Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Educational Publishers in 19th Century Russia
Posrednik and Svobodnoe SlovoThose who were not, like the Narodniki, directly concerned with spurring the Russian people to...
De man die alles wist. Leven en werk van Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680)
Beroemd en gevierd tijdens zijn leven, vergeten na zijn dood - de naam Athanasius Kircher zegt tegenwoordig maar weinig mensen...
Vrouwen beste rekenaars
Vrouwen in de Lage Landen stonden vanaf de Late Middeleeuwen tot ongeveer 1800 aan de wereldtop qua rekenvaardigheid. De...
Learning on the Shop Floor
Apprenticeship or vocational training is a subject of lively debate. Economic historians tend to see apprenticeship as a purely...
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