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In den ereignisreichen Nachkriegsjahren entstand in West- und Osteuropa eine gemeinsame sozialistische Bewegung, die einer drohenden Blockbildung entgegenzuwirken versuchte und einen europäischen "...
When discussing wages, historians have traditionally concentrated on the level of wages, much less on how people were paid for their work. Important aspects were thus ignored such as how frequently...
In recent years, much debate has taken place on the future and function of labour history. Among the issues debated was the position of class, and other identities of working class people, such as...
European trade unions are among the most influential and powerful institutions within Western economies, in many cases cooperating with the government and employers' associations in socio-economic...
The basic hypothesis of this volume is that currency patterns may tell us something about the spread of wage payments in specific societies in history. As far as wages are paid in currency, in...
In the late nineteenth century in a number of continental European countries Christian associations of workers arose: Christian trade unions, workers' cooperatives, political leagues, workers' youth...
The Treaty of Versailles (1919) required the defeated Germans to pay financial compensation. When Germany defaulted on its huge war reparations, France and Belgium invaded the Ruhr in 1923.The...
[Item of the Day]