Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Migration - Worldwide


Génération 2001 (Paris) Archives
Period 1986-1987
Founded 1986 by young North African immigrants of islamic, christian and jewish origin; actively opposing discrimination and racism.

Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration Collection
Period 1952-1955

Migrante Europe Collection
Period: 1990-2000
Part of Migrante International, the international alliance of Filipino migrant organizations; Migrante was founded in the Philippines in 1992 covering Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.

United for Intercultural Action Archives
Period (1986-)1992-2004
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees; founded in 1992.

Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Documentation
Period 1990-1993
International organization created in 1991 by nations and peoples around the world who are not represented as such in the world's principal international organizations like the UN.


Afghan Migrant Labourers in Iran Photo collection


Ahmed Abdalla Collection
Period (1946) 1978-1983 (-1990)
Student leader and publicist; active in the Federation of Egyptian Students in Great Britain (FESBG) and member of the Friends of the Tagammuc Party in Great Britain.

Egyptian Communists in Exile (Rome Group) Archives
Period 1945-1979 (-2000)
In 1947 communists of the EMNL (Egyptian Movement for National Liberation) led by Henri Curiel merged with the Iskra Group and the New Dawn Group into the Haditu or DMNL (Democratic Movement for National Liberation); in 1948 many of its leaders were arrested and exiled; in Paris a number of them constituted in 1951 the 'Rome Group'.


Deutscher Sozialdemokratischer Leseclub, Paris Archives
Period 1903-1914
The Leseklub aimed to increase the class consciousness of the German speaking workers in Paris, to further the understanding of French life and to offer entertainment.

Dirk Hoerder Papers
Period 1848-1929
A collection of research material used for his studies on organized German migrant labor in the USA in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


'In search of silenced voices', a collection of interviews with exiled Indionesians


Confederation of Iranian Students (National Union) Collection
Period 1967-1983
Confederation with its large branches in the United States and in Europe; presented itself as the most active and wide opposition organization outside Iran. After the Islamic revolution of 1979 the members of the Confederation returned home and no new students were sent abroad.

Political organizations and students associations of Iranians in Europe and the United States Collection
Period 1960-1990
After the 1953 coup, a number of Iranian political and students' activists and writers emigrated to various European countries and the US; various groups abroad played a major role in the events culminating in the Islamic Revolution of 1979.


Association pour la Conservation des Valeurs Culturelles Russes, Paris Archives
Period 1864-1957
Established in Paris in 1946, collected papers, publications, paintings etc., reflecting the activities of Russians, mainly scholars and artists, who had emigrated to Europe, notably France, and to the United States.

Duchobory Archives
Period 1898-1899
The Duchobory, a peasant sect of Christian communists in Russia, were persecuted in the 1890s by the government for their conscientious objection to military service; in 1898 and 1899 some 7,000 Duchobory landed in Canada.

Liga Schweizerischer Hilfsvereine Archives
Period 1913-1919
Federation of Swiss organizations tried to promote the economic and social position of the Russian emigré's in Switzerland.


Muharrem Karaman Papers
Period: 1975-1998
Miner in Charleroi, Belgium; secretary of the Turkish workers branch of the Belgian Trades Union federation.