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Repression, Deportation and Forced Migration in the Caucasus 1920-1950

25 May 2003 to 26 May 2003
Tehran, Iran

The conference was convened jointly by the Center for Documents and Research Services of the Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Institute of Social History. 


First Session - Chairman: Mr. Shojaee (Iran)
- Prof. Eldar Ismayilof (Azerbaijan), Anti Iranian Motives in the Internal Policy of USSR in the Post-World War II
- Dr. Alireza Bikdeli (Iran), Iranians' Immigration into the Caucasus in Late 19th Century
- Dr. Armenak Manukyan (Armenia), The Repressions Among the Rural Population of Armenia in 1930s

Second Session - Chairman: Prof. Touraj Atabaki (The Netherlands)
- Dr. Jamil Hasanali (Azerbaijan), Pan-Turkist and Pan- Islamist Charges in the Repression Campaign of 1930s
- Dr. Amatun Virabyan (Armenia), Forced Migration of Armenians to Altay (Siberia 1949)
- Dr. Mohammad Jafari (Azerbaijan), Gender Aspects the Stalin's Suppression in the Caucasus
- Mr. Reza Azari (Iran), Question of Dashnak Immigrants in Iran and its Impact on Iran-Soviet Relations
- Mr. Ramiz Mirzayov (Azerbaijan), Life Went on: Everyday Life in Azerbaijan of 1930s According to Visual Documents

Third Session - Chairman: Dr. Nazarahari
- Prof. Touraj Atabaki (The Netherlands), The Early Migration of Iranian Subaltern to the Caucasus
- Dr. Solmaz Rustamova-Tohidi (Azerbaijan), Iranian Community in Azerbaijan 1920-1940
- Dr. Rahim Raeesnia (Iran), Iranian School of Ettehad in Baku and its Impact on the Formation of Iranian Political Tendencies
- Mr. Muhammad Husain Khosropanah (Iran), Life and Condition of the Iranians in the Caucasus

Fourth Session - Chairman: Prof. Shabani (Iran)
- Dr. Ruben Asatryan (Armenia), The Repression Among the Intellectuals of Armenia in 1930s: The 'Case' of Academician Hrachia Acharian According to the NKVD Archive
- Dr. Husain Ahmadi (Iran), The Efforts of Immigrant: Iranian Asylum Situation at a Glance After Azerbaijan Rebellion
- Mr. Kaveh Bayat (Iran), Conclusion