De geschiedenis van gedwongen arbeid in Nederlands-Indië
Een lespakketOp deze pagina vind je lesmateriaal over gedwongen arbeid in Nederlands-Indië, ná de afschaffing van slavernij. Het...
Recent scholarship indicates the importance and widespread character of slave trade and slavery in the Indian Ocean and maritime...
Resilient Diversity: the Governance of Racial and Religious Plurality in the Dutch Empire, 1600-1800
How did Dutch colonial institutions govern diversity in North America, the Caribbean, Western Africa and Asia? How can we explain...
CFP/workshop on Slave Trade in Asia
Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Archipelago Worlds (16th to 19th Century) New Research, Results and...
Spui25: Aziatische Slavernij in Beeld
17.00-18.30 uur.Het Nederlandse slavernijverleden in Azië is nog altijd vrij onbekend. Dat komt niet alleen doordat historici...
Collection Highlights South Asia
Recent Collection highlights from South Asia include:Scanned proceedings of the Textile Labour Association (TLA), Ahmedabad (...
6th Southeast Asia Update
The 6th Southeast Asia Update is organized by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast...
Bondage. Labor and Rights in Eurasia
For the first time, this book provides the global history of labor in Central Eurasia, Russia, Europe, and the Indian Ocean...
Plants, People and Work
The project Plants, People and Work: The Social History of Cash Crops in Asia, 18th to 20th Centuries started in 2007with a 500,...
Labour, Coercion, and Economic Growth in Eurasia
The history of the forms of “free” labour is intimately linked to that of coerced labour. In this book, worldwide acknowledged...
Mercantile Networks in the Asian Maritime World since 1750
Conference hosted by the International Institute of Social History(IISH), the Netherlands Economic Historical Archive (NEHA) and...
NEHA studiemiddag
De Universiteit Utrecht, het N.W. Posthumus Instituut en het Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief (NEHA) hebben het...
The South-South Exchange Proramme for Research on the History o|f Development (SEPHIS) is an independent research programme under...
South East Asia Desk
Collecting on Asia started in earnest from 1987 onwards. From 2011 onwards the South East Asia Region desk was created. The Desk...
The Economic Position of Women in Asia
Contents1. Introduction2. Female Labour Participation2.1 Female Participation Rates2.2 Determinants of Female Labour Force...
Asian Labour
Asian Labour: A Debate on Culture, Consciousness and Representations(Papers based on the Manila workshop, 23-25 October 1997)...
Changing Labour Relations in Asia
Asian economies and societies have attracted close attention from policy makers, international development institutions and...
Labour in Southeast Asia
In the first volume of the new book series Changing Labour Relations in Southeast Asia, that the IISH publishes with...
Labour Migration in Asia
Labour Migration in Asia(Papers based on the Manila workshop, 23-25 October 1997)Jan Breman - Suggestions for a Research...
Illegal but Licit
Transnational Flows and Permissive Polities in Asia.Willem van Schendel (Asia Department, IISH & University of Amsterdam) has...
Maoist Insurgencies in Asia and Latin America
The aim of the workshop is to compare Maoist insurgencies in various Asian and Latin American countries by addressing...
Sugarlandia - Re-Thinking Sugar Colony in the Asia-Pacific Region in a Global Context
Program and ParticipantsRoger Knight: Sugarlandia. Re-Thinking the Sugar Colony in the Asia-Pacific Region, 1850-1940 (Workshop's...
Indentured Plantation Labour
BackgroundFour Australian historians (Rob Castle, Jim Hagan, Roger Knight and Andrew Wells) have been working over many years on...
Repression, Deportation and Forced Migration in the Caucasus 1920-1950
The conference was convened jointly by the Center for Documents and Research Services of the Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs and...
Labour in Asia
Aims of the SeminarLabour studies in Asia are either general in nature with an emphasis on quantitative anlysis, or have a strong...
Working for the World
Over the last five centuries, the world has come to know Europeans as voracious consumers of colonial products. Right from the...
Changing LAbour Relations in Asia (CLARA)
The International Research Programme on Changing Labour Relations in Asia (1998-2003) aimed to build a comparative and historical...
Sugarlandia Revisited
Sugar was the single most valuable bulk commodity traded internationally before oil became the world’s prime resource. From the...
Wages and Currency
The basic hypothesis of this volume is that currency patterns may tell us something about the spread of wage payments in specific...