects 1970, Asociacion Cultural y Ecologica 'Natura'(ACEN) and Mon-Nou libertarian summer camp 1989-1995, CNT and FAI; copies of 'Obra Mercedaria', magazine for (political) prisoners 1947-1952, of 'Boletin de Informacion' of the MPR, of Bulletin d'information of CARE (Comité d'Aide de la Resistance Espagnol). Papers of Joaquina Dorado Pita: correspondence 1958-2001

Antonio Tellez Sola (E; anarchist) Archive
writer of biographies of anarchists against the Franco regime; Correspondence, typescripts of articles, documentation and many files on persons, organizations and events in France and Spain 1944-2004.

Hanneke Willemse (NL; research) Collection
Collection of interviews and research material on the libertarian Aragonese village Albalate de Cinca 1928-1938 gathered by Hanneke Willemse for her PhD thesis