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Lecture: "Labour relations of domestic workers in the Middle East" by Antoinette de VliegerStarting time: 15:00
Conference 'Migrations and societies in Africa and the Middle East: a long term perspective', the 4th Global Migration History Conference.Aim of the conferenceThe conference seeks to map and...
For the Second Sadighi Annual Lecture, Prof. Asef Bayat (University Of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) presents his paper Revolutions Gone Viral: From Iran's Green Wave To Arab Revolts.The Dr Sadighi...
The conference was convened jointly by the Center for Documents and Research Services of the Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Institute of Social History. Programme:First...
The newly awakened interest in the lives of craftspeople in Turkey is highlighted in this collection, which uses archival documents to follow Ottoman artisans from the late 15th century to the...