In connection with World Press Freedom Day, the IISH wishes to call attention to Jacob Andries Brandsteder's (1887-1986) forced departure from the Dutch East Indies in 1919. He had to leave the archipelago because of his provocative writings in the Soldaten- en Matrozenkrant [Soldiers and Sailors' Paper].
Click here for background information on:
- the press in the Dutch East Indies
- Jacob Brandsteder and the political situation in the Indies
- his article 'Menschenvernietiging in vredestijd' [Destruction of people in peacetime] in Het Vrije Woord [Free Speech]
- the brochure Indië een hel [The Indies, a hell], in which Brandsteder strongly protests his banishment
- a list of literature and sources
This contribution was made by Huub Sanders on the occasion of 3 May World Press Freedom Day. Read all contributions on World Press Freedom Day.