Etnische groeperingen
Levantamiento Indígena
In de eerste week van juni 1990 kwamen tienduizenden Indiaanse boeren in Ecuador in actie. Ze leverden de opbrengst van hun land...
Afro-Indiaan Abraham
Omdat door slaven gerunde plantages in Florida vlakbij de door Indianen bewoonde gebieden lagen, was er geregeld contact tussen...
Armeense massamoord 1896
Op 26 augustus 1896 bezette een kleine Armeense sociaaldemocratische organisatie, de Armeense Revolutionaire Federatie, het...
Winkelpersoneel in Istanboel
Westerse warenhuizen speelden een belangrijke rol in de detailhandel in Istanboel aan het begin van de twintigste eeuw. Ze...
Zigeuners verliezen pleitbezorger
Met de dood van de juriste Lau Mazirel op 20 november 1974 verloor de kleine zigeunerpopulatie in Nederland haar voornaamste...
Indianen verwerpen milieuwetgeving
Het Vierde Russell Tribunaal boog zich van 24 tot 30 november 1980 in Rotterdam over de rechten van Indianen. Naast algemene...
Koning van Koerdistan
Op 9 oktober 1956 sterft sjeik Mehmud Berzenci (Mahmud Barzinci), de 'koning van Koerdistan'. Hij had zichzelf die titel gegeven...
De Bund opgericht in een stal
Dertien vertegenwoordigers van plaatselijke Joodse socialistische groeperingen hadden een geheime afspraak in de stal van een...
"Er zijn geen Joden in Marokko"
De inval van de Duitsers in Frankrijk in 1940 had ook gevolgen voor de Franse kolonies. Marokko was sinds 1912 Franse...
Etnische zuivering Ierland
Katholieke Ieren waren onder het bewind van Oliver Cromwell slachtoffer van etnische zuiveringen. Nadat Cromwell in 1649 een al...
Black Panthers
Op 25 april 1967 verscheen voor het eerst The Black Panther, officieel orgaan van de Amerikaanse Black Panther Party. Panters...
Nationale Karen dag
In Birma/Myanmar wonen ongeveer 6 miljoen Karen. Tijdens the Britse overheersing slaagden ze er niet in een vrije onafhankelijke...
Beludji bevorderen
Beludjistan is een provincie van Pakistan, maar Beludji-sprekers zijn te vinden in Afghanistan, Iran, de Arabische Emiraten,...
Martelaren van de Moedertaal
Bangladesh stond van 1947 tot 1971 onder Pakistaans bestuur. Daarbij hoorde de verplichting het Urdu als officiële taal te...
Yiddish Letters
Yiddish letters can be found in several archives which were acquired by the IISH in the course of time. Some of these are from...
Zigeunerleven in Nederlandse kinderboeken van 1825 tot 1990
Het zigeunerleven spreekt sterk tot de verbeelding. De zigeuner staat te boek als werkschuw en onbetrouwbaar. Hij bedelt, stroopt...
Chinezen van Amsterdam
De Chinezen die vanaf circa 1900 Nederland binnenkwamen waren vrijwel allemaal zeelieden en meer in het bijzonder stokers....
Dertsiyung funm kleynkind
This booklet gives advice on how to educate little children in a healthy manner.
Vegvayzer far emigrantn
This guide contains useful advices and addresses for emigrants to the USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brasil, South-Africa,...
O.R.T. : Gezelshaft tsu farshpreyten handverkeray un landvirtshaft tsvishn iden in rusland
During the Interbellum, the ORT established vocational schools in Poland and the Baltic States and in a few cities of the Soviet-...
Emigrant Aid Societies ORT and OSE
Click to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if availableORT : Organization for Rehabilitation...
Socialist-revolutionary and anarchist propaganda
Click to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if available Kamf un kemfer B. Feigenbaum, Vi kumt...
P. Kropotkin, Gesets un oytoritet
One of the many examples of 'classic' anarchist texts translated into Yiddish.
Kamf un kemfer
The Russian Social Revolutionary Party in exile in Londen also tried to gain members among the Jewish workers of the immigrant...
A. Berkman, Der Kronshtater oyfshtand
A protest against the repression of the revolt of the Russian sailors by the Bolshevik authorities in Leningrad in 1921. From...
B. Feigenbaum, Vi kumt a yid tsu sotsyalismus?
Benjamin Feigenbaum (1860-1932) was a true master of anti-religious satire. He used the religious knowledge he received from his...
Di Geheymnise fun Rusishen kayzerlikhen hof
Report of the Imperial Court of Russia. The story of the attempt on Tsar Aleander II life in 1882.
Makhzor im tefiloh zokhoh leyomim hanoyrim ulekhol yemoys hashonoh
Anti-religious propaganda in the form of a prayer-book. Two pages from the book and an advertisement on the back for a would be...
Hagode shel pesakh: The Hagada
The Yiddish revolutionary propagandists tried to give Jewish tradition and the traditional Jewish festivals a new and socialist...
Revolutionary Song Di Shvue
This song is not to be confused with the Bund anthem Di Shvue.
Yoysef Bovshover's Poeziyen
Yoysef Bovhover (1873-1915) who had just arrived in the United States from Riga when Dovid Edelshtat died, wrote an elegy on...
Dovid Edelshtat, revolutionary Yiddish poet
After his emigration to the United States Dovid Edelshtat (1866-1892) started writing Yiddish poems of protest and wrath and...
Bundist election poster 1
Bundist election poster
Bundist election poster 4
Bundist election poster
Bundist election poster 2
Bundist election poster
Yiddish Revolutionary Propaganda
Poetry, Literature and Anti-Religious PublicationsClick to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if...
Bundist election poster 3
Bundist election poster
The Bund and Elections in Interbellum Poland
Click to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if availableBundist election placards being posted ...
Bundist election placards being posted
Bundist election placards being posted.
Bundist Postcard
This postcard is a good example of the bi-linguality of the Bund in Poland and the Baltic States during the Interbellum. This...
Poster announcing Bund meeting
Poster announcing Bund Youth-meeting.
Call for financial support
Call for financial support for Yiddish secular education.
Graphic design for the Bund
Graphic design for the May 1st festivities of the Bund in Poland.
Political exiles
A group of political exiles, amongst them nine Bundists, in exile in Yakutsk, Siberia.
Picture stamps for the Medem Club
In interbellum Poland the Bund not only operated as political party but was also very active in the socio-cultural field. The...
Di geshikhte fun der idisher arbeyter bevegung in rusland un poylen
First page of the brochure and list of publictions. At the end of most pamphlets the Bund and the Jewish anarchists published a...
The Bund in pictures
Click to see enlarged picture and description
Exhibitions of Highlights of the Yiddish Collection
Five exhibitions of posters, photos and other documents 1. The Bund in pictures2. The Bund and Elections in Interbellum Poland3....
Papoealeider Viktor Kaisiëpo Msn
In de afgelopen tijd is een drietal collecties betreffende de geschiedenis van Papoea door het IISG verworven. Op de eerste...
Workshop on Armenian Turkish Scholarship
For the last fifteen years the Workshop on Armenian Turkish Scholarship (WATS) has been the main forum where Turkish, Armenian...
Ethnic Tensions and Violence
Following the Amsterdam conference by Armenian and Turkish scholars (WATS), the NIOD institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide...
Yiddish Collection Guide
The IISH has a unique and manifold collection of Yiddish material consisting of books, brochures, periodicals and pamphlets of...
Scriptieprijs voor Matthias van Rossum
De J.R. Bruijn-prijs voor de beste scriptie over een maritiem-historisch onderwerp, is dit jaar gewonnen door Matthias van Rossum...
Central European Crossroads
During the four decades of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia a vast literature on working-class movements has been produced...
Class and Other Identities
In recent years, much debate has taken place on the future and function of labour history. Among the issues debated was the...