Number: c. 3000
Format: 8mm, 16mm, 35mm
Access: Films are only accessible through lists (see PDFs below)
Consultation: Not available for loan. Films can not be consulted.
Reproductions: Digital reproductions can be ordered. Go to rates.
Some important film collections. For lists, see PDFs attached
- Amnesty International films
- Trade unions films from collection ICFTU
- TIP films
- Cineclub Vrijheidsfilms
- Greenpeace International films (no list)
- Various films:
- Business films NEHA
- CSD films (a.o. Maagdenhuisfilm)
- Caravan of Peace films from collection Dora Russell
- Zonnestraal films
- Interviews with old socialists on the socialist movement in the period 1910-1920 and the influence of the Russian Revolution, for the film Echo van de Revolutie (NTS, 1967)
- Kees Boeke films
- Suriname-comité films
- Comité Herdenking Februaristaking films
- NRMW films
- VVDM films
- NVSH films
- Interviews with Sal Santen, Michael Raptis and others for the film Sal Santen rebel (1982)
- J. Schaaf films
- Various Dutch trade union films
- Various