Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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After the defeat of the legendary Paris Commune (in May, 1871), a few thousand insurgents were deported to the other end of the world as punishment. New Caledonia, an archipelago in the Pacific,... [Image gallery]
The inventory of the archives of the Polisario Komitee was recently completed. This archive, transferred to the IISH in 2014, is now organized and accessible for research.The Polisario Komitee was... [Collection highlight]
Police officers were the face of the colonial state in much of the Maghreb. They were vulnerable to their domestic opponents, who singled them out during workers protests and outbreaks of political... [Item of the Day]
After the proclamation of the Arbeitseinsatz (Relève, Labour Service) in June 1942, several thousand Algerians registered with the German Consulate in Algiers for work programs in the German Reich.... [Item of the Day]
On this day, Si Saadi ben Allel from Kabylia, Algeria, arrived in New Caledonia with 32 compatriots. They were deported with the French transport vessel Loire as a punishment for a rebellion against... [Item of the Day]