The conference was convened jointly by the Center for Documents and Research Services of the Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Institute of Social History.
First Session - Chairman: Mr. Shojaee (Iran)
- Prof. Eldar Ismayilof (Azerbaijan), Anti Iranian Motives in the Internal Policy of USSR in the Post-World War II
- Dr. Alireza Bikdeli (Iran), Iranians' Immigration into the Caucasus in Late 19th Century
- Dr. Armenak Manukyan (Armenia), The Repressions Among the Rural Population of Armenia in 1930s
Second Session - Chairman: Prof. Touraj Atabaki (The Netherlands)
- Dr. Jamil Hasanali (Azerbaijan), Pan-Turkist and Pan- Islamist Charges in the Repression Campaign of 1930s
- Dr. Amatun Virabyan (Armenia), Forced Migration of Armenians to Altay (Siberia 1949)
- Dr. Mohammad Jafari (Azerbaijan), Gender Aspects the Stalin's Suppression in the Caucasus
- Mr. Reza Azari (Iran), Question of Dashnak Immigrants in Iran and its Impact on Iran-Soviet Relations
- Mr. Ramiz Mirzayov (Azerbaijan), Life Went on: Everyday Life in Azerbaijan of 1930s According to Visual Documents
Third Session - Chairman: Dr. Nazarahari
- Prof. Touraj Atabaki (The Netherlands), The Early Migration of Iranian Subaltern to the Caucasus
- Dr. Solmaz Rustamova-Tohidi (Azerbaijan), Iranian Community in Azerbaijan 1920-1940
- Dr. Rahim Raeesnia (Iran), Iranian School of Ettehad in Baku and its Impact on the Formation of Iranian Political Tendencies
- Mr. Muhammad Husain Khosropanah (Iran), Life and Condition of the Iranians in the Caucasus
Fourth Session - Chairman: Prof. Shabani (Iran)
- Dr. Ruben Asatryan (Armenia), The Repression Among the Intellectuals of Armenia in 1930s: The 'Case' of Academician Hrachia Acharian According to the NKVD Archive
- Dr. Husain Ahmadi (Iran), The Efforts of Immigrant: Iranian Asylum Situation at a Glance After Azerbaijan Rebellion
- Mr. Kaveh Bayat (Iran), Conclusion